"Are you going to keep this habit?"

Watching Ye Feng take out the glass Rongqing with unknown liquid again, open the cork and pour it directly into her mouth. Jane put down the baked cold noodles in her hand and asked.

"Of course, at least in the near future."

As the liquid was completely inhaled, maple leaf's face suddenly burst into blue tendons and began to swell and change color violently. Because of the unbearable pain, Ye Feng couldn't help shaking. When the discomfort slowly faded, Ye Feng wiped the sweat on his head and turned to face Jane.

"Is this really necessary? These are deadly poisons."

Even though she has witnessed it dozens of times, Jane still instinctively rejects this shocking scene. After all, people's innate nature of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages can not be controlled and erased.

"I don't know. Although I recovered my lost self-healing ability from dick before, I haven't mastered the limit of this" immortal power ". If I can't understand this, it will be to me -"

Jane interrupted Ye Feng's words: "it will hinder your future death behavior. Ye Feng, if you go on like this, you will die in your own hands."

"That's better than dying in the hands of the enemy. Damn it, compared with the past, the pain seems to be stronger now..."

Ye Feng stood up from the chair and walked back and forth in the room. Because he didn't calculate the dose of poison, Ye Feng felt that his whole body was in a state of paralysis. Moreover, according to Ye Feng's recent experience of "poison test", this situation will continue for at least a few hours.

"This should increase the body's resistance to poisons. Well, it must be."

Ye Feng comforted himself. In order to adapt to his lost self-healing ability earlier, Ye Feng really worked hard and self disciplined to "exercise" himself, just in order to touch the limit of his body.

Jane pointed to Ye Feng's cell phone and said to Ye Feng standing motionless in the middle of the living room, "Hey, your phone is ringing."

With his back to Jane, Ye Feng wanted to cry and said, "please connect the phone. It's best to put it in my ear again. Thank you. Jane, you'd better hurry up. I can't feel my mouth..."

This time, there was a big deviation in the dosage. Ye Feng personally felt that he was about to touch the limit

"... there is a function called hands-free, don't you know?"

Even in silence, Jane had to connect the phone. After pressing the hands-free key on the screen, Xu wenweak's voice came out of the phone.

"Maple, I found something!"

Losing control of his neck, Ye Feng could only stare at the wall in front of him. He asked anxiously, "what did you find? The whereabouts of Chu Qian?"

"Information about Chu Qian -"

Ye Feng asked, "how's it going?"

"- I didn't find anything."

Ye Feng couldn't help scolding: "then you're so excited! You'd better not tell me. You found a delicious restaurant."

"Don't worry. Chu Qian hasn't been settled yet, but I found that this Buyo city is not simple. Maple, do you remember the rumors of the disappearance of capable people in recent years?"

Ye Feng recalled that he really had the impression of rumors in this regard in his mind: "it seems that there was such a thing. At that time, you cursed me and said that the next missing person would be my turn."

Xu wenweak scolded on the phone: "you TM have the face to say it yourself? Just because you screwed up the list, I ran around and was chased and killed by the psychopaths of the secret gold cult for more than half a year, fuck!"

As soon as he heard that the topic was wrong, Ye Feng quickly turned away: "talk and get down to business. Do you mean that Buyo city is related to the disappearance of those capable people?"

"Very likely. When collecting the missing cases of capable people like Chu Qian, in many similar events, especially in the last three years, the frequency of the place name of Buyo city is simply abnormal. Including Chu Qian, in the last three years, about 18 capable people have disappeared in Buyo City, and there are more mercenaries and killers."

Ye Feng was surprised by the number in Xu wenweak's mouth: "so many people have disappeared? Even a group of ordinary people should cause great repercussions."

"Maple son, maybe it is because the missing people are not ordinary people that they have not aroused waves in the society. Think about it, even if these people are missing for a few months or even years, they may not be aware of them. After all, these strange B are usually unpopular."

Ye Feng, who was classified as strange B, shouted discontentedly, "Hey, fat Xu, pay attention to your words."

"Eh? What happened to your voice? Why did you suddenly have a big tongue?"

In the face of Xu wenweak's doubts, Jane answered for Ye Feng: "Ye Feng has pretended to be dead. Xu wenweak, tell me the information you found first, and I'll tell him when Ye Feng regains consciousness."

"Ah? Are you fighting?"

Jane gently pushed Ye Feng, who stood still, and said helplessly, "in the hotel room. You should know better than me that Ye Feng can die anytime, anywhere."



"Hollyshit... How long have I fainted?"

Hard to open his eyes, Ye Feng noticed that he was already lying in bed, and Jane was eating a large pot of wolf teeth potatoes.

"Two hours and 35 minutes. Would you like to try it?" Jane sent a large pot of wolf tooth potatoes forward in her hand.

"Forget it, pancake fruit is my favorite. Damn it, what did Xu wenweak say later?"

Ye Feng shook his head. He felt that his mind was full of paste and his straight hair was heavy.

Jane repeated the information revealed by Xu wenweak on the phone: "nothing. He has just found some clues. He is still digging. According to him, it seems to be related to the fight against the underworld."

"Black fist?"

Jane nodded: "his original words were:" it should be related to the underground opening. "

"Underground opening..."

After listening to Jane's words, Ye Feng fell into meditation.

"Well... I don't know much about this, but I also know some things. If my guess is correct, Chu Qian should be controlled and become a tool for someone to suck money. M, this kind of thing can still happen."

Jane couldn't keep up with Ye Feng's thought: "specifically?"

"Someone should be secretly holding a battle between capable people to open an opening and squeeze huge gambling money."

For Ye Feng's words, Jane was a little unbelievable: "will someone be interested in this evil taste?"

"Of course, this is the earth, full of a creature called human..."

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