Gradually, as the scenery outside the window became more and more desolate, Ye Feng noticed that an ancient stone bridge, like a dying old man, collapsed between the mountains and streams, which was likely to collapse at any time, which not only worried the people who saw it.

Ye Feng can see the abandoned road not far away, crawling on one side of the river like a python, crawling towards the distance, vaguely giving Ye Feng a desolate and pathetic feeling.

Ye Feng can't remember what kind of specific scene it was in when it happened. It seems that Ye Feng was abandoned by the man he regarded as his father in a deserted desert.

Ye Feng is very glad that Rihanna did not participate in the operation, otherwise, he may have to go to the cemetery to sweep the grave of his old lover.

It was actually a boring adventure. There was nothing to say. Except that most of the people in the team were buried in Sha overseas, only the man betrayed Ye Feng.

When the man attacked Ye Feng and robbed them of all their supplies, Ye Feng could still recall his despair at that time. He naively thought that everyone in the world could betray him, except the man. Obviously, Ye Feng was wrong.

When I heard the man say to him, "Ye Feng, I must survive. Believe it or not, I really must survive." Ye Feng's world collapsed.

The deepest pain in the world is not caused by guns and weapons, but by the people who think they are closest to you. Ye Feng's character today largely stems from the blow he received at that time.

In fact, the supplies at that time could support Ye Feng and the man out of the desert together, but as a result, they went in another direction

Ye Feng was lucky to be rescued by two hiking donkey friends. After that, Ye Feng didn't want to take revenge on the man. He just left the place calmly and set foot on the land of Atlanta thousands of miles away to start another life. In the past, he had already died in the barren desert and was buried by the wind and sand together with his past memory

With the driving of the car, soon, the mountains with distinctive contours are winding and frightening. The cliffs in the mountains stand abruptly, just like the guards of the mountains. For millions of years, they have quietly watched every passing creature.

Ye Feng suddenly felt his smallness. In the eyes of these mountains, perhaps the car Ye Feng took was just one of the vast passers-by when the mountains had a leisurely rest. This group of ancient mountains with tens of thousands of years of human civilization history was just a drop in the long river for the mountains, leaving no impression at all

Another hour or so later, the shuttle bus that Ye Feng took drove to an ancient village. The scenery here is very beautiful and has a unique artistic conception of Qingyuan and melodious.

In the world where Ye Feng lives, no natural scenery can be seen. Even in the few parks in the city, those trees are only some fast-growing poplar or willow, while the real trees, the old trees called "old money", have little space for them to grow slowly.

He has passed the village of AHAM town. Soon, Ye Feng can see the Rihanna he misses so much. When it comes to why he doesn't contact Rihanna, Ye Feng is really a heartless person. He rarely calls his old friends in the past. In the deep heart of Ye Feng, there is always that man in his memory with Rihanna. It is this that makes Ye Feng subconsciously avoid anyone who communicates with that man. Unfortunately, Rihanna is among them.

"Sir, sir?"

"Ah? What's the matter?" Ye Feng, who fell asleep, regained his consciousness and looked at the conductor on the bus who was talking to him.

"The terminal is here, sir."

Ye Feng noticed that the bus had unwittingly driven into AHAM town when he fell asleep due to his wishful thinking. At this time, the bus had stopped steadily. Looking around, Ye Feng found that he had only one passenger. He quickly took his luggage and got off the old bus.

"I have to make up for sleep. I'm tired to death..." Ye Feng said to himself with his head down. He got out of the car with his luggage on his back. Then he looked up at the road in front of him.

"Hi, Ye Feng."

Standing in front of Ye Feng, the dark haired beauty with wheat skin has typical Hispanic features. Her eyes are deep, her nose is high, her sexy and thick lips have an exotic style, her body is sexy and fit, and her hip waist ratio is extremely fierce and perfect. Although her legs are slightly strong, it highlights the wild nature contained in her body, just like a beautiful leopard, Let the man unknowingly fall into the hunting trap she set.

Even after many years, Rihanna's clothing taste has not changed. She is wearing camouflage pants and long leather shoes. Her upper body is matched with a black sports vest and a yellowish brown leather jacket. She is also surrounded by a red scarf around her neck.

Because of her sexy and explosive figure, Rihanna's leather jacket was held up high, and her camouflage trousers were held up without any wrinkles by a pair of tight thighs, which made Ye Feng subconsciously swallow his saliva.

But Rihanna's femininity has not been covered up. When she raises her hand and throws her foot, the feminine charm is integrated with a beautiful and amazing murderous spirit, like a colorful highly toxic flower. While highlighting her own beauty, she still emits a dangerous cold, which makes all those who want to kiss Fangze can't stop.

"Rihanna, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are more and more moving." Ye Feng is not flattering, but the real idea in his heart.

"You are the same, finally a little man." Rihanna looked at Ye Feng with a smile.

"I used to be a man, otherwise how could you fall in love with me?" Ye Feng put down his luggage and walked towards Rihanna with open arms, ready to start the reunion journey with Rihanna with a warm hug.

"I miss you, Leha - shit! Why are you here!?"

It was not Rihanna who was poured into Ye Feng's arms, but a person who came out of the tree behind Rihanna. Ye Feng kept his arms open in shock. The suddenly appeared person walked to Ye Feng very naturally, opened his arms and gave a warm hug to Ye Feng who was frozen like an ice sculpture.

When Ye Feng finally reflected it, he suddenly pushed away the old man who was hugging himself. From his appearance, he was about 60. Ye Feng couldn't help being stunned. This old man was the man who betrayed him in the desert! The old bastard Ye Feng just recalled in the car is him!

"Are you really Gongjian? Uncle Gong! Why are you here, you bastard?"

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