"Want to go back? It's too late." Gong Jian asked the old man to take out a detonator from his coat pocket. In front of Ye Feng, he directly pressed the detonating button. A few seconds later, Ye Feng felt a shock wave surging up in the dark channel behind him, vaguely able to hear the sound of explosion and collapse.

"You just took the way back -"

"Yes, it's blocked. It must be right to make some preparations for everything. In order to prevent your boy from leaving things on the way, I specially buried some explosives. It's not too much to measure, but it's more than enough to cause collapse." Gong Jian let the proud smile on his face and made Ye Feng angry. He came forward to give the old bastard some color to taste.

Ye Feng grabbed his coat collar and asked Gong Jian to calmly say to Ye Feng, "Ye Feng, I advise you not to be so rude. If you want to go out alive, give me respect!"


"OK, Ye Feng, it's not the first day you met uncle Gong. Can he surprise you by doing so? Calm down first." Rihanna walked to Ye Feng and pulled him away from Gong jianrang. Rihanna has long been aware of Gong Jian's making such a move, so her asking price has included this part

"I TM really want to die. I have nothing to do with you. Damn it!" Ye Feng was very angry. He was not only angry with Gong Jian, but also very angry with him for a long time: why doesn't he have a long memory!?

Rihanna asked Gong jianrang, "Uncle Gong, what's next?"

Gong jianrang thought for a while, and then said to Rihanna, "since we have seen general Derek's team, let's follow them and act according to their circumstances. There may be information about their plans and progress in that camp. If we can get it, it will be of great help to us."

"Well, let's go down to the ground from here, Ye Feng. Come and help me fix the rope." Rihanna asked Ye Feng to work.

"Honey, when can I be as calm as you?" Ye Feng deliberately didn't look at Gongjian to let the old man. He went to Rihanna and began to take out the climbing rope in his backpack.

Rihanna said firmly, "you? Ye Feng, you won't learn in your life."



When Ye Feng went from the cave to the jungle on the ground, Ye Feng was shocked by the remains of the ancient civilization in front of him. From a close observation of the murals carved on the ruins, Ye Feng can vaguely imagine the glory of the Borussia empire in the past and the civilization of the heyday.

This ancient empire is surrounded by surrounding valleys. From these exquisitely carved broken stones, you can clearly reproduce the incredible gorgeous and civilized ancient civilization in this lost land.

The pleasure of this exploration made Ye Feng forget that he was facing the remains of another world hundreds of meters away from the human world he knew well. This dislocation in space and time did not make Ye Feng feel strange and unreal, which is really very strange.

Gong Jian made the old man's resistance to these borosha murals far above Ye Feng. He urged Ye Feng who was stopping to watch: "hurry up, Ye Feng. All the good things are behind. There's no spare time to waste here."

"I'll come right away." almost dragged away by Rihanna, Ye Feng turned back to the vivid ancient civilization murals. This experience of dialogue with the ancients after thousands of years makes Ye Feng understand why Gong Jian spent his whole life on exploration. This pleasure of exploration is so fascinating.

In the next time, the three of Ye Feng just followed the guidance of the compass and moved towards the camp they had just seen. It is conceivable how difficult it is to walk in the jungle full of tall trees. The only thing to be thankful for is that the remains of the ancient civilization of the Borussia Empire appear from time to time, so that Ye Feng and his three people don't have to walk all the way in the primitive jungle covered by trees.

All the way, when Ye Feng finally reached the vicinity of general Derek's camp, it was completely dark.

After a little summing up, the three finally decided to attack the camp at dawn the next day, when people were most sleepy.

As for the way of attack, the three discussed. After directly rejecting Ye Feng's plan to face the anus, Rihanna and Gong jianrang put forward their own plans.

Rihanna suggested that priority should be given to killing four observation posts built on trees and gradually cleaning up the mercenaries in the whole camp. But this matter is easy to say and extremely complex to implement. How to solve the observation posts scattered in the four corners of the camp and built on thick trees at the same time is not very realistic.

Gongjian's advice to the old man is actually a plan with Rihanna's plan. It is also a plan to kill the four observation posts first. The difference is that Gong jianrang's priority targets also include the warehouse used to store oil in the camp and the simple room, the command core in the whole camp.

Of course, Gong jianrang, who is well prepared in advance, is different from Ye Feng and Rihanna. There are more than a dozen remote-controlled bombs in his big backpack, which makes it possible to solve the target at the same time: put one or two bombs near the target, and then hide in a safe place and press the button on the detonator, which is simple and convenient.

It can be seen from this that, unlike what Gongjian asked the old man to say, he had long expected to meet other teams on the exploration trip, and he had already prepared what he needed

"Uncle Gong, there is only one problem to be solved now. Who will --"

"Of course you're going to bury the bomb." Gong Jian let Ye Feng take it for granted.

"... why me?" although he had guessed the result for a long time, Ye Feng still asked.

"You're not afraid of death. Of course it's you."

Ye Feng said: "it's not written in the entrustment contract. If I'm allowed to do it, it's an extra price." he's not afraid of the danger of burying a bomb. Ye Feng is just very unhappy that he was led by the nose by the old man.

"Ten dollars."

"Ten dollars!? are you sick?"

"Ten yuan, go away." Gong Jian asked him to eat the pie of Dingye maple.

"... damn it, ten yuan is also money, old bastard, you must die!" Ye Feng angrily walked aside with his sleeping bag and went into bed.

"Uncle Gong, tell me the truth, what are your plans when you suddenly contact Ye Feng after such a long time?" when Ye Feng's snoring sounded, Rihanna walked to Gong jianrang and asked softly.

"Girl, you think too much." Gong jianrang didn't directly answer Rihanna's question. Half of his cheeks were hidden in the shadow, looking a little solemn.

Looking back at Ye Feng who snored, Rihanna said softly, "I hope I think too much. If I don't want to heal the relationship between you and Ye Feng, I won't take over this entrustment or cheat Ye Feng. Uncle Gong, I really hope you're not lying to me."

"Go to bed, girl. You need to get up early tomorrow."

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