"You're wrong." the night devil smiled. He stood up from his chair and went to the bookshelf. He didn't know which book he turned. In short, a door suddenly appeared on the whole wall. When the door was opened, Ye Feng surprised to go in and found that it was another space, in which there were many weapons and shields, You can use the past.

"Night devil, you still hide such fun things in your office. Did you build it yourself or did this office have it originally?"

"Originally, but before this was a bedroom, which could be used for my rest. After simple treatment, I became like this. How about it? Isn't it good?"

"It's really good," Ye Feng nodded in surprise. "This can definitely be our burial place."

The night devil smiled bitterly: "I knew you would say so, but there's no way. Although the space is secret and narrow enough, at the same time, in case of crisis, we can only become turtles in a jar. I hope we don't have the chance to use this room."

"You'd better not say such words," said Ye Feng reluctantly. "This kind of words is usually called flag, and will eventually become a reality. Night devil, do you have any surprises to tell me? For example, you left a secret door in this room and you can leave here."

"That's not true." the night devil shook his head. "You can think that this is a high-rise building up to 11 floors. I want to leave space, but I can't do it."

"That's true." Ye Feng nodded helplessly. "If you didn't choke and hide, please say it now. At the critical moment, I'm worried that you don't have time to tell me the entrance of the hidden channel. If you die at that time, you can only go to hell with you."

"Go away, I won't go to hell."

Knowing that there is still a secret room makes Ye Feng mianqiang have some confidence. At least those Leika people won't expect whether there is a secret room here in advance when they come. In this way, they may be given a chance to fight back at last. Ye Feng also knew that if things really came to that point, they seemed to have no other way out except death. Everything can only be said that now it has become an unknown. What will it look like? When the Leika people will find Ye Feng, their small movements can only be completely determined by the will of heaven.

"I hope God can stand on our side." the night devil leaned against the door frame and said to Ye Feng.

"Don't worry, God will never let me down. I mean when something bad happens." Ye Feng's words made the night devil helpless.

"Maybe you're right, but trust me, man, we can get through this. I don't want to die in this place."

"You won't die."

But just two hours later, Ye Feng felt very helpless about what he had said. They didn't completely escape the ordeal. In fact, not long after they talked. The Reka people found something wrong in the diamond mine. They began to search in the diamond mine. Of course, the people looking for were Ye Feng and them. As for why their identity was discovered, the reason is very simple, that is, Ye Feng's blood stained Leika uniform. As the night devil said, it is inconceivable that Ye Feng was not caught or directly killed before walking in the diamond mine in this uniform. At least when all people react normally, all this becomes very fast and beyond people's imagination.

A thorough search began in the diamond mine. Ye Feng's action route was gradually found and restored, and more people began to realize the existence of Ye Feng, which made Ye Feng's walking route quickly put together. When it was determined that Ye Feng was hiding in the office building, the group of Leika people rushed over immediately without any concern. For them, as long as they locate the bastard and kill him, the matter is so simple that there are no other things to consider. They honestly don't care why this person entered the diamond mine and killed several of their companions.

Because there is only one result: people will not come back from death. For the Reka people who always advocate force, it is completely unacceptable to kill three companions. Their pride makes them unable to accept similar things, so that they lose their reason one by one and are killed by the human weak chickens in their eyes, which makes them crazy. So they acted regardless. It's very exaggerated, but it's useless to say anything at this point. Only by catching the bastard who committed all these things can they be freed from their anger.

Ye Feng, who caused all this, knew nothing about all this at this time. He still sat in the night devil's office and wondered whether his plan would succeed. Therefore, when the alarm sounded, Ye Feng almost didn't move at all, just sat on the sofa. Watching the night devil suddenly jump up from the chair, then picked up some weapons and threw one to him.

"What happened?"

"Who knows? In a word, take this and act with us."

"Action, what are you talking about? What should we do now?"

"What else can you do? We have no choice but to defend our lives."

Ye Feng sighed helplessly: "Damn it, when is this kind of thing a head? I just want my money back. Why does this shit happen? I really don't want to see anyone bleeding again."

"When did you become so mother-in-law, Ye Feng? Once you wouldn't have such doubts."

"Because I was fearless at that time."

"Are you afraid now?"

"Of course, I'm a rational man now."

"Then let me see what changes your reason has brought you!"

Listening to the fierce fighting outside the door, Ye Feng sighed. He knew that he had no time to hesitate now and had to make a choice as soon as possible.

The battle was imminent, and Ye Feng had too little time to react. When the door of the office was knocked open, Ye Feng and the night devil just armed themselves. There are two Leika people entering the office. There are more Leika people outside the office. However, at the moment, these Leika people are mixing with the night devil's confidants.

In the narrow corridor, their number advantage doesn't play a big role, and the people under the night devil are not all waste. Some of them are cruel people with good strength. After all, these Leika people are not the whole neika people who are afraid of leaf maple. During their life in this diamond mine, their edges and corners have been smoothed. One by one, they don't fight, exercise or fight for a long time, So that when they suddenly fall into this life and death fighting state, they seem a little slow, and this hesitation is a good opportunity that real soldiers will never miss.

There was a scuffle outside the door. In the office, two Lika people, Ye Feng and the night devil also mixed together. I don't know whether this group of Reka people came in a hurry or whether they were not used to human weapons. They only held two sharp short blades, and it wasn't very difficult to deal with them. After all, Ye Feng and the night devil held real good guys. In the face of bullets constantly shooting at themselves, the Leika people seemed a little irritable. They just rushed to Ye Feng and night devil with several bullets.

In the face of this situation, it is difficult to effectively avoid and dodge in such a small space. Ye Feng directly threw away his weapon, then took something the size of a flashlight from his waist and directly connected with the Reka soldier who rushed to him. For the time being, the thunder chopper also wanted to carry the blow hard and close up, and then cut off Ye Feng's head. But the knife he held up didn't fall down as expected. He twitched and fell to the ground. The gadget similar to a flashlight in Ye Feng's hand is a high-voltage electric shock, not to mention the Leika people. Even if a big Ye Feng wind comes, it can directly stun it. This is the power of science and technology.

It's just that this thing can only be used with caution, and once used once, the device will be useless. After another Leika man saw this scene, he immediately left in front of the night devil. The night devil couldn't sneak into the man with this weapon like Ye Feng. The Leika man shouted a few words in the corridor outside the door that Ye Feng didn't understand. The door was immediately pushed open, and several Leika soldiers rushed into the office.

This time, Ye Feng and the night devil looked at each other and immediately ran to the small secret room of the office. They pressed the door open and closed, and immediately got in before the group of Leika people didn't react. With the wall returning to its place, the door of the secret room was closed again. Ye Feng night devil was relieved. Hearing the cry and blow from outside, the night devil was as heartbroken as a knife. He knew that his loyal subordinates might never drink and chat with him again. He hoped that his previous advice to them would play a role. He told them that once he found that he couldn't beat them, he would leave immediately. If he couldn't, he would pretend to be dead immediately. I hope at least a few of those people will survive.

Simply, the Reka people didn't bother about the lack of people too much, but rushed directly into the office and tried to open the door of the secret room. But the night devil activated the lock behind the secret room. From the outside, they can't open the door unless they break the wall and door by violence.

And the Reka people have begun to tear down their homes. Listening to the loud noise coming from outside, Ye Feng and ye night devil can't care about anything else at the moment. They also want to open an escape passage on the solid wall to escape from the sky, but unfortunately, they don't have the right tools in their hands, and the thickness of the wall is terrible beyond imagination.

"Damn it, why can't you leave a window in this room?"

"Secret room! Do you know what a secret room is?" Ye Feng was spitting on his face by the night devil. "Secret room means that this is a completely closed room. Otherwise, how can it be called a secret room? If I can open a window, people will know the existence of this room!"

Ye Feng grumbled bitterly. He knew what the night devil said was reasonable, but they were in such a nervous state now. Ye Feng wanted to vent his pressure by shouting.

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