The battle in the octagonal cage was extremely boring. Like a hamster, lild, holding a flamethrower longer than his upper body, chased Ye Feng's ass and kept burning.

In the process of avoiding, our classmate Ye Feng kept teasing and ridiculing the slot on lild, a style that would not let lild die. Fortunately, it's early morning and the audience is empty. No one "appreciates" the padded field. Otherwise, there will certainly be a "refund"...

Of course, "no refund" has always been the service tenet of "senro". In fact, no one dares to refund the ticket, even if the entrance fee of "senro" needs 30000 Asian dollars......

"Nephew, is that all you can do?" fortunately, Ye Feng's skill has been fully exercised in recent years. In addition to several holes in his clothes burned by fire, Ye Feng is almost unharmed - well, not all. Some eyebrows and hair are inevitably lost.

"Your move is enough to deal with you. You dare to enter the duel field without protective gear and weapons. You TM are really tired of living!" one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. While cursing Ye Feng, lild fired a hot flame at Ye Feng.

It seems that Ye Feng has lost his mind due to his mouth gun, but lild has been carefully controlling the distance between himself and Ye Feng. Lild, who has experienced many battles, knows that in this battle, distance is his absolute advantage. If Ye Feng gets close to him, even if ye Feng is an ordinary person, he can easily put him down. Of course, Ye Feng's mouth gun still played a role. From lild's angry face as red as a monkey's ass, it's not difficult to see that he really wanted to roast Ye Feng,

"Er... There's still a place to get equipment? Why didn't anyone tell me?" before entering the octagonal cage, Ye Feng thought it was an undifferentiated fight with bare hands. After seeing lild with a "fire spraying Crane", Ye Feng found that he was wrong. For him, his opponent is not only a pervert, but also a pervert who likes to play with fire......

"Fool, are you new here?" lild quietly opened the distance from Ye Feng. With the progress of the battle, lild gradually found a strange place.

You know, lild's "fire breathing Crane", in which the stored gas is mixed with the poisonous gas added by lild, which is why he wears a mask painted with flame style. The man with mouth damage didn't seem to be affected by the poison gas at all. He kept talking so lively, which made lild on the alert.

PS: soldiers dueling in "senro" can choose the weapons provided. Of course, most people will use the weapons they wear when they are caught in "senro". For people like lild, weapons represent almost all their combat effectiveness. In order to make the game exciting, Leonard, the owner of senro, allowed the duelers to use the weapons of their choice. Of course, there is a strict process for the management and distribution of weapons. As long as there is a slight difference, sonic weapons will serve

"How can I talk to my elders? Big nephew, I'm having a good time with you. It's getting late, so you'd better hurry on the road!" as soon as the voice fell, Ye Feng suddenly threw his arm at lild. The latter subconsciously blocked himself with a "flame thrower", and only heard a crisp metal impact. Ye Feng's concealed weapon shot at lild fell at lild's feet.

"I'm sorry, fool." lild, who was frightened out of a cold sweat, glanced at the "hidden weapon" that fell at his feet. It turned out to be a metal button!? Lild was not ready to give Ye Feng another chance to make trouble. He aimed the "fire spraying Crane" at Ye Feng, who was at a loss, and suddenly pressed the launch button.


"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Lild's whole body was shrouded in the hot flame and threw the "fire spraying Crane" in his hand on the ground. Lild screamed and rolled desperately on the ground, trying to extinguish the flame on his body. But it was just a dying struggle. The burning flame devoured the life of the greedy leard. A few minutes later, there was a mass of charred broken bodies on the ground.

"Who's the fool, big nephew?" he endured the burning pain on his body. Ye Feng moved a few steps, looked down at the blackened thing pasted on the ground and said expressionless.

Ye Feng was really empty and thrown into the octagonal cage. The metal button he shot was still on the way to be escorted. Ye Feng "Shun" came from the guard. Thanks to his "superfluous" at that time, it would take another effort to kill the abnormal dwarf.

When Ye Feng threw the metal button at lild, his first goal was actually the "fire spraying Crane" in lild's hand. He wanted to break the air storage tank of the "fire spraying Crane". In the previous round of lild, Ye Feng roughly determined the action track of lild holding the "fire spraying Crane", and then suddenly burst up. Sure enough, when Ye Feng shot the metal button, lild subconsciously lifted the "fire spraying Crane" obliquely and blocked himself in front. The button shot by Ye Feng hit one of the gas tanks and successfully leaked the gas. Lild, who didn't know it, pressed the button of self Immolation, whining.

Of course, Ye Feng was also shrouded by the fierce outbreak of the flame. He was burned with a gray face and ragged clothes, but in contrast, he became a lump of burnt black corpse. The winner of this padded field was undoubtedly Ye Feng who stood at the end.


"Your burn is very serious. If you come a little later, it will start to scab." in the infirmary, a beautiful nurse sister is wrapping a gauze around Ye Feng's scalded right hand. She has just put medicine on Ye Feng's hand.

This infirmary is not the one managed by Mary. It is dedicated to dealing with the wounded during the duel. Therefore, Ye Feng is very glad that the nurses here are all beautiful girls rather than all the male nurses in Mary.

"Don't exaggerate..." Ye Feng looked at his hand wrapped in gauze and thought helplessly: This is the second time he entered the infirmary in two days. The first time he was beaten by a cute girl with a big chest, and the second time he was scalded by a abnormal dwarf...

"You must have been careless." the nurse who bandaged Ye Feng's wound was busy, and the two had a chat.

"This is my first time to contact these. So... A little distracted." although the nurse sister in front of me is very pleasing to the eye, Ye Feng has only one thought in his heart: he'd better find Chu Qian and leave here. There are too many strange people in this place...

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