Ye Feng didn't want to have a positive confrontation with him at all. Although he was just wasting time, Ye Feng couldn't find other ways to deal with it. At least he didn't intend to fight with the fierce close combat with two short blades. Although he had the ability of self-healing, after all, his body was not steel and iron, and he would still be beaten without fighting back in the face of a knife.

"Do you know how to run? Ye Feng, after so many years, you still haven't made any progress. When facing something, the only solution is to run away. Stop for me -"

"Idiot, save your energy. Don't say these meaningless words. If you let me stop, I'll stop. Don't I look very stupid."

Compared with Ye Feng, the fierce is a lot more stupid. In the war of lips, guns and words between the two, Ye Feng undoubtedly occupies an absolute advantage, which is in sharp contrast to the trend of the battle. Ye Feng runs away madly in front and flickers between the seats in the stadium. He didn't worry that he would make a mistake at his feet and directly throw a dog to grab the shit ear. The fierce behind him could only hold his breath. While enduring Ye Feng's unlimited humiliation and abuse, he was dazzled by anger and wanted to catch up with a letter and cut off his head directly.

At this stage, all the previous ideas in the fierce mind have disappeared. The ideas of grasping the old friend and talking about the past have all disappeared. Now there is only one idea left, that is to seize the monkey who keeps running, jumping and mocking in front, and then solve his life with a knife.

If ye Feng knew the real idea of fury, he might immediately stop, pretend to sprain his ankle, lie directly on the ground and let the fury stab him. After all, the short blade in the madman's hand is not a magic weapon made of special materials. It can't kill Ye Feng and will only make him fall into a state of suspended death. In this case, Maybe the matter will be solved in this way. Ye Feng, who is wildly satisfied with the result, will leave here safely with Avril after recovering, and will never deal with this madman again, but unfortunately, there will be no room for communication between the inner thoughts of both sides, So Ye Feng just ran for his life in this long abandoned small stadium with one breath.

However, exposing his back to the enemy's sight was definitely not a wise move. He ran to ensure that fury suddenly stopped. He realized that it was meaningless for him to follow behind Ye Feng and wave the knife powerlessly, but he was not the only one with these two short blades. Furiously took the knife back into its sheath and took out a small pistol, Facing Ye Feng's back is three points. Two of the bullets accurately hit Ye Feng's body. Ye Feng controlled his staggering body and continued to run forward with pain. Fortunately, he wore an extremely light high-tech bulletproof vest, which can be made of this material. Greatly reduce the impact of bullets on the body. Protect important parts of the body, but because this kind of thing can only protect the key of the upper body, Ye Feng always subconsciously uses his back to resist bullets when he hears the gunshot behind him. After going back and forth for a few times, fury found this, and he began to shoot at Ye Feng's head and limbs. Ye Feng shook his head irregularly during his escape, so it was difficult to take a shot at his head and kill him. However, if it was aimed at him, it would be no problem for a fierce sharpshooter. Soon, Ye Feng had several shots in his right hand and could not fight any more, He could only barely support it with his clothes handle, and then continued to run.

However, due to the lack of one arm for balance, Ye Feng's speed was greatly slowed down. This made him complain incessantly. Even after running for several minutes, he still didn't come up with a way to solve the current combat situation in his mind. There is no doubt that he is at an absolute disadvantage. It is difficult for him to help himself through external forces. Ye Feng came to this abandoned stadium alone without anyone knowing. Audrey, they can't count on them at all, let alone others. Therefore, in front of Ye Feng, it is a doomed situation that can almost be described as the end of the mountain and water. The only thing he can do now is to stay away from Avril as far as possible, so that the fury won't hit Avril.

Watching all this happen right in front of her eyes, Avril's heart is as painful as suffering. She can clearly judge that if this trend continues, in a few minutes, Ye Feng will be chased and killed by the fierce pursuit behind her because of excessive blood loss. In the face of such a situation, she is powerless, She doesn't know whether she can leave here safely, but she can be sure that Ye Feng can't leave here safely.

If that man kills Ye Feng or takes her away, Avril really doesn't want to live alone in the world. For her, Ye Feng is the support and pillar of the whole world. If this pillar collapses, her strong desire for survival will no longer burn.

Fierce and Ye Feng, who are in the fierce battle, are not in the mood to take care of Avril, so they don't notice that Avril's hands are constantly rubbing the plastic rope on her hand, which is not thick. For fear of hurting the little girl, when fury tied her to the chair again, he didn't use too rude way, but tied his wrist with a plastic rope.

This plastic rope can indeed play a protective role, especially when your hands are tied behind you, but as long as you rub hard and borrow a little skill, you can gradually break the plastic rope. Since Avril woke up, she has been using the method Audrey taught her to fight against the small plastic rope, and now she is almost breaking the rope. Looking at Ye Feng with blood stains on her body, Avril couldn't care about any pain. She desperately concentrated all her strength on her wrist and concentrated on breaking the rope. Her delicate flesh had been cut by the hard plastic rope, and the blood was dripping on his skin. She fell to the ground along her wrist, but she didn't feel anything. She just felt whether the rope had been worn by his constant actions as Audrey talked.

A soft snap. Apart from Avril, no one could hear the slight sound. In this small stadium, the gunfire from time to time was deafening enough, so no one would notice the slight sound. Avril knew that her hands were free now. She looked nervously in the fierce direction and made sure that the man was absorbed in the battle with Ye Feng and had no time to take care of himself. Then she gently pulled back the hand tied to the back of the chair, and then began to untie the binding on her feet. She has been looking up at the violent direction, worried that he might notice his little movements. The simple madness has now completely fallen into madness. He keeps making bloody wounds on Ye Feng like a madman. This battle to completely control the life and death of others has dissipated his reason. If he looked at Avril, he would find that the little girl had disappeared from the wooden stage and fell to the ground with the chair tied to her. There are also two cracked plastic ropes on the ground. But all this rage was not found, so he must pay a heavy price for it.

Although she has regained her freedom, Avril has no idea of running away alone, and she also knows that he can't escape. She tied a small device the size of a watch to her ankle. Avril knows very well that this must mean that it is a safety device. Once she has any action, crazy love will start the device, and then there will be consequences she can't bear. According to Avril's speculation, what should be installed in this device is a small thing that can blow it into powder and bones.

However, this crazy self-made gadget looks so simple in Avril's eyes. For a genius who can be counted all over the world, such a gadget is as primitive as a small stone on the side of the road. She can think of a way to crack it with her eyes closed.

After running off the wooden stage, Avril hid behind the stage. He took out a metal box the size of a palm from his coat pocket. She opened the small metal box, which contained several very small tools. Avril carefully selected them to deal with this emergency. Although this little tool for insurance and didn't come in handy before, at least at this moment, he is the most powerful weapon in Avril's hand.

Not yet. I was always worried that the small metal box would be taken away, but this did not happen. On the one hand, after he was arrested and tossed several times, those people did not have time to search him, and they were not worried about what the little girl would have. The possibility of resistance, after all, in their view, loving others is just a teenage girl who has no strength to bind chickens. In fact, Avril doesn't have any weapons, but it is this small tool and a powerful weapon in his hand. In fact, he knew the existence of the small metal box. After he found a small metal box, he forced himself away from Er ben'er, and then checked it carefully. He found that it was just a simple gadget, so he didn't pay attention to it, but returned it to Avril. At that time, Avril thought she had lost her forever. Unexpectedly, Huang Lei took the tool box with her. Gave it back to him, and of course he did. He beat Avril and warned him not to hurt him with the little things here. Even when he was asleep, she could subdue him. In fact, Avril did raise the idea of sneaking attack on the man when he was asleep several times, but after thinking about it, she really felt that such a killer should not make such a lax mistake, If you really use this thing to do some stupid things, maybe you will be unlucky in the end.

Avril has been taking this thing tightly as an amulet, and now is the moment when this amulet plays its greatest role. She must use these gadgets as soon as possible to ensure the safety of herself and Ye Feng, at least so that Ye Feng will not fall into the worst situation. Although it may hurt a little, she can only silently say sorry to Ye Feng in her heart. This is the only way she can think of to solve the problem at such a critical moment. Ye Feng will never like this way, but she can only do it hard.

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