"Well, let's start the game. The first level is the guardian alliance that no one in the universe knows, but do you really know them? Match their photos and those hit, um, those pertinent comments, um, and then you can pass, um, this is a connection question. Believe me, er, this is a point sending question."

Dick in the video just finished introducing the rules with a piece of paper.

"As my homey said, this is a point giving question. Of course, in my study career, teachers usually spit blood after they say this sentence."

The transcendent didn't finish the nonsense, because the screen suddenly fell into darkness.

It's dick. It took him a lot of effort to turn off the switch of this huge screen. However, the three minute timer also began to count down, leaving less than three minutes for everyone.

Elf said impatiently, "fuck you m, I won't play his game. I'll find a way to get us out of here." as a war star, elf has no weakness except claustrophobia. At this time, the closed environment, the threat of death and the concentration of emergencies filled ELF's heart with impatience.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait, asshole, he said that if you leave, you will die, indicating that there is likely to be a booby trap here."

Dick wouldn't care about the life and death of ELF bastard elf if he wasn't behind the dilemma. Dick seldom had a bad heart and advised others.

Elf pointed to Dick's nose and asked, "old bastard, how can you act as if that person wasn't you?"

"I'm" broken ", don't you understand? Don't you drink?" Dick is really in a state of "that man is not me

Elf shouted to Dick, "drinking should be cool and sexy --"

Corby interrupted, "are you talking about you? Sorry, I didn't see it from you."

"- not you, drinking like a nervous tramp sleeping on the manhole cover!" elf grabbed his helmet in both hands, and he was about to explode with the anger of this damn human.

"Calm down, elf." legolaf, who had been silent in the crowd, walked up to ELF and tried to appease his teammates who were out of control.

"Stay away from me, man, I don't want to argue with you. Oh, shit, but it makes me feel uncomfortable here. I need space. I need space! I, I want to get out of here!" elf, who was out of control, waved his hands indiscriminately. The strong discomfort caused by claustrophobia made the star fighter feel out of breath while talking.

Finally, elf broke out. He flew the armor to a vent on his head, broke through the iron plate closed in the hole with the assembled high-energy beam, and drilled in without hesitation.

Then, in the stunned gaze of all the people present, elf, whose upper body got into the vent, spilled blood in a burst of electric saw cutting sound. ELF's legs leaked outside the vent fought fiercely. ELF's scream lasted only more than ten seconds. With a burst of fire flashing in the vent, elf's legs stopped shaking, and his terrible scream was no longer issued.

The lower part of the body leaked outside the cave shook freely on the heads of the people with the sound of the fragmentation of the cutting objects. With a crisp crack, the intact lower body of ELF fell from the sky and fell in front of Ye Feng and others. As for the upper body of elf, no one knows what it has become.

Before the people could react from their amazement, elf's half body dragged the half body up and down in the enclosed space, spilling ELF's blood on the wall because the jet flight device on the armored feet was still functioning.

In order not to let the bodies of his dead teammates be desecrated again, legolaf shot and exploded half of ELF's running body with a laser gun.

Dick said expressionless, "it's worthy of being the war star among the elves. This exit way is quite special."

Kobi, on one side, was shocked to see the tragic end of ELF's bones. Although she was very disgusted with elf, the "War Star", she didn't think elf deserved such an end. The fairy beauty came to Dick, grabbed the old green skin's neck and asked in a harsh voice, "human, give me a reason not to pinch and burst your trachea."

"Hey, hey, hey! Cobby, relax, relax, you can't handle this old guy yourself. Jane, come and help." Ye Feng hurried forward to pull cobby's arm and tried to drag the fairy beauty away from Dick, a psychopath. Ye Feng didn't want to see a big beauty like flowers turned into eggplant by Dick.

"Believe in yourself, you can do it alone."

Jane shook her head and stood aside with her arms in her arms. Somehow, whenever she sees Ye Feng around the elf Kobi, Jane's chest will be dull. This feeling makes her dislike it very much, so Jane has to keep a distance from Ye Feng.

"Thank you for your help, maple boy. Corby, because my epidermis is intertwined with nanofiber protective net, and I also said, I don't remember what happened after I was broken." Dick started his physical defense mechanism, and Corby holding on to Dick was suddenly bounced away. Obviously, the power of Corby's "hellbat" can't do anything to Dick.

"TMD, when I first saw the old corpse in this place, I knew TM was going to have an accident, fuck!" Oliver, the doomsday soldier, cursed. His strength was only a little stronger than that of an intermediate war star like elf. If elf died so miserably, Oliver began to worry about his safety

Dick pointed to middle-aged uncle mark and threatened Oliver, "Oliver, I'm not proud of what I've done here. But if you continue to speak unkindly to me, there will be another passenger in the ghost train that the fat man can summon over there."

Dick and the former teammates of the guardian league can no longer be described as looking at each other wrong, but as hating each other.

Uncle mark whispered, "please call me" sexy Superman ", or mark, I'm not fat, it's just the inevitable weight gain in middle age..."

(Mark: I used to have very few lines. Now I can only say a few words when I use uncle's stem?

Liezi: Yes.

Mark: that's not right. Superman can't fly! Er, the following sentence doesn't seem to be the line of the set...)

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