"This beauty is not an easy role to deal with," Ye Feng said to Jane in a low voice after xinhengzhizi passed by him.

"I talked with her for a while, and I think what she said is very reasonable." after the conversation, Jane's influence on the new hengzhizi has a brand-new change, which is an appreciation of not knowing each other.

As for Shin Heng Ji Ko, a vigorous beauty, Jane not only agrees with her, but also realizes that her desire for prison break seems too strong. Jane vaguely feels that Shin Heng Ji Ko should not only be for freedom. Of course, everyone has their own secrets behind them. Jane doesn't want and doesn't need to explore them. After all, Jane has enough secrets herself

Ye Feng asked with an unnatural expression, "what did she say?"

So far, I have not inquired about Chu Qian, but also caused a lot of trouble. The trend of the situation seems to be moving in a bad direction. Damn Murphy's law, don't make any trouble for me at this time. Ye Feng thought anxiously in his heart.

"She didn't reveal much information to me, but I felt that she might know how to escape." Jane deliberately lowered her voice to prevent the prisoners around from hearing.

Is there such a good thing After Ye Feng entered the "cage Pavilion", the only thing that can be determined is that Jane and Ye Feng alone can't escape from the strange environment, even with the found Chu Qian, even if Jane is not a person, Ye Feng is a prison acquaintance and Chu Qian is a superman

However, if there is the intervention of the original forces in the prison, there is a probability of success in the task of prison escape, which was originally 100% impossible to complete. For gamblers like Ye Feng and amnesia killers like Jane, who have no emotional burden at all, they absolutely want to seize the opportunity to make a big fuss. They are not the masters who can live in peace. Er, maybe Ye Feng is. After all, the first thing this guy did when he went to prison was to see his sister nurse in the infirmary

"Really?" when Jane said that xinhengzhizi might know the way to escape from prison, Ye Feng's eyes immediately lit up like two electric light bulbs.

"Well, but our top priority is not to escape from prison," Jane said calmly to Ye Feng.

"Yes, I can't leave here until Chu Qian is rescued."

"Have you figured out how to find Chu Qian?" Jane looked at Ye Feng who was suddenly depressed, reached out and patted the latter on the shoulder, and then asked softly.

"Well, I think of a way." Ye Feng smiled gratefully at Jane and said seriously.

"What should I do?"

"All the way up," Ye Feng said firmly.


Time is a very magical existence. When it passes quietly, you hardly realize the importance of time, but it has been faithfully recording your life. Time is the most objective bystander in the world. It has no pride and prejudice. You usually don't even feel its existence. This feeling is especially obvious when you are immersed in something. Only when you inadvertently glance at the calendar recording time will you suddenly realize that so long has passed unconsciously.

Ye Feng has this feeling.

Since entering the strange prison of "cage Pavilion", Ye Feng and Jane have spent 16 days and nights in their life here. Although they can't intuitively feel the alternation of day and night, looking at the jump of time on the calendar, Ye Feng not only misses the free time that is not bound.

In the past half a month or so, Ye Feng and Jane had a very regular life. After gradually adapting to the rule of respecting the strong in the "cage Pavilion", Jane deliberately found several opportunities to Liwei and severely repaired several short eyed disciples. Since then, together with Ye Feng, who is often with Jane, the prisoners in the whole "Longge area 1" can't be respectful to them, but at least they have learned well and avoided Jane and Ye Feng intentionally or unintentionally.

Ye Feng wondered why the golden haired Kane didn't bother him after he parted unhappily. Later, Ye Feng thought carefully that he would be thrown into the octagonal cage to fight the "abnormal dwarf". It should be the ghost that Kane did behind. It may be that he wanted to destroy Ye Feng's momentum, but the final result, On the contrary, Kane was a lot more honest. At least for half a month, he didn't show up and didn't take the initiative to find Ye Feng trouble. Ye Feng was also happy to be free.

Of course, Ye Feng is not very free. Indeed, no one bothers him, but in order to see Chu Qian, Ye Feng has to find trouble himself.

Stepping into the octagonal cage every three or five times has become a part of Ye Feng's life in the "cage Pavilion", and so does Jane. Their daily life is sleeping, eating and dueling.

Compared with Ye Feng, Jane's strength is much stronger, and there are few opponents Jane meets along the way who can't communicate. Usually, both sides have a discussion on the premise of point to point. Jane is very satisfied with this fighting atmosphere. She can not only hone her skills, but also play a boring prison life. In a word, Jane has been able to beat her opponents with ease, can cushion the field for the final competition, and even has the qualification to challenge the invincible winner - "the saint of steel".

Of course, Jane's opponents are not very strong, and there is almost no paranoia. It was arranged by Leonard, the boss of "senro". In the final analysis, the duel competition is just a carrier for gambling. Regardless of Jane's own strength, her beautiful appearance can attract countless eyes. Let Jane win all the way until she challenges the most popular Dueler "saint of steel" in "senro". This gimmick can make "senro" earn a lot of money.

In a word, Jane's promotion is much simpler than Ye Feng

After half a month's efforts, Ye Feng has been able to cushion the field for the final competition. Like Jane, he has also obtained the qualification to challenge the invincible winner - "saint of steel", but the difficulties are far more dangerous than Ye Feng's own imagination. From this point, we can see the cruelty of Ye Feng's promotion: he is almost either in the octagonal cage or in the medical room.

Even though Ye Feng has self-healing ability, compared with Jane's intensive fighting, it is still greatly destroying Ye Feng's body. Close to his own self-healing ability, Ye Feng can hardly recover. This is almost the most intensive half month of fighting times in Ye Feng's life. The most significant change of Ye Feng is that his body shape has obviously expanded a circle and is more fit

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