Jane looked at the two bubbles in front of her with bright eyes. She turned her head and looked at Dick: "this thing is very good. Can you make one for me?"

Dick said expressionless to Jane, "of course, apart from your constant threats to me, you basically won't bother me. It's precious. I'll make you a" bubble gun ". You can put away the small round shield I gave you. By the way, its name is" avina's wing "

After receiving Dick's reply, Jane put away the invisible ripple "wing of avina" and looked at Ye Feng struggling in the bubbles with great interest.

Ye Feng and mark in the bubble covered their necks hard and struggled in the bubble, but the thin bubble was extremely tough. Even if ye Feng hit violently, they couldn't cause any damage to the bubble. On the contrary, the vibration returned by the bubble made Ye Feng painful.

Ye Feng was so stupid that he didn't dare to use other more powerful weapons. He didn't want to die in his own hands.

"It's much quieter now. Don't talk about me next time. At least don't let me hear you. However, I have a record of every word you say. Therefore, when I don't bring my psychic headset, you'd better slander me in your heart. Do you understand?" Dick said to Ye Feng and mark in the bubble with his big mouth, because his tone was a little excited, The saliva from Dick's mouth sprayed on two big bubbles, which made Ye Feng and mark feel a burst of cold


“Holy shit!!!”

With a frightened curse, elf jumped back.

Just now, he swaggered in front of the team, but he was shriveled at a corner. The reason is very simple. At the corner at the end of the corridor, there are two machine guns facing this direction. When elf saw the two machine guns sticking out of the ceiling, he was still amused by this non innovative sinking. You want to shut people out with this?

With the equipped "God killer" armor, elf was ready to ignore the fire snake spewing out of the machine gun and resist it. However, more than ELF's accident happened. Only two bullets consumed the defense field of the "God killer" armor. Xinkuelf reacted very quickly and turned around and rolled forward, which escaped the dense bullet rain. He hid back in the corridor in a dog's posture of grabbing shit. He learned well and no longer easily approached the corner.

"Fuck! What material is this bullet made of? It's so powerful?" elf roared in anger for the rest of his life.

"The power is not so exaggerated. It's just that elements that can absorb the defense field are added to the bullet." a sound that sounds very flat appeared behind elf and others. The appearance of this sound surprised Kobi, legolaf and ELF in a cold sweat. The detection system didn't find any creatures approaching!?

In the dark corridor, the figure of a tall and thin human gradually became clear. Behind the strange human old man with sunflower head, in addition to a beautiful woman with short black hair, he was also followed by two more strange bubbles wrapped around human men? Just suspended in mid air.

This sudden strange scene surprised Kobi and the two "war stars" for a moment. There was no sound or action. They just stared at Dick leading Jane and two big bubbles to their vicinity.

"Hey! Hey! Stop! This distance is close enough! Who are you!?" when Kobi saw that the human old man had come nearby, he quickly made a noise to stop it.

"Who are we? Is that what we say? Do you have cataracts?" Dick always talks to anyone.

Ye Feng once asked Dick, won't you be beaten if you talk like this? Dick's answer was simple: every week, nearly twenty people were ready to kill me, and half of them and I became friends at the party. What about the other half? Ye Feng asked. the other half? They can't attend the party. They have to go to their own funeral. Dick said expressionless.

"Er... Are you human?", cobby was stunned by Dick's choking.

"You need to tell me? I don't know if I'm human? You bastards also want to rob my things. I'll send you to God now." after Dick said that, without giving Kobi and others a chance to react, he pressed a button on his right arm, and the whole arm suddenly began to deform. In a moment, Dick's right arm became an armed gun, The gun barrel shining with high-energy light column is aimed at Kobi and others.

Ye Feng in the bubble was stunned by the energy gun tube turned by Dick's arm. How many killing tricks is Dick hiding in this goods? The eyes of middle-aged uncle mark have completely turned into little stars. Without the restraint of the bubble, mark will surely run to Dick and study the deformable mechanical arm carefully.

Facts have proved that no matter how many hardships a man has experienced, even if he is still in the purgatory of middle-aged crisis, the attraction of deformable mechanical energy gun to him is like a huge humanoid weapon, which will never fade, but will last forever.

"Rob your stuff? You probably misunderstood. My task is to search for the three missing crew members. As for the two behind me, I don't know what their purpose is.", cobby was very relieved to sell elf and legolaf at this time. She didn't want to do a secret task for the two "star fighters", And lose your life in this damn place.

Elf saw that CORBI turned the focus to himself and legolaf. He took a step forward and threatened CORBI in a low voice: "pay attention to your words!"

"Hey, that bastard, you take off your armored helmet for me, and so do you two." Dick pointed his gun at elf. The latter didn't answer, but raised his hand and hit the energy beam and shot dick hard. Dick was still attacked by ELF and stood in place intact. After being hit by an energy gun, Dick didn't even break a small hole in his white coat except the water stain made by his own saliva.

"... you..."

While looking at the wonderful expression on the stunned elf elf ELF's face with satisfaction, Dick quietly carried his hand behind him and made a gesture for help to Jane behind him. It turned out that the defense field on Dick's white coat had been exhausted by the energy beam of ELF's strike just now. Now he needs Jane's help.

Jane whispered in a voice that only herself and Dick could hear, "give me that bubble gun now."


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