"What to do now?", Charlie Chen looked at Ye Feng, who was lowering his head and meditating, and didn't notice the subtle complexity in Charlie Chen's eyes.

"Well... There's only one way to go now, Charlie Chen. Are there any explosives in your settlement?", after thinking about it, Ye Feng decided to put all his eggs in one basket and could only die. After making up his mind, Ye Feng looked up and asked Charlie Chen.

"Yes, how much do you need?"

"It takes a lot. Let's go. We must get there with explosives before Dick." he greeted the people to leave the ruins. Ye Feng and Charlie Chen will continue their journey to hunt Dick. This time, Ye Feng must discuss with Jane, because if this gamble fails, Dick, Ye Feng and Jane will bear the consequences.


It was a thick, dark forest, and Dick moved forward in silence. It was precisely because of the remoteness and seclusion here that dick chose it as the landing place.

The ugly roots, poisonous vines and disgusting blue moss around show the strangeness of the forest. Every deformed tree and every cluster of lush excessive shrubs make the surrounding atmosphere more depressed.

From time to time, piles of stones on the soil or a extinguished campfire deepened the repressive atmosphere and made Dick a little out of breath.

"There are still a lot of visitors here. I hope the light and shadow barrier can deceive these Hicks on the waste land..."

In his uneasiness, Dick went to a place with few numbers. It was a swamp. In the middle of the swamp, there was a blue floating island covering an area of about one mu. There was no tree on it. It was quite dry and bare. On this floating island, Dick's spaceship landed on it.

Although Dick could not see the huge hull of the spaceship in the naked eye, Dick knew it was there. It was not alone waiting for Dick's return. A group of people were accompanying him. This group of people also brought gifts to it. It was buried in the land under it. It was a local explosive enough to destroy the whole ship. What made Dick feel speechless was that there was a small nuclear warhead mixed in it

"Why? Really want to get to this point?", Dick didn't choose to escape this time. Everyone including him knew that no matter where he fled, if he didn't want to be trapped on this eschatological planet all his life, he had to return to the ship. Since Ye Feng and Jane are still the first to return to the ship in a tight and slow way, Dick can only accept this reality. Now it's time to have a good talk.

"It can only be blamed on your old man's ability to run. If you are not so stubborn, we won't get to this point. Dick, I admit I hate your character, and I think you look very shabby in my heart. Although it doesn't make me sick, you really don't like your old model's look." The scavengers around were teased by Ye Feng's words, and Dick Tieqing's expression became a joke for the scavengers.

"Thank you for your support. In a word, Dick, you see our" sincerity " Well, if you don't surrender obediently and have the idea of running away alone, man, I don't care. Anyway, Jane and I have been abandoned by you once. If you want to spend the rest of your life here with us, you'll leave as soon as possible. I happen to enjoy a grand fireworks show. "

Ye Feng stared at Dick not far away, with a momentum of wrecking the boat. Ye Feng knows very well that if Dick wants to run, he and Jane, even with the help of Charlie Chen, it is difficult to catch Dick, an old guy, and Dick has shown his determination before. At a critical juncture, he chooses to run alone with isotope 332, leaves Ye Feng and Jane, and decides to fly the spaceship alone.

Since Dick is so determined, he can only be more crazy than him. At this time, Ye Feng is ready to die with Dick. It's a big deal to stay in this barren land. No one wants to leave alone!

"You don't have to argue with me, Ye Feng. In fact, in the current situation, solving the workload required by either of you will go against my intention to save you." Dick said this with a stiff neck, but anyone can hear the compromise in his words.

"Maybe, Dick, the lesson we have learned this time is that no matter how terrible enemies we will meet in the future, glowing stones, or super power potions with unlimited energy, sooner or later we must learn to let go."

"I don't know if" let go "is also applicable to you? Ye Feng, I noticed that whenever Charlie Chen looks at you, his hormones will secrete rapidly and his heart beats faster. Maple boy, this is usually a symptom of people who fall in love." looking at Ye Feng's picture of a villain suffering from hemorrhoids, he decided to make a good nausea, Dick had long seen that Charlie Chen's eyes on Ye Feng were wrong. Just now he quietly scanned Charlie Chen's body, and the results were not what he expected: Charlie Chen had a crush on Ye Feng

"I'll go! Are you kidding? Brother Chen, the old man's nonsense has nothing to do with me. Hey! Why are you blushing!? you're a muscular man with a tiger back. Don't look like you're pinching!? shit! You're serious! Dick! What should I do?", Ye Feng retreated slowly and shivering, Looking at the look of joy in Charlie Chen's eyes, with shy expectation, Ye Feng simply foamed at his mouth, fell straight to the ground and fainted. His little heart can't face this situation

"Ye Feng, love is regardless of gender or even race. Don't be too narrow. You can't rudely ignore Charlie Chen's feelings for you because you are heterosexual. Wake up, boy, hey, wake up.", Dick kept giving Ye Feng a big mouth. The old guy was happy, but he looked sad on the surface, He said to Charlie Chen, who was looking at him gratefully, "at least I can do this. I owe you so much, Charlie Chen. See? You have to speak out your love bravely. We are in the same boat now."

In an understatement, Dick once again won the favor of Charlie Chen with a few words. After all, the detonator for detonating the explosives is still in Charlie Chen's hand. Dick must now look at the face of the big gay man. Selling Ye Feng is undoubtedly the best choice. Who let the little bastard die by himself?

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