This scene looked very strange to the people around. It should have been a blow by Wolf bank that hit Ye Feng in the ribs. Ye Feng just punched him in the thigh under the corpse, but unexpectedly, the whole person of wolf bank suddenly lost consciousness and fell to the ground. It has to be said that the wolf is still too light on the enemy. He doesn't know the details of Ye Feng. He thought Ye Feng was just a lengtouqing, but he didn't expect Ye Feng to even use some sinister tricks, so he was killed by Ye Feng in a few faces.

Watching the wolf line falling at his feet, Ye Feng kept praising the little thing jenma found him. Although he won some disgrace, the real winner was standing at the end, and Ye Feng accepted the gift.

That is, from now on, Ye Feng has come to the fifth place in the ranking of 12 large and medium-sized universities. Of course, this is one of his purposes, but the more important thing is that Ye Feng wants to do an act to tell anyone that he is a strong man. Never annoy him, let alone use some shady moves to deal with the people around him, otherwise he will kill him.

After this one-on-one fight, indeed, for a period of time, no one did anything to Ye Feng's group of students, which made Ye Feng feel relieved, but at the same time, he also completely tied the knot with wolf bank. Others don't know, but wolf Xing himself knows very well. He must have encountered some shady means to lose under the hands of this outsider named Ye Feng. If he says these words himself, it will make others think he is stingy. He couldn't accept the bitter fruit of failure, so he had to. Hide the grievances in your heart, don't talk about his doubts, but lick the wound on one side, ready to launch a fatal attack on Ye Feng at any time. After that, it did happen. Because of the huge crisis caused by this incident, Ye Feng must pay a painful price for his actions.

When Ye Feng defeated the wolf line, it did bring substantial changes to his life in ghost high school. Almost every student passing by him would bow and greet him respectfully. Even those students in unlimited class listened to him, but the problem is that Ye Feng is not interested in these things at all, He just wants to find out what he wants to know.

However, progress in this area is indeed quite limited. I don't know why, after he killed the wolf shop with a sinister trick, those who were interested in contacting him disappeared one by one, which made him feel very confused. He had to find the crazy tiger and want to get the answer from him.

"It's normal." crazy tiger met Ye Feng on the rooftop again. He said lazily, "your performance is really good, but wolf line is not an ordinary role. Why do you think his nickname is wolf line?"

"Where do I know where to go? He likes wolves?" said Ye Feng angrily. "He didn't get the nickname himself?"

"Of course not, it was given to him." the crazy tiger said, "no one knows whether the wolf shop likes the wolf or not, but his character has revenge, which is the paranoid character of penny pinching. I have to say, you really find someone you shouldn't get into."

"Is there such a thing?" Ye Feng stared at the crazy tiger's side face in confusion. "Your boy is not fooling me? I always feel that what you say is not like the truth."

"I don't have time to talk nonsense to you." the crazy tiger glanced back at Ye Feng. "According to what I know, the wolf bank is preparing for your revenge. No one will continue to contact you until this matter is over. Who will be interested in a dead man?"

"The wolf shop is playing so big?" Ye Feng stared. "I just overcame him, and he was going to kill me. It's too lawless."

"Hum." the crazy tiger snorted coldly, "what do you think this is? The octagonal cage? Some judges always pay attention to the actions of both players, and stop the game immediately in case of danger? Don't daydream. You beat the wolf in a shady way, and he will retaliate you in the most extreme way."

"Damn... It's the same thing." Ye Feng whispered, "no wonder no one came to trouble me. I was worried that I wouldn't live long. Everyone in ghost high school knows this?"

"It seems that you are the only one who has not realized the seriousness of the problem." crazy tiger stared at Ye Feng with interest. "Do you have a brain or no brain? It really makes me feel very interesting."

"Interesting wool." Ye Feng rolled his eyes angrily, "man, I'm in deep water. Do you only know what to say?"

"This is not only a crisis for you, but also a rare opportunity," said the crazy tiger. "If you can survive the revenge from the wolf, you may be one step closer to your goal."

"Oh? You know the goal in my mind?"

"Of course I don't know. I'm not a worm in your head. How can I know what you're thinking." the crazy tiger smiled and said to Ye Feng, "but men are nothing more than money and women. As for which kind you are, we should know in our hearts. I heard that you are very generous to the people in the same class."

"No way, I'm just a generous person." Ye Feng shrugged and turned to the stairs, "man, thank you for your advice. I'll pay attention and chat again when I have time."

"See you later."

After leaving the rooftop, Ye Feng went to his class. I don't know whether his psychology has changed or whether the situation is indeed the case. The eyes of everyone he saw seem to fall on himself intentionally or unintentionally. It seems that everyone is trying to attack him. This makes Ye Feng's vigilance hang all the time.

I have to say that it's really uncomfortable to be in a crisis at this time. You know someone wants to attack you, but you don't know when all this will come. Ye Feng is almost going to take the initiative to find the wolf line, but he restrained the impulse of no use and walked quickly to his familiar place.

After returning to the classroom, Ye Feng didn't sleep for the rest of the time. He thought carefully. In order not to let others get involved and become innocent cannon fodder, Ye Feng can only let his classmates stay away from the ghost high school for a while, and he must appear in the ghost high school every day to attract all his attention. Even though everyone knows that the wolf trade will take revenge, let's see what means he can think of!

Ye Feng doesn't pay much attention to the Revenge of wolf bank. Although he knows that his life may be in danger, he doesn't know the details of Ye Feng. He doesn't know ordinary things. He can't fully understand Ye Feng's tenacious life. So Ye Feng is worried about the lives of these innocent students who are close to him.

When they heard that Ye Feng told them to stay at home honestly for the last half month and not to go anywhere, they really fried the pot. Everyone was angry and shouted to meet Ye Feng and share weal and woe with life and death. Although Ye Feng was a little moved, he couldn't help giving his order. He said it clearly. If you were there, it would be a constraint on me. If I were alone, I could cope with all the situations.

After listening to Ye Feng's words, in Ye Feng's continuous coax and scolding, they finally reluctantly agreed to go home to avoid for some time. Their psychology is very complex. On the one hand, the retaliation from the wolf bank must be very terrible. If it is involved, it must be unbearable.

But on the other hand, for their three outlooks, this behavior similar to running away is not allowed by their self-esteem. Therefore, in the face of Ye Feng's requirements, almost every student is troubled by two emotions: relief and inner suffering. Ye Feng's words were so heavy that they couldn't find room to refute, so they went home honestly.

From the next day, Ye Feng faced the empty classroom alone every day. The teachers who came to class were a little confused. Although attendance in ghost high school is a joke, there are so many people who don't appear, and they rarely encounter it for several days. Ye Feng was still alone, so they had to go to class.

Because he had to stay awake all the time, Ye Feng didn't lie down and sleep again. From time to time, he would interact with the teachers on the podium. It was considered that he learned a lot of knowledge he hadn't touched before. Although some of these knowledge can not be fully understood by these half hanging people themselves.

Life seemed to become calm. Such a day passed quietly for three days without any accidents. Ye Feng's nerves were tense all the time, but he didn't wait for revenge. Instead, he looked at all this calmly, which made Ye Feng a little helpless. He didn't know when the other party would play, so he had to wait passively. This is a hard thing for Ye Feng, who has always been impatient, but people have to bow their heads under the eaves. In order not to cause superfluous casualties, Ye Feng can only passively wait for the wolf to make trouble.

Although it is not clear how the wolf shop will retaliate against itself, Ye Feng still pays great attention not to expose himself to a position that is too easy to be targeted, so as to prevent someone from secretly attacking himself.

After all, he got rid of the wolf shop by sneak attack. If the wolf shop retaliated by sneak attack, it would be too ironic. Ye Feng doesn't want to be someone else's talk after dinner.

In this way, while preparing to meet the poisonous arrow shot at him from the dark corner, Ye Feng thought about the way to break the situation in his mind, and was worried about how to investigate the truth of the matter. For Ye Feng, who doesn't use his brain much at ordinary times, all this makes his little brain usage stretched.

However, Ye Feng didn't complain about himself. He knew that all this was found by himself. It was inevitable for him to plant and get fruit. If he didn't use the sinister tactics to kill the wolf line at that time, maybe none of this would have happened. If the person he chose at that time was not a wolf line with strong revenge, none of this would have happened. If he chose someone else at that time, all of this would not happen. In a word, all these situations were caused by his own choices one by one, It's his own problem.

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