When Ye Feng first heard that the University was called ghost efficiency, he thought it was Jemma's joke. But jenma said with a serious face that the school was really called that name. Ye Feng's IQ is deeply suspicious. This person must have a brain problem, otherwise. How could you give a high school such a name? However, although the name sounds very vulgar, it is very problematic in some ways. The students in this high school are all evil spirits. They don't intend to go back well when they come to the world. This is the attitude of holding this kind of game life, so they wantonly waste their precious youth here.

Seeing Ye Feng's provocation, the group realized that Ye Feng was not an easy person to deal with, but they never had a good temper. Therefore, a group of people were immediately irritated by Ye Feng's words, shouted loudly, picked up the things at hand, just like Ye Feng rushed over, and dozens of people rushed to themselves with things, Most people must be scared to their knees when they see this scene, but Ye Feng just smiled gently. He raised his legs to the bald head who rushed first, and directly kicked. Ye Feng's heel directly kicked on the bald cheek. When the foot went down, the bald flew several meters away and knocked over several people. They rolled and sat in a ball and fell to the ground. They couldn't get up. When the foot went down, the bald lost half of his teeth. He didn't come to school for a long time.

After the bald head was removed with one foot, the two students with weapons had rushed to Ye Feng. They raised their chairs and smashed them into Ye Feng's cheeks. Ye Feng swept his feet across the air and blocked the chair. He immediately raised his other leg and kicked them out in front of him. This kind of good skill almost like a stunt stunned the rest of the people. Taking advantage of their stupidity, Ye Feng picked up the chairs on the ground and hit them on the head. It was like playing table tennis. In a few minutes, all the students in this classroom fell to the ground and moaned in pain. Until this time, Ye Feng remembered that he had just started too hard. You always wanted to be kind. The state seemed to be inconsistent. He threw the deformed chair aside. Ye Feng leaned against the door of the classroom and watched the group of students falling to the ground.

How about the "" bit? It's quite pleasant to say hello. Are you the only ones in your class? "

One of the men raised his head and glared at Ye Feng fiercely. He spit out a mouthful of blood and said fiercely: "the boss of our class is not here today, otherwise, he will beat you up."

"I really want to see it." Ye Feng then looked at him with interest. "You think your idiot boss can beat me. Don't be kidding."

"He can definitely beat you. Our boss is not ordinary."

"So you're not in class one, class two or class three."

In the face of Ye Feng's ridicule, those people didn't speak. This is the case in this school. If you have a hard fist, you have the right to speak. Therefore, in the face of Ye Feng's sarcasm, these people can only swallow their teeth into their stomach. This simple self introduction was not beyond Ye Feng's expectation. Before coming here, he had imagined that for the first time, Li Wei must let these people know their strength. Otherwise, they may come to make trouble for themselves from time to time. Ye Feng didn't have the time and mood to deal with these little troubles. He came into contact with this song in high school for only one purpose, that is to find out those bastards. First of all, fighting with these people is the goal he needs to achieve at present. However, it seems that he started too hard. These people see that their eyes are full of fear and anger. Ye Feng has a wry smile. He can only sit on the floor. On a chair in the classroom, and then waiting for the class to come.

But when the submissive teacher came into the classroom, the students in the classroom behaved differently than usual. Usually, they had begun to coax and scream to drive him away, but at this moment, they helped me one by one, and I helped you to get up from the ground. They were really in no mood to take care of the teacher. This is the most smooth moment the teacher has ever had since he entered this high school. When he was about to finish class, he was excited and almost shed tears. He never stood in front of the podium with his textbook for more than a quarter of an hour. Every time, it would be thrown out of the classroom in a few minutes, and the real owners of the high school, a group of students in unlimited classes, would start acting recklessly.

However, when these classes were about to end, he still failed to achieve perfection. The noise outside attracted the attention of everyone in the class. Even if he was injured, he almost had trouble walking. But these people still helped each other and slowly got out of the teacher. In the end, Ye Feng was left alone, looking at the strange scene in some confusion. Seeing that he didn't leave, the teacher asked him strangely, "this classmate, are you new?"

Ye Feng nodded: "that's right. What are they doing?"

"Nothing. People outside come to trouble. This happens several times a day."

"So they went out to fight with those who came to trouble?" Ye Feng immediately stood up from his seat and rushed out of the classroom. The corridor is full of students walking in a hurry. One by one, they are fierce and eager to fight. They seem to be soldiers who want to set foot on the battlefield. However, different from the soldiers who really want to set foot on the battlefield, they all seem very excited rather than afraid of death.

Ye Feng followed the group of students and walked downstairs. As the teacher said, he was on the playground of ghost high school. A group of hooligans dressed in strange clothes gathered together. At their feet were several students dressed in ghost high school uniforms. They had been beaten black and blue and lost consciousness. Hundreds of hooligans, arrogant rain, confronted the students of night ghost high school on the playground, and both sides abused and shouted at each other. For a moment, I couldn't even hear what the people around me said. The noise was too loud.

"What's the matter?" Ye Feng looked at the people next to him and found a seemingly honest man came up to him and asked him. The fat man just stared at Ye Feng and said unhappily: "nothing. Someone came to find fault."

"I see." Ye Feng nodded, and he stood at the end of the crowd. He didn't intend to raise money. He was afraid of blood on his body. High school students and gangsters who come to make trouble. There was a fierce quarrel, which eventually escalated into a scuffle. Ye Feng stepped back and stood in the teaching building with great interest. Watching the hundreds of people fighting together by the wall, this scene is rare in daily life. It's interesting for Ye Feng to enjoy it so close. Standing by the window for recreation and gazing at the chaos in front of them, people feel a little funny that although these people fought very fiercely, they didn't cause much damage because they almost used fists. To some extent, there is a bottom line, not a fight without a bottom line. Maybe it's because most of them are high school students. Those unrestricted students just play a leading role, and the number is not very large. Therefore, although the scene looks very spectacular, in fact, many people are injured, but they are only skin injuries. In Ye Feng's view, this little scene of conflict is like children playing at home. In fact, it is true. Both sides are very young people. They quarrel over a little thing, just because they have nowhere to vent their hormones. Unable to restrain the impulse of anger and longing for blood, they seem to have some kind of gladiator, but in fact, they are just playing like children who can barely be called fighting.

At first glance, it still feels interesting, but it's not interesting after a long time. The two sides fight in the end and fight completely on the will. There is not much difference in the number of people. Who can stand to the end depends entirely on whose will power is stronger. However, when helping to distinguish the results of this fight, the students of ghost high school obviously stand more than those who come up to challenge, so when those who come to find fault hang their heads one by one. When they left, the high school students looked very excited, as if they had done something important that made them proud, although their faces were broken and black and speechless. Watching this scene happen in front of him, Ye Feng can only sigh that youth is good. Once upon a time, he was young and moved people without thinking, but that moment has gone forever. The magic brought by time has erased his dissatisfaction with the whole world. Now he is more grateful than ever, his endless demands.

This change of mood made him feel like a person in another world with these hot-blooded children. Even though he was only a few meters away, he didn't live in the same world at all. Seeing this scene, Ye Feng is more convinced that as long as someone has ulterior motives to guide these children and deliberately lead them to a wrong path, these children will definitely become weapons in the hands of those people without thinking. In the end, not only the people they hurt, but also themselves will be hurt, and they will go farther and farther away from the world, Until they finally can't integrate into this normal world, and then their final outcome will certainly not be much better. Ye Feng secretly vowed in his heart that he must avoid this situation. He is here to ensure that these children will not take their own life because they go astray. Perhaps these children won't thank themselves for doing so in a short time. Ye Feng is a little bitter in his heart. He thinks that when he was young, he couldn't distinguish between good and evil. At that time, he had a very childish way of looking at the world. Every young person has experienced such a stage, and some people can get through it quickly, Then they will take the lead over others, but some people don't even think how narrow their ideas are until they die.

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