"Jane, don't try too hard, or you won't play for a long time."

Listening to the begging for mercy from the next room, Ye Feng told him.

Jane's reply came from the next door, "OK."

With Morgan's permission, Ye Feng invited the two abusive social brothers to the storage room of the "Hall bar". Jane couldn't help but slip her sharp faced friend into a small lounge next to the storage room, and then there was a constant noise mixed with shouting. The old hooligan, who was running 50, was picked up by Jane, crying for his father and mother. His tears and snot mixed together, and he was extremely embarrassed.

Listening to the cry of killing pigs, Ye Feng had to shout to Jane, "Jane, are you going to make this uncle suffer from heterosexual phobia? Don't go too far."

"I have to improve his memory. Don't worry. I'm just stretching him a little. It's good for his height."

After listening to Jane's words, Ye Feng couldn't help getting cold on her back. Sure enough, she couldn't easily annoy women, especially Jane, a woman with strong self-esteem and terrible strength.

"OK, you're welcome." Ye Feng ignored the shrill scream from the next room. He looked back at the earth fat circle in front of him. The latter has long been a cold sweat on his forehead. His two eyes keep turning around in his eyes. Tu feiyuan hasn't given up yet. He is still trying to come up with countermeasures.

Because in the process of being "invited" before, Tu feiyuan was very unworthy of meeting, and there were fierce disputes. Ye Feng "missed" and slapped Tu feiyuan, which expanded the scale of Tu feiyuan's round face again, and jumped from the big cake face to the level of "Indian flying cake"! The two big face eggs are red and swollen. At this time, the soil is not as ferocious as before, but even stupid and cute. It looks very like a Russian doll.

"If you cooperate, we can choose to skip the stage that the man next door is going through. Of course, if you have this need -"

Tu feiyuan shook his head desperately: "no, no demand."

Ye Feng sat face to face in front of Tu feiyuan and looked at TU feiyuan firmly tied to the wooden chair. Ye Feng slapped Tu feiyuan first, and then spoke slowly: "Rule 1: don't interrupt my speech; rule 2: you can speak only when I let you speak; rule 3: you are not allowed to lie. Of course, you can also choose to test my lie detection ability as long as you dare to bear the consequences."


"Give me a reaction."

"Clear, clear."

Ye Feng subconsciously touched his pocket and then said to Tu feiyuan, "very good. Sorry, I didn't bring sausage."

"I'm not a dog."


Ye Feng slapped Tu feiyuan again.

Tu feiyuan was not a good tempered master. He was slapped in the face by Ye Feng twice and again. His anger instantly outweighed his fear. The man scolded his mother directly: "shit! You're kidnapping. I'll sue you. You're infringing on my citizenship!"

"Tell me? Are you kidding? What kind of goods do you want me to tell you?" Ye Feng took out his mobile phone and held it in front of Tu feiyuan. An international wanted notice was displayed on the mobile phone screen, and the picture on the wanted notice was Tu feiyuan himself.

Looking at TU feiyuan's stunned expression, Ye Feng sneered and said: "Wang Chengren? The meaning of your name is good, but judging from your resume, you don't seem to have done anything. You are listed as an international wanted criminal for crimes such as smuggling, murder, organizing gangs, lending usury, etc. You absconded with stolen money six months ago and smuggled into Buyo City, Atlanta. Even if I kill you now, no one will know and no one will care. Man, do you need me to go on? "

Tu feiyuan, that is, Wang Chengren, was so bright eyed that he stared at Ye Feng closely. At this time, he was particularly calm. His temperament had undergone earth shaking changes. He was introverted and cunning. He was very different from the previous forced image of a nouveau riche: "are you a cop?"

Ye Feng couldn't help laughing: "me? Of course not. I'm just a warm-hearted superhero who provides paid hero services. You're in the Jianghu. You should have heard my name:" God of death. "

Wang Chengren firmly shook his head: "No."

"Really not?"

Wang Chengren said firmly, "No. many people claim to be the God of death, but I have no impression of you."

Ye Feng said to himself, "er... It seems that my influence in the world is not enough. Well, this is a problem..."

Wang Chengren stared at Ye Feng with an expressionless face. When his true face was exposed by Ye Feng (Ye Feng asked Xu wenweak to check), Tu feiyuan showed that he would not be surprised until he fought in the shadow for many years. He calmly stared at Ye Feng and asked, "what do you want? Money? Say a number."


The answer to Wang Chengren was Ye Feng's powerful slap in the face

"Have I allowed you to speak?"

The corners of Wang Chengren's mouth were torn. The ferocity and hatred in his eyes seemed to condense into an entity, but he didn't speak anymore, but chose to remain silent: "...."

Ye Feng asked, "well, you see, it's not difficult to abide by the rules. Just now you mentioned a duel at dinner, and you lost more than two million. Is there such a thing?"

Wang Chengren replied, "yes."

Ye Feng then asked, "is this a duel between capable people?"

"That's right."

"Do you often take part in this kind of gambling?"

"Contact has only recently begun."

"How many times have you been?"

"Three times."

"How do I get there?"

"I don't know."

Ye Feng asked Wang Chengren questions and answers frequently in order not to give Wang Chengren time to think and make up. When people lie, compared with the lying technique of concealing some facts, fabricating false information is more complex and easier to be exposed. After all, except for very few people, the vast majority of people who have not received professional training are likely to have logical and verbal bugs when fabricating lies. The less time a liar is given to think, the higher the chance of exposing a lie.

"Don't know? This is not my satisfactory answer." looking at Ye Feng picking up an iron bar scattered on the ground, Wang Chengren said expressionless: "I really don't know. Every time, Senluo sends a car to pick up and send off, and the guests will be informed of the specific location of the collection a few hours in advance."

Ye Feng silently wrote down the name "Senluo" in his heart.

"That place is called senro? What about the general road map?"

"Neither. You may not believe it. It seems that one of the people who pick up the guests can do things like hypnosis. Anyway, I have no impression of how I got to" senro "these three times and how I returned to Buyo after that."

"Hypnosis, sleep?"

Ye Feng stared into Wang Chengren's eyes and saw no sign of lying.

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