Ye Feng and his party are still walking cautiously in the dark downward passage. This endless step seems to have no end.

Although Ye Feng is naturally an unstable master, death has been integrated into his genes, so that he often appears in behaviors that outsiders can't understand. But Ye Feng still has to say that in his past experience of bravely venturing into the world, this time to find the lost Brahmaputra holy stone is still the craziest adventure.

I don't know, he walked silently for a long time, but when Ye Feng's feet touched the flat ground again, Ye Feng didn't realize it in the first few seconds. He still leaned forward mechanically and tried to step on the steep stone steps. When Ye Feng finally realized that he had reached the deepest end of the stone road, Ye Feng had an unreal feeling: it turned out that this was not a one-way road to hell.

The space where the three of Ye Feng are located is about the same size as the total area of the temple on the ground. Ye Feng looked up at the dark passage behind him. Now only God knows how far they are from the ground. At the thought of this, Ye Feng felt sick for no reason.

"Damn... My claustrophobia is getting worse and worse." Ye Feng's face is a little pale. It's the first time in his life that he has gone deep into such a deep underground. He can't help but gush out the illusion that he is cutting off contact with the ground world.

Although Ye Feng didn't want to admit it, he did regret that he joined the adventure of looking for the holy stone of Borneo.

"Ye Feng, are you all right, uncle Gong? Take a rest first. Ye Feng's face is a little wrong." Rihanna turned back and walked to Ye Feng's side and looked at Ye Feng with concern. She came forward and took Ye Feng's arm and sat with him in a corner.

"Would you like some water?"

"Well, Rihanna. Sorry, did I behave badly?" he sat down and drank a lot of water. Ye Feng's face recovered a little blood color. He also felt the severity of claustrophobia for the first time, which made him so uncomfortable for the fun of death.

"Didn't you often explore with Uncle Gong before? How did you survive?" Rihanna and Ye Feng cooperated several times in the jungle or desert. Like Ye Feng, Rihanna was also the first time, but Rihanna didn't have claustrophobia.

"This boy used to have this virtue. When he came across similar scenes, he became soft, so I wouldn't take him to explore places like this. I thought that after so long, Ye Feng had got up in the circle and had overcome this bad habit. Who knows, he is still like this! Alas, haven't made any progress..."

Gong Jian makes Ye Feng angry because of the artificial expression on the old man's face. He doesn't want to be scolded by Gong Jian in front of Rihanna. Ye Feng says discontentedly: "You can pull it down. I've been to the universe for at least a few times. Besides doing some invisible business on the earth, have you ever seen a living spirit? Do you know the guardian composed of a pile of mud and bees? Have you seen the dog blood triangle between cosmic superheroes? I haven't made much progress, but at least I've traveled thousands of miles!"

"OK, why are you two choking? Ye Feng, you've had enough rest. Let's go and then go." Rihanna, who had a headache, interrupted Ye Feng's struggle with Gong jianrang, simply straightened it out, and the three set off again.

The space where the three of Ye Feng are located is dark everywhere. Relying on the cold flame in their hands, several people began to observe the surrounding environment. Ye Feng found that they are still in a channel, but different from the steep and narrow stone step road down here behind them, the flat channel they are now in has a lot of space to move.

"Uncle Gong, these stone boxes arranged on both sides are not coffins, are they?"

When Ye Feng walked to one side of the passage holding the cold flame fire, he suddenly found a very neat stone rectangular box with one end close to the wall, and the other side is the same! Although the carving patterns on this thing are very special, Ye Feng knew what these things were used for as soon as he punched a hole.

On these stone coffins, the places without carved symbols and patterns are extremely smooth. He gently stroked the smooth jade like stone coffins with his hand, and Ye Feng was shocked.

According to Ye Feng's common sense of the Borussia empire in his mind, in that distant era, this degree of polishing technology was absolutely unimaginable, but the fact was placed in front of Ye Feng. It was as smooth as laser polishing. On these stone coffins made more than 1000 years ago, Ye Feng quietly laughed at Ye Feng's shallow understanding of Borussia civilization.

Looking at these stone coffins placed in the passage at fixed intervals, Ye Feng became more and more confused: is this the funeral custom of the Borussia Empire? Put the dead people into the coffins on both sides of the passage, and even if they become souls in life and death, they will go to guard the passage of the Borussia Empire forever?

Gong jianrang said to Ye Feng and Rihanna: "Yes, but in addition to decoration, these stone coffins also play a role in defending outsiders. According to the records in my grandfather's notes, these coffins can never be opened. Although he did not explain the reason, he highlighted this point, and said that five people in their expedition finally died because they opened a coffin in this road On this road, the rest of the people just abandoned the five of them and got away with it. "

Ye Feng said unhappily, "your ancestors have a bad problem with you. If you don't explain what you should say, you know to make a mystery."

Gong Jian didn't say anything, but said with a gloomy face, "what do you say, go on the road."

Ye Feng has realized that this is a long passage. Looking forward, Ye Feng can only see that the end of his field of vision has become a small black spot. Because the road is much easier to walk than before, and because the three people really have some resistance to the rows of stone coffins on both sides of the road, Ye Feng's speed increased a lot and walked quickly in the spacious lower passage.

Ye Feng has been subconsciously observing the stone coffins on both sides while moving forward quickly. Looking at the stone boxes copied and pasted, Ye Feng always feels that there is something wrong, but he can't think of anything wrong. After walking for more than ten minutes, Ye Feng suddenly realizes what makes him feel strange!

Ye Feng quickly ran a few steps and came to the old man Gong jianrang. His face was very ugly and asked the latter, "Uncle Gong! Does your great grandfather's note record that the five people opened the coffin at that position on this path?"

"Ye Feng, what's the matter with you? Why do you ask?"

"Just say you didn't write it!"

"I'll have a look if I'm sick." Gong Jian asked him to take out the notebook in his arms and turn to the page to look carefully. "He didn't write the specific location. It means he just walked down the stone step for less than five minutes."

Ye Feng said with a gloomy face, "Damn it... According to our journey, we have definitely passed the coffin opened by those five people in your great grandfather's adventure team..."

Rihanna suddenly understood what Ye Feng meant: "wait! You mean!"

"Yes, we haven't seen the stone coffin opened 80 years ago..."

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