"Otherwise, if they use a new account and password to contact each other every time, it is difficult to immediately distinguish and examine each other in those message boards, so I prefer that there should be a conventional way to identify each other. However, after comparing the conversations in these message boards, I haven't found out what kind of situation it is."

"Let me say that it is very likely that they have used some coding method that they only know. In this way, they can avoid others from knowing that they have contacted. However, the number of messages they leave each time is not much, usually more than a dozen words, generally no more than 20 words, which shows that these conversations should only let the other party know. Things need to be communicated, and they have a sense of responsibility Physical communication may have to use other ways. For example, when it comes to meeting at a certain place, or using a mobile phone, in short, the communication between them is very complex and it seems clear that if they are found by others, they may make something. "

"You should decode it quickly and come up with a plan to lure one of them out. I think we should focus on the idiot who was beaten into the hospital by me. It may be counterproductive to directly find the person who beat me seriously. After all, that person should not be an idiot."

"OK, I see. I'll get it now," said Gemma confidently. It has been a long time for her to open her hands and feet here.

It took Gemma a lot of effort to finally decipher the secret code of communication between the two brothers. In fact, it is not particularly complicated. It turns out that they use the three digits of their birthday. The initial letters of the characters corresponding to these three digits are exactly the same. The character is CBC. I don't know what these three characters mean, but it seems that as long as there are words beginning with these three letters and appear in the message board in that order, the other party will know that this means to contact.

In short, after locking out this law, Ye Feng immediately began to make use of it. How can he deceive the person who was seriously injured by Ye Feng in the hospital. Gemma gave him a very simple way, that is to invade the WiFi of the hospital, and then implant a Trojan horse into the man's mobile phone.

According to what Ye Feng saw in person when he went to the hospital, the wolf line in the seriously injured state has recovered, and it seems that he holds his mobile phone and brushes something boring on his sickbed every day. By touching his mobile phone, he should be able to achieve his goal. In fact, Gemma's plan is very simple, which is to invade the person's mobile phone through WiFi and implant a Trojan horse into the mobile phone. This trojan horse program will open the message board of the gardening website that Gemma has modified and can hardly see any flaws. In this way, as long as the person checks the messages on the message board according to his habit, You will immediately find that there is a message for contact sent by his brother, which does not exist. In this way, it may be able to deceive.

But before the specific implementation, Ye Feng was still worried. After all, according to Gemma's inference, the information sent only served as a contact reminder. There may be some more complex steps to contact the other party, which have not yet surfaced. Once the other party confirms, it is found that this is not the message from the brother requesting contact at all, but that someone has decoded the password between them, which will scare the snake and make them more cautious in future contact, which may have the opposite effect.

However, jenma has a reason for this. She told Ye Feng that she has invaded the cameras in those wards, and can monitor the person's every move at any time. She can even capture the movements of his fingers through the HD camera, so as to restore the words he may write and any operations he may perform. Therefore, as long as they move fast enough, before the person finds out, Maybe you can get the specific contact information, and then make the person dizzy. This is really a piece of cake, so you can get the contact information between the two brothers to some extent. In this way, you can also be unaware.

After the action plan was determined, it immediately entered the implementation stage. It was a piece of cake for Gemma to invade the man's mobile phone. She easily implanted a Trojan horse program into the man's mobile phone by using the hospital's WiFi. Without any accident, the man was unaware of it. He just opened the small web page casually, Then a code he didn't know began to work quietly in his mobile phone.

After the code was successfully entered into the mobile phone, Gemma copied all the data in his mobile phone before the operation, and then conducted a thorough search. Sure enough, there was no data worth caring about in his mobile phone, and some simple things were just small secrets, which could not help the current operation. There is no doubt, This mobile phone is not the mobile phone for the two brothers to contact, but other contact methods. Therefore, this situation is very dangerous. For Ye Feng, what he can do now is to see whether the plan can take effect, and then try to understand the communication mode between the two brothers.

However, for this point, Gemma is very calm, that is, Ye Feng is a little tied up because all things are tied to this action, but Gemma completely ignored her and just told him what to do. According to jenma's plan, Ye Feng came to the hospital.

One of the brothers lying in the hospital bed browsed the message board these days, which was completely a fake message board forged by the Trojan horse program, so he didn't find any. Brother wants to contact him for a message. Of course, there is no such message on the real message board. There is no doubt that such a thing has happened. The other party should not appear in a short time.

The man was seriously injured and had to be well maintained in the hospital for a period of time, so without the help of his brother, he did not dare to appear too domineering, but quietly became an ugly man who was not beautiful in the hospital ward. Ye Feng pretends to be a hospital nurse. Because he has dealt with this man several times before, he can only act as carefully as possible to prevent being seen through by the other party. However, this is a more powerful point for Ye Feng. After all, the main thing of the man lying in the hospital bed every day is to chat with the nurses who don't want to talk to him, Ye Feng, the male nurse, seemed to be a little eye-catching in his eyes. He didn't bother to pay attention to him. His eyes didn't look at Ye Feng at all.

So he didn't notice that Ye Feng was the man he thought was dead. In fact, Ye Feng and Gemma expected this. After all, they made a disguise. Even those who are familiar with Ye Feng are difficult to find his true identity at the first time, especially those who are not familiar with him. For Ye Feng, all he needs to do now is wait for the action to officially start.

When Gemma starts the Trojan horse program, a paragraph written by using the secret coding method will appear on the fake Web page. As long as the brother lying in the hospital bed sees this message, he will mistakenly think it is his brother and want to get in touch with him. In this case, it's time for Ye Feng to come on stage. Gemma will pay close attention to the man's every move, She believes that in order to prevent accidents, the man will certainly put the communication equipment in a place he can get at hand. In this way, in case of danger, he can at least leave a message to his brother.

There is no doubt that this is a gamble. If the brother lying in the hospital bed really doesn't bring anything that can contact his brother with him, Ye Feng and zhenma will undoubtedly scare the snake. After that, they have to find another way. At least they can't make any progress on this brother called wolves.

However, gambling depends entirely on luck. This time, luck seems to be on Ye Feng's side. After all, Ye Feng has experienced some painful torture, so the situation is very serious. Smoothly, when the man lying on the sickbed noticed the false information on the message board, his reaction was as expected by Gemma. He immediately panicked. He was stunned for more than a minute before he remembered how to act. He pulled out all kinds of pipes on his body in some panic, and then struggled to go to the bathroom.

Ye Feng standing in the corridor just witnessed this scene. He followed jenma's advice and followed the man into the bathroom. Ye Feng watched the man enter the door of one of the compartments in the bathroom, and then watched him close the door. Because there was no camera in the bathroom, Ye Feng could not judge what would happen, but he knew that now was definitely not the time to hesitate, so in a hurry, he kicked the door of the compartment directly.

Just in the bathroom, there were only two of them - Ye Feng made a sudden attack after observing it - after kicking the door open, the man who was opening the water tank cover of the toilet stared at the white nurse standing in front of the door. He was stunned and didn't react to what was going on, Ye Feng knocked him down before going straight up.

After knocking him unconscious, Ye Feng opened the cover of the water tank under the cover and stained an old flip phone with waterproof tape. Ye Feng realized that this was what he wanted to find while drinking the horse, but suppressed his inner excitement. Ye Feng first closed the door of the compartment, then went to the corridor to find an empty wheelchair, pushed the wheelchair into the bathroom, and then put the fainted man on the wheelchair. It looks like this man has fainted, and Ye Feng is going to help him. Ye Feng pushed the man paralyzed in the wheelchair and swaggered to the underground parking lot of the hospital. Seeing that there was no one around, he immediately threw the person directly into the trunk, tied his hands and feet, and pasted a seal in his mouth to prevent him from making a noise.

In this way, Ye Feng drove away and left the hospital parking lot. The whole process lasted less than a quarter of an hour. In the busy hospital, no one found that a patient and a nurse had left. It was not until the nurse on duty at night that a patient disappeared. However, because the way of proving the emergency contact person filled in by the patient at the time of admission is false, she doesn't know how to get in touch with the person's friends or family, so she can only turn around in a hurry.

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