On this day, it's rare that Ye Feng didn't deal with these things, but took a day off at home. Because things in all aspects have been progressing smoothly, he just needs to wait for things to ferment, and then he can enter the organization. If he's lucky, if he can succeed, maybe this is the best way to wipe out this evil organization at one fell swoop.

Ye Feng stayed at home all morning, watched TV for a while, dozed off again, got up with nothing to do, changed into clothes, made a simple disguise, and went to Kate's office. Open the door of the office. Kate is working at her desk. To Ye Feng's surprise, he is not the only one in the office, but also Adeline is here.

"Why are you here?"

"I came to discuss some things with Kate." Adelin looked at Ye Feng and said calmly.

"Is it also about the mysterious organization?"

"Well, that's one of the things I want to discuss. There are other things."

Ye Feng sat in the armchair beside Edlin and looked at her expression curiously. "Is there anything else? Tell me, I also want to know."

"In fact, it's nothing. Coby hasn't appeared for a long time. I can't contact her, so I came to Kate to discuss and see if I can find her whereabouts in the police's internal system."

"So, indeed, I haven't seen Kobi for a long time. What is she busy about?" Ye Feng asked later.

"HMM. actually, I don't know. She was originally asked to search for the remains of aliens, but suddenly I broke off contact with her. At the beginning, I also felt that there was nothing to worry about. After all, Kobi's strength was so strong that no one on earth could hurt her, so I thought she was fooling around. She had the same situation before, Other things happened during the task investigation. She simply solved those things. It's a little capricious. However, ah, she is very efficient in completing the task, and no one can say anything in this regard. However, this situation seems to be wrong. She hasn't heard from her for a long time, but it has never happened before, even if she plays suddenly It will never be more than a week. "

Ye Feng felt that his reaction was so slow. He hadn't seen Kobi for months. But he didn't realize this. After all, Kobi was always alone and powerful. Almost no one could hurt her, so Ye Feng didn't worry about her. But at the moment, the worried expression on aidry's face really told him that the situation might be really bad.

"It must be said that no one can cut off her contact with you." Ye Feng said in confusion, "if she wants to contact you, she must be able to think of a way. No matter what means, but he hasn't contacted you for so long. Maybe it's not because she met something, but because she doesn't want to contact you."

"If so, well, it means that the initiative is in her hands. In this case, I'm not particularly worried, but I'm afraid that someone has completely controlled her. In this case, she can't release help information to us. Of course, I know that the probability of such a situation is very small, but I'm still a little worried that it is indeed the case and the situation is not good."

"Don't worry, Coby won't have a problem." Ye Feng was half comforting Irene and half comforting himself, "That woman is much stronger than most men. Even aliens are not his opponents. Don't worry. She must deal with her own affairs. She should come back after she deals with them. During this period, we just need to quietly wait for the news of her triumph," Ye Feng said, patting Edlin on the shoulder, "At present, my task is to find the damn organization and catch all those bastards. Your task is to deal with the shield bearer alliance. Kate's task is to pay attention to rest and don't make yourself tired to death."

Kate smiled bitterly and shook her head: "Don't worry. That can't happen. I've been paying attention to rest and recuperation. After all, everything is in your hands. I just need to deal with some other chores. It doesn't take much energy. After all, I've done my work for more than ten years. How to deal with things efficiently and quickly is very important to me I still have some experience. Xindu is such a big place. If I can't handle everything efficiently, I'll be dead tired. "

"You're just pushing yourself to death." Ye Feng said angrily, "I've told you. It's certainly no problem to leave the matter to me -"

"It's been so long since I left it to you. Don't you still have no results? Just catching some small fish and shrimp doesn't play any role in the whole situation."

Ye Feng couldn't hold his face when he heard this. He said with a changed face: "In fact, there has been a breakthrough in my side. Now many people have contacted the organization. Maybe there is the bastard we are all interested in. If so, I can reach them in a short time. In this way, I can successfully find all of them, because as soon as a person with personality charm appears , they will definitely come up and kneel and lick me. Maybe they will let me be a high-level or something right away. In this way, they can simply get the list of everyone. "

"You, don't hold such unrealistic illusions," said Irene helplessly. "If things were really so simple, Kate wouldn't be so upset. She has been staring at this organization for at least ten years. In these ten years, how many people have sacrificed and how many people have come up with ways that have failed in the end. You don't have this concept at all."

"What, you have followed up this case for more than ten years?" Ye Feng heard such news for the first time. He looked at Kate in surprise. "Kate, you tell me that Edlin is fooling me, aren't you?"

Kate smiled helplessly: "No, I've been following this case for more than ten years. Not long after I joined the work, I began to deal with this case. I found several unrelated cases bit by bit. In fact, there is an evil line connecting them. Over the years, I have been following up this situation, although I haven't made any breakthrough But it is a pity that after so many years of layout, I still failed to get the list of the core figures of the organization. For this reason, I sacrificed many colleagues and mobilized a lot of resources, but in the end, I was on the verge of success or failure, and even some At that time, without any results, the whole line has collapsed. "

"Then you should tell me the news..." Ye Feng said helplessly, "If I knew, I might not be involved. I didn't think of such a troublesome thing before. I thought it was just a small fish and shrimp. I didn't think it was such a huge criminal organization. Damn it, you pushed me forward and didn't tell me the time. Isn't this playing me?"

"You wanted to come in, but no one pushed you." Edlin said fairly. "Kate just asked you to try at the beginning. Who thought you would come up with such a crazy way. Since you went to that ghost high school, don't you know that the establishment of that ghost high school is inextricably linked with that organization?"

"True or false?" Ye Feng was very surprised to hear this statement for the first time. "Is what you said true? Is it difficult that the organization behind the group that manages the evil ghost high school now?"

"It's probably so. Although we can't find any evidence, after all, the other party has done a very clean job in this matter. The evil ghost high school they set up is not to make profits, but to find suitable talents. Therefore, it's almost impossible to investigate their words based on them. All contacts have been completely disconnected many years ago, and everything is It was reached under a tacit understanding without verbal communication, so it is very difficult to break this tacit understanding now. After all, the group of people who run high school may really have no connection with that group of organizations. They have not been the group who created the brand of ghost high school for a long time. "

"So it is..." whispered Ye Feng. "No wonder there is such a terrible place. It turns out that everything is not causality, but a thing. It is not because the organization has a crush on the special nature of evil ghost high school, but because they planted seeds and watched it blossom and bear fruit."

"Yes, so things are much more complicated than you. It's ridiculous for you to think that you can find that group of people as long as you enter that high school. That group of people don't like that high school, but ghost high school is just the bag of that group of people." Adelin said reluctantly, "In fact, I didn't understand these things until I came to the new metropolis. Originally, the new metropolis looked calm and calm. It was a fashionable metropolis, but after all, where there was light, there would be shadow, there would be darkness, and evil would breed. This is the eternal law of the world, and neither justice nor evil will be absent. There is no doubt that we are fighting against it now It's a group of extremely cunning and meticulous criminals who have been running all kinds of despicable collusion in this city for more than ten years. If you want to uproot them in a short time with one stroke, Ye Feng, I have to say, you're delusional. Even if I'm on your side, I want to kill them Get out of this city and go directly to prison, but I have to say that your idea is very naive. Although I also want them to rot in prison one by one, Kate and I share the same view on this issue. We are both very pessimistic. "

"But..." Ye Feng couldn't go on. He realized that Edlin and Kate were rational, but he was a little idealistic, too hot-blooded, and thought of unrealistic things. When the reality was put in front of him, he reluctantly realized that it was really not as simple as he thought, and what he was doing now might just be a drop in the bucket.

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