"Elf, legolaf. I'm the person in charge of this search and rescue operation, Coby Smedes. Every move you take in this operation must be approved by me, okay?" Coby sent people to invite elf and legolaf, the two "war stars", to the bridge and inform them about the task face to face.

Elf and legolaf, the two "war stars" who took the fleet, have the iconic handsome face of the elves and a bodybuilding body more than two meters tall. They stood there quietly, just like the mighty God of war in ancient Greece, emitting a different aura, which made people look sideways.

The two equally blonde, white and handsome "war stars", although they are teammates, they are very different in character. Compared with ELF's loose and hot character, legolaf looks more gloomy, introverted and frightening.

"Out of the field!?" when elf heard that he was going to perform the search and rescue mission, the fleeting ecstasy on his face was keenly grasped by Kobi, even though elf quickly began to touch his nose to hide his true feelings. But corbic is a lady with Eagle sharp eyes.

Sure enough, the two "war stars" have been looking for opportunities to invade. Now they are satisfied... Kobi thinks with some worry in her heart. But on the surface, Kobi didn't show any expression other than firmness and boldness. If she wanted to suppress the two "war stars", she couldn't show a trace of cowardice.

"This mission is to rescue the missing investigation team." compared with bielf's unruly, legolaf at least did a good job on the surface. He asked Kobi for the specific information of the mission.

Kou Bi said seriously to the two "war stars": "Yes, the prime time for rescuing missing soldiers is 12 hours. The target of our rescue has been disconnected for more than an hour and a half. Considering that the target of their investigation is an unknown planet, they may encounter any unexpected situation, but there are still a lot of cases. After they are captured, they are locked up for research due to ethnic differences and have no standing The possibility of being executed at any moment may still exist. In any case, the target of this mission is to see people alive and dead bodies. ",

Elf was still in a foolhardy posture, and his attention was basically focused on Kobi man's wonderful posture. The steady but gloomy legolaf at least nodded to Kobi and signaled him to understand the information of the mission.

"Elf, elf!" Kobi yelled at elf, the "War Star" who was still swimming back and forth with her eyes.

"Ah? You say, legolaf is listening." the latter's reaction made everyone present look black.

This bastard... Kou Bi scolded fiercely in her heart. She secretly vowed that she would take care of you two "war stars" anyway. She wanted to make small moves under my eyes. She was delusional!

"Go to the armory and get the equipment. In 15 minutes, elf, legolaf and I will set out by the landing ship. Move!" after Kobi said that, she ignored the two "war stars" in front of her, and she went straight to the armour warehouse.

The undercurrent surged under the rescue mission. She had to assemble the machine armor, which had at least the capital to confront the "War Star". Kou Bi wanted to drive the "hellbat", the taboo armor


"Got something good?"

Looking at Ye Feng's happy look, Jane, who was bored in the laboratory, asked. Several hours have passed since Ye Feng took Dick to realize the ideas in Ye Feng's mind.

During this period, Jane and middle-aged uncle mark just quietly found a place to sit down. Jane is a quiet person, and mark has been studying the harmonica Dick gave him. They just sit quietly and complement each other.

Ye Feng was in a good mood and went to Jane's side. He found a chair and sat on it: "Hey, Dick really has two skills. With a little inspiration in my wise brain, success is so simple."

She moved the chair under her body. Jane asked herself to stay away from Ye Feng. She said to Ye Feng expressionless, "well, if you like it."

Ye Feng was eager to show off his new weapons to others at the moment. He didn't give up trying to get close to Jane and then said, "Jane, you're so disappointed. You don't want to know what Dick and I made?"

Jane rebuffed, "No."


Jane's attitude made Ye Feng feel choked in his throat. He simply walked to mark's side, but before Ye Feng spoke, middle-aged uncle mark took the lead and directly blocked Ye Feng's words: "sorry, man, I'm not interested. I'm still studying how to use this harmonica."


It's like getting along with a particularly beautiful girlfriend. When he was ready to show off with his friends, he found that they had become gay. Ye Feng felt this way. He sat back in his chair and stopped talking.

Dick, who appeared from the next room, walked quickly to Ye Feng with a serious and serious face. Dick, who was anxious, said hurriedly: "everyone, I have something urgent to deal with immediately. You three are here for one night. The food, water and bedding are in that warehouse. If you're okay --"

"Godfather, hurry up, it's not easy. My roommate is not here today. Come quickly. By the way, remember to bring more bottles of wine, dear ~". From the pocket of Dick's white coat, a strange little girl's whine came out clearly, directly interrupting Dick's words. The old guy's original compassionate face couldn't hang up in an instant, Instantly red like a monkey ass.

The four people looked at each other awkwardly in silence. It seemed that they couldn't stand the contempt in the eyes of Ye Feng, Jane and mark. Dick didn't make any explanation. He also fired a time and space with a transmission gun and went straight in.

Ye Feng stared blankly at Dick's disappeared position: "if I don't get it wrong, the bastard went to see Xiaomi the day before the" Guardian alliance "performed its mission!?" even though he had known dick for some time, Dick could constantly refresh his impression in Ye Feng's heart, which frightened Ye Feng

Mark said with admiration: "this guy is really an old man with great ambition. He is ambitious in his twilight years. He has to be eighty."

Jane said to Ye Feng very seriously, "Ye Feng, stay away from dick in the future. If you become like him, I will deal with you myself."

Ye Feng's back couldn't help getting cold: "er... I, I try my best!"

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