After several twists and turns, the old woman finally couldn't live him as before. I can only do some odd jobs to support myself. Up to now, this field is almost half buried in the coffin, waiting for death every day. Suddenly, jenma hit her like a coming God of wealth. She was overjoyed and cunningly smelled anxiety from Gemma, which made her unscrupulous blackmail Gemma.

But Gemma can only promise her all kinds of unreasonable requirements. I have to say that this old woman is really good. After she came to the new metropolis, she stirred Ye Feng and them up. In a few days, everyone was afraid to meet her and talk to her. This person was like a broom star, which would bring bad luck to the people around him.

So Gemma can only quickly arrange her in a quiet place, monitor her all the time, and investigate this person's past experience at the same time. At the same time, she also began to let Haili continue to hypnotize the woman to judge what happened when she was young. Considering her age, she is still possible to be the mother of ghost wisdom. If not, she is likely to be a relative of the mother's generation. Therefore, if valuable information can be excavated from her, It is definitely a great help to the current situation. It's hard for Haili. Although Haili is a psychological counselor, her psychological quality is quite good and her patience is excellent. However, when facing this lying old lady, even Haili, who has always been famous for her good temper, can't help blushing and angry. She wants to smash things and swear. This shows how serious the lethality of the old woman is. Everyone who crossed with him engraved a label on her without thinking. This evaluation is absolutely pertinent and has no excessive meaning. She is such a female devil who stubbornly stays in this world. Time brought her not only changes in appearance, but also the inner evil and cunning became more and more mellow, as long as old wine.

The confrontation with the old woman can be written in a 400000 word novel. In short, you have to pay a huge price and be patient to ask a little information from her mouth. Because the old woman is so annoying, in the end, no one is willing to take the initiative to communicate with her except Gemma, and Gemma hates talking to this person, just because the investigation has progressed here, Apart from digging out useful interest rate cuts from her, there is almost no other possibility.

According to the retrospect of the old woman's memory, it can be determined that if ghost Zhi is really related to her, ghost Zhi should be the second son she gave birth to, that is, the child born when the old woman was nearly 40 years old. However, after giving birth to this son, she ran away directly from the delivery room, Therefore, she did not know the whereabouts of the child. As for who the child's father was, she did not know who was the child's biological father because the previous relationship between men and women was too chaotic. The woman couldn't say why. It may be precisely because of this that the child was displaced and tossed between various welfare homes. His future life has become so tortuous and distorted. The fundamental reason is that he was abandoned by his biological mother since childhood, so that he was doomed to this tragic life from the moment he was born. Due to the distortion of his character, many people who appeared in his life were deeply hurt by him, The lives of these people have undergone major changes because of ghost intelligence. Perhaps if there is no ghost intelligence, their lives will be completely different. However, in any case, things have happened. Ghost intelligence is the person who makes everyone feel frightened, and the culprit of this person is the seemingly innocent old woman in front of him. When I think of this, Gemma felt extremely depressed. More tired of this woman.

It's no exaggeration to say that if you have such a parent, you may also go astray. Like ghost wisdom, you will only bring tragedy to others. Although from the beginning to the end, Gemma didn't disclose to her the real identity of the person who might be his son and what he did, the woman seemed to have a hunch that she guessed the truth. In a chat, she talked about similar problems to Gemma.

"Do you want to do something to my son?"

Jenma sneered at the speech. "It's not that I want to trouble him, but that his existence itself is a mistake. Someone must stop him, otherwise, this mistake will cause more people's tragic fate. Do you know how your son treats his first love? Turn her into an idiot and lock her up in the welfare home."

"He is indeed a man who dares to do what he deserves." the old woman smiled wickedly.

Gemma looked at her in disgust and said, "in a word, what you think is basically right. As long as you find your son's whereabouts, we will let him pay for what he has done. In that case, are you still going to cooperate with us?"

Jenma knew very well that the old woman had never wanted to cooperate with them from beginning to end, so she felt relieved when she said these words. The old woman really shrugged her shoulders "It depends on how much money you can give me. As for what you want to do to my safe son, it's your business. I don't care. As long as you can transfer the money to my designated account, if you want to know, I'll tell you and tell you truthfully."

"Tell us the truth?" Jemma smiled sarcastically, "You've never told us the truth. If you didn't get your past memory from sleep, you wouldn't be worth a penny to me. Do you hear me clearly? Don't make me anxious. You'd better cooperate. I believe I can get the money back from your account without your consent."

The old woman immediately became alert. She was staring at jenma's expression, as if to see whether what she said was true or false. After a long time, she seemed to come to the conclusion, just smiled and leaned back in her chair and said: "OK, I know, but you people threaten me, a lonely old lady. You are really an example for young people."

"Don't talk about these things, old lady. We all know that you are not a fuel-efficient lamp. You are not an old lady listening to your hometown at all. You deserve all this. You would have died in poverty and hardship, but you happen to know some value I want to know. That's all. So you'd better use your chips to gamble with me. Of course, if I If you lose the bet, you will certainly lose the whole game. You'd better pray that I won the bet. "

The old woman didn't say anything, but nodded slightly. In the later cooperation, she showed a more positive attitude, which also relaxed jenma's heart. According to the old woman's memories, although she couldn't determine ghost Zhi's biological father, she could avoid or know some information. At least she knew where the old woman lived at that time 。

Although she left the hospital, she could still find some past records in the hospital. She could see that the abandoned baby was sent to a local welfare home after being kept in custody in the hospital for a few days. Perhaps it was because he was just a baby's ghost and didn't leave relevant memories at that time, so he didn't do anything to the welfare home. As for Why? Gemma suspects that he doesn't know the existence of the welfare home at all. Because he has been tossing and turning for several times, he doesn't know what kind of accident caused his birth? He just finds that he is a lonely baby and can only live in the welfare home after having memory, so when he doesn't have memory, what benefits does he get from It's difficult to investigate the records transferred by the hospital. After all, it was decades ago. There were no complete records at that time, just some paper records. Once these paper records were damaged, there was no way to check them.

It is probably because of this situation that ghost Zhi didn't trace back to the original welfare home. Because Gemma directly found ghost Zhi's mother, through this, they can find the original welfare home from the official records of the hospital. Where did the chain break after that? That's the problem that ghost Zhi needs to consider. For Gemma and them In other words, as long as this investigation continues, it will always connect this series of growth experiences of ghost intelligence.

After finding those welfare homes, Ye Feng and zhenma immediately drove to that place. The city was not far from Xindu. It was only six hours' drive. When they got there, they immediately came to those welfare homes in the suburbs. From the outside, they looked like a haunted house. It seemed that it had been abandoned for a long time In the courtyard full of weeds, there is an inquiring old man. The old man seems to be over the age of 80. He walks with a pair of turbid eyes. When he looks at Ye Feng and zhenma, he doesn't seem to believe that a real person came here.

Gemma tried to communicate with him. Fortunately, although the old man looked weak, he was still sober. He was indeed an old employee who had worked in this welfare home for many years. Because he couldn't leave here, he would take the initiative to come here after retirement and come here almost every day. When he heard that it had been abandoned for more than ten years, Jenma couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. Could it be that all these things had been buried in the long river of history? However, when she heard that the old man said that there were still some in the archives here. According to the information a long time ago, Ye Feng and jenma had cooled down, and their mood immediately became excited again. Under the guidance of the old man, they came to a storage room on the ground floor In the room.

This storage room is locked by an iron door. Fortunately, the old man has the key. After unlocking and opening the iron door, he found that it is a room of dozens of square meters. It is filled with wooden shelves, with boxes of data, which are covered with dust and spiders. However, it seems that there is no mouse intrusion here, so the data preservation is relatively complete, but it is not Some materials are too sticky for a long time. The paper becomes as crisp as pancakes. If you are not careful, it may become fragments.

After thanking the old man, Gemma and Ye Feng began to search for information in this storage room. Because the specific year was determined, the workload was not large. Looking forward according to the year, they soon locked the file records that may have ghost wisdom as a child.

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