"All right, get out of the car and get out."

Dick stopped the aircraft on the central street of Los Angeles and said to Ye Feng with a smelly face.

To Ye Feng's surprise, the bustling pedestrians in the busy streets didn't seem to notice the aircraft that dick temporarily put together with spare parts. Of course, Ye Feng is not surprised at Dick's black technology.

"Dick, the green mountains don't change and the green water flows. We - er, it's too cold-blooded, this dead old man..." got out of the car and watched Dick drive away without looking back. Ye Feng's farewell message was fed to the dog.

Although he lost his self-healing ability and another voice in his mind, Ye Feng's heart is still full of positive energy. After all, he is still alive. When he had no self-healing ability in the past, he did not delay his death - er, completing the entrustment.

Jane looked around curiously, "where are you going now?"

"Go back to my house first." Ye Feng stretched his waist and greedily breathed the air on the earth. As expected, it was better to be at home.

Led by Jane, who is very curious about everything, Ye Feng swaggers around the central street. He is going to go back to his small apartment first and give Edlin a little surprise.

I haven't seen you for half a year. Ye Feng wants to kill her.

Silent all the way, Ye Feng Jane strolled back to the apartment where he jumped several floors. After entering the building and taking the elevator back home and making a simple arrangement for Jane, Ye Feng trotted all the way to Edlin's apartment downstairs.

Ye Feng's inner excitement is more and more uncontrollable. His little heart and little brother are excited. The former pumps blood and the latter congests blood

Ding Dong


After Ye Feng pressed the doorbell, more than ten seconds later, Edlin's voice came from behind the door. Ye Feng deliberately blocked the cat's waist on the door with his fingers. He prepared and said in a low voice in what he thought was the sexiest voice: "it's me, mylove."

"Leaf, leaf maple?"

Edlin hesitated for a moment, and then asked softly in disbelief.

"It's me! Honey, open the door quickly. I want to die!" Ye Feng put his face in front of the cat and looked impatient


Ye Feng was in the middle of the suddenly opened anti-theft door and covered his bleeding nose. Ye Feng looked at Edlin with a surprised face. It was confirmed with his own eyes that the person outside the door was really Ye Feng. Edlin screamed and rushed out in slippers. Holding Ye Feng, he didn't give up, crying and laughing.

Edlin's reaction made Ye Feng feel warm for a long time. He patted Edlin's ass. the latter blushed, patted Ye Feng's dishonest hand and pulled him into his apartment. Edlin had too many words to say to Ye Feng, such as:

"Aren't you dead?"

"Well, I should be dead. As for how to live, I can only say that fate can't bear to take me away from you. Adelin, let's take a bath together, mandarin duck bath -"

"Be serious, Ye Feng." patted off Ye Feng's arm and Edlin stared at Ye Feng, "do you know how long I cried when I learned that you were killed? I thought I was really going to become a widow..."

"Mylove, if I come back two days later, you'll elope with others..." Ye Feng pointed to the ambiguous text message on Edlin's mobile phone, a pair of dead fish eyes are empty.

"I can't keep a widow for you all my life, let alone that you and I are just lovers -"

"I thought we were the only one for each other!" looking at Edlin's independence of a mature woman, the fragile young man's heart in Ye Feng's chest seemed to be pulled out, which was very painful!

"The only one? Xu wenweak told me that you didn't even want your life for a girl named" Black Arrow "in lansdanton." Adelin squinted and glanced at Ye Feng.

"I, Audrey and I haven't happened yet. You -" Ye Feng greeted Xu pangzi's family from the bottom of his heart.

"What's the matter with me? I can't go out to dinner and watch a movie with friends of the opposite sex. Ye Feng, we are all adults."

"Well, sister, you're right. Love is not possession... Well, well, take a bath together. When we finish talking about our missing for each other, let's release our long-standing desire ~"

"Take it easy." Adelin couldn't resist the fiery Ye Feng, so he had to pull him into the bathroom


In the next week, Ye Feng basically ran back and forth between himself and Adelin's apartment. Of course, Ye Feng inevitably filled in the problem of low back pain, which also made Ye Feng miss his self-healing ability more and more

Jane's daily life is basically spent ordering takeout and waiting for takeout. Of course, the Internet has become Jane's window to understand the world. Watching Jane absorb all kinds of knowledge like a sponge, Ye Feng is also happy to be at leisure and simply let Jane busy herself.

Later, Ye Feng unkindly drove Jane to Xu wenweak. After meeting her old man again, Ye Feng asked the unlucky Xu pangzi to teach Jane how to adapt to the society and reintegrate Jane who had been completely divorced from the society into the society. It's hard for Xu wenweak. He can only serve Jane well. He can't beat or scold. After all, he can't beat Jane

Although Edlin doesn't like pancake fruit, she still allows Ye Feng to store a pile of pancake fruit takeout in her apartment. After forcing Ye Feng to eliminate all pancake fruit, Edlin let Ye Feng go out and let him quickly solve the problem of loss of ability.

Before going out, Edlin gently said to Ye Feng, "don't come back if you can't find your self-healing ability!"

In the face of the lover's expectations, for the sexual welfare of his lower body, for the sexual welfare of Edlin, and for the sexual welfare of all beautiful girls on earth, under the firm belief that he was unsuccessful and wore green, Ye Feng packed up his mood, packed up and set out, ready to embark on the journey of finding himself.

In the past few days, Ye Feng also checked some news on the Internet. In addition to learning that the "Wayne group" was disintegrated and old Wayne was imprisoned, Ye Feng didn't find the news about Audrey and others. In fact, this is a good thing, which at least shows that Audrey and others should have no accident.

Ye Feng's first stop is to meet Xu wenweak. On the one hand, he was entrusted to collect relevant information and meet Jane by the way. On the other hand, Ye Feng wants to know what happened to Audrey and Huang Liang after the explosion. Well, let's forget Huangliang. Ye Feng doesn't care about what happens to rough men

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