Leika people are a group of more belligerent people. Most of them live by fighting, or become mercenaries of other races, or rob other starships. Due to their evil deeds, the scenic spots of Leika people in the universe are very bad, and few people are willing to contact them.

How did these madmen come to earth? Moreover, no one found out and hid in a diamond mine. Is it possible that the sudden increase in diamond production is related to these Leika people? Ye Feng thought it was possible. He vaguely remembered that dick told them that the Leika race had strong mobility. Once a planet was targeted by them, the planet would be in trouble. You can't communicate with this kind of one minded race, so generally, the consensus is that once you find that a Naga spacecraft approaches the parent star, fire immediately without warning. This shows how much other alien races dislike the Reka. This is bad. Ye Feng secretly complains in his heart that it is almost impossible for him to leave safely with so many Reka people in this diamond mine.

He knows very well that every person of the Leika nationality is a gifted soldier from birth. The toys they play with from childhood are the kind of killing weapons, and their way of selection or initiation ceremony is also very simple. Put 100 Leika youth in the same duel field, and only the last person who survives can be awarded the title of adult Leika. In other words, every Reka warrior is one in a hundred. Before they participate in this adult ceremony, they may have passed many checkpoints, which means that they killed more people than 100 people forever.

These lunatics kill people just like a regular meal. Maybe they can not drink water one day, but if they don't kill people one day, these lunatics will never stand it. Damn it, why are these people here? Ye Feng is too scared to move now. He knows the hearing and smell of the Leika people. He has almost nowhere to hide. Ye Feng bit the tip of her tongue. The scarlet blood calmed her down gradually. He realized that the time left for himself might be really short. He must take action and can't waste this precious time.

Ye Feng immediately turned and ran to the direction of few people. Most people rushed to the place where the riots occurred. He avoided the crowd and walked in the direction of them. Most of the buildings that look like apartment buildings have lights on. At the moment, the lights in the diamond mine are as bright as during the day. Moreover, the broadcast was mixed with some languages Ye Feng didn't understand. He bet that this must be the language of the Leika nationality, that is to say, it's no secret that the Leika nationality exists in this factory. Maybe others don't know the real identity of this group of people and may think they are just a variant human, But they would never have thought that these things were a group of bloodthirsty aliens. It seems that the abnormal increase in the output of diamond mines is definitely related to this group of Reka people. And those who want to buy the company are likely to know the secrets of the Leika family, or even them. Otherwise, the Leika family will never let people infringe their rights and interests. Those people will certainly be hit by the Leika family before the acquisition.

Since the acquisition is going on smoothly, it shows that the Reka family must be involved.

How did these alien races start business? Ye Feng is puzzled, but now is not the time to consider these situations. He must find a safe place. It is best to catch a Leika man. If he is alone, Ye Feng still has the confidence to deal with him. Perhaps some secret answers can be asked from the mouth of these madmen.

When he thought of it, Ye Feng walked quickly to the mobile building. As he thought, the building was like an apartment building, with compartments behind closed doors. The whole building was empty and there seemed to be no one there. Ye Feng walked up from the first floor and looked at it layer by layer. On the top floor, he met a small human in the corridor and was walking down slowly in his clothes.

Ye Feng decided it was him. He went up to the man and greeted him. "Hey, man. What's the matter? What's the matter?"

"I don't know. It seems that there are intruders. Everyone ran to see it. I'm so bored. I just want to sleep now."

"Then go to bed."

"No. you also know that the factory has rules. In case of an accident, everyone must go to the scene and roll call according to different departments to see if there are casualties."

"I see." Ye Feng nodded. "I forgot this. By the way, man, what's your name?"

"My name is -" before the man finished, Ye Feng directly punched him on the bridge of the nose. He fell to the ground. Ye Feng took out a key from his pocket with the number of the door number written on it. He found the door of the room, opened the door with the key and went in. Of course, he didn't leave the man in the corridor, but carried him into the room. In the next time, he will have a deep discussion with this man.

The clothes the man was wearing proved that he was a low-level manager of the diamond mine. Maybe he knew some inside information.

At the same time, the arrested man who claimed to be John - in fact, his name was Hancock - had been imprisoned in a small room with only an orange chandelier. Sitting in front of him were two cold men with big arms and round waist. Hancock was too frightened to say anything. He stared at the carpet. Thinking about how to get out of this situation.

"Why did you put some handles on the chassis of the truck?"

"I don't know what it is, I don't know what you're talking about." Hancock pretended to be completely ignorant, but his crude performance didn't deceive the two men who were interrogating him.

"If you tell a lie, I'll cut off one of your fingers." the man took out a knife and inserted it directly into the table. Hancock's heart suddenly trembled. He knew that the man in front of him was not threatening him, but telling the truth. If he really didn't tell him the truth, he might really see his fingers and toes again forever. Is it worth paying a hand and a head for other people's affairs? Of course it's not worth it, even if the man gave him the money.

He immediately told all he knew without any hesitation. If ye Feng knew this scene, he would certainly feel the coldness of the world. There is no integrity. Of course, if he sat here, he would make the same choice.

"Man, what's your name?" Ye Feng asked the man who had awakened.

"Who the hell are you?" although the expression on the thin man's face was very frightened, he had calmed down at this time. "You're looking for your own death. I advise you to release me quickly and then raise your hand to surrender. Otherwise, you will definitely die without a burial place. This is not the place you think you come and go. I have to tell you a sorry news. You've caused great trouble."

Looking at the tough little man in front of him, Ye Feng sincerely admired: "yes, in this case, you still have the courage to threaten me. It seems that you don't know what to write about death."

"Don't frighten me. You have the ability to kill me. It depends on which one of us will die worse." the little man stared at Ye Feng with a hard mouth. The stubbornness in his eyes really made Ye Feng a little embarrassed. He didn't expect that this man was still a little backbone. He didn't pee his pants at the first time.

It seemed that he understood what Ye Feng thought. The little man sneered and said, "do you think we haven't made any progress after staying in such a ghost place for so long? Don't regard us as the same kind of people as those ordinary people."

Ye Feng looked at him curiously: "do you know that there are some people in your diamond mine who do not belong to the planet?"

The man was stunned: "what are you talking about? You mean there are aliens in our factory -"

"Don't you know?" Ye Feng was surprised when it was his turn. "Judging from your tone, you seem to have worked and lived here for a long time. Don't you know that some of you are aliens?"

"You say those bastards are aliens?" the man's tone was even more surprised. "Are you kidding? How could there be aliens! How could there be aliens hiding in this damn place in the world."

"That's what I want to explore. But from your reaction, you also know that there are some strange people in this diamond mine."

"It's all --"

"Yes, aliens." Ye Feng nodded.

"In fact, those people are really strange. Although I don't have much contact with them, I feel very afraid of them. These people seem to understand what you say, but they rarely respond, as if you don't exist. Often in the past, no one tried to communicate with them, but these people are cruel people one by one, you I should be less knowledgeable about how they deal with those who want to break in and do damage. In this way, maybe you will release me immediately. "The man expected to look at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng shook his head: "I don't think so. First of all, there are only two of us in this material. Secondly, if those people come, I don't worry." Ye Feng said without changing his face, although he was scared to pee in his heart, "And I tell you, as long as I know what they come from, I can deal with them, so it's easier for me to deal with them. If you don't want to suffer, share the information you have with me."

"If you really know everything, do you need to ask anything from me?"

"I do know the origin of those people, but I don't know why those people hide here and have contact with this diamond mine. Does their arrival mean that the increased output of this diamond mine is related to them?"

"How do you know?" the man regretted as soon as he spoke. He realized that the most important chips in his hands had disappeared unconsciously. Now he had to cooperate with Ye Feng. Maybe he just woke up from a coma and his brain was not very clear. He made this low-level mistake that he couldn't make in his normal state.

Ye Feng stared at him for. "It seems that it is really as I imagined, but the sudden increase in the output of diamond mines is related to the emergence of those Leika people."

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