The originally quiet jungle was stirred by three figures running at high speed, which made it lively and lively.

In fact, the three of Ye Feng didn't have time to see the specific appearance of the bloody man who was chasing them. They just ran desperately while leaving all their backpacks. Except for a few weapons, Ye Feng lost almost all the weight on them.

Because the ghost man has a huge body of nearly two meters and five meters, it can't improve its running speed in such a complex and changeable environment as the jungle. Its physical flexibility is several grades worse than that of Ye Feng and others. It is because the ghost man is not easy to turn in the process of running, Ye Feng can barely leave the ghost man like a tractor behind.

Only in times of emergency can people intuitively feel their potential. Ye Feng and Rihanna are people who walk on the tip of the knife all the year round. Cross-country running in the intricate jungle is not difficult for them, but for the nearly 60 year old Gong jianjean, he is burning almost all the energy in his body at this time, He forced himself to keep up with Ye Feng and Rihanna.

This is actually a very simple truth: never be the slowest person in the team.

Looking at the distance between himself and Ye Feng and Rihanna in front, Gong Jian made the old man cry angrily: "you two little rabbits, why didn't you remind me earlier!"

"Uncle Gong, when I notice taking things, it's already standing behind you!" Ye Feng didn't slow down at all. He still ran fast.

Rihanna shouted, "Uncle Gong, you'd better throw away the bag in your hand and run faster."

The little satchel in his hand clenched for a few minutes, and Gongjian let him shout out: "no! Here are the love keepsakes given to me by my ex girlfriends. Even if I die, I can't lose them!"

"Shit! You old rascal, is this the time for you to show your love? You don't work all your life and pretend to be a big tail wolf when you die!" Ye Feng lost almost everything except AK. He turned back and fired a few shots from time to time to force the ghost man to slow down the pursuit.

"Damn it, the bullet can't penetrate the silver gray material covered on its body. Why does this thing still have a bulletproof shell!?" when Ye Feng saw that the bullet he shot on the ghost man didn't work at all, he could only leave scratches on the silver white hard shell covering its body, so he couldn't help taking a breath.

Rihanna also tried to shoot a few shots, which could not cause effective damage to the ghost people. She frowned and said, "that hard shell may be the exoskeleton of the ghost people, just like those crustacean insects. Damn, what kind of monster is this..."

"Exoskeleton? This monster is the body structure of bone foreskin. It's difficult to deal with. We don't have heavy firepower in our hands. There's no way to take this monster."

Gong Jian made the old man almost scream, "I said, can you two think of a way quickly! I'm about to be caught up!"

Gong Jian made the old man clearly feel the strong sense of oppression behind him, and the heat exhaled by the ghost man when he ran was close at hand. At this time, Gong Jian let the old man use his strength to feed, but after all, he is close to 60. He has not fed for some years, and there is not much physical energy left to be overdrawn

"It's no use urging you. Don't worry, eh? Honey, what's in the bag you're holding?" Ye Feng noticed that Rihanna was holding a black cloth bag all the time. He asked Rihanna curiously.

Rihanna naturally replied, "nothing. It's all my underwear."

"Underwear!? uncle Gong is about to be caught by ghost people to make snacks. Do you still have time to hold your underwear bag?" Ye Feng looked at Rihanna incredulously. The bullet in his hand almost killed Gong jianrang.

"Be careful, Ye Feng!"

Glancing at Ye Feng, Rihanna said calmly, "what's the matter with your underwear? Don't you also have a bag of pancake fruit in your hand? Did I say anything?"

The punctured leaf maple was a little embarrassed. He asked awkwardly, "how do you know?"

Rihanna said helplessly, "I'm so familiar with that smell. It and your broken mouth are almost the two most common things in my nightmare..."

"Find a way! Find a way! Throw away the damn pancake fruit and underwear bag, and concentrate on finding a way!" due to extreme anger and anxiety, Gongjian made the old man like a shrew in the vegetable market, frantically spitting on Ye Feng and Rihanna who were getting away from him.

"Underwear... Yes! Honey, give me your bra." looking at the underwear bag in Rihanna's hand, Ye Feng suddenly had a flash in his mind. He came up with a simple and feasible way to kill the ghost man chasing behind him.

"What are you doing?" Rihanna watched Ye Feng warily, as if she were a pervert.

Ye Feng said helplessly, "Rihanna, we are both old husbands and wives. Can you look at me with this kind of eyes? Just give me a bra. There's no time to explain. If you delay, uncle Gong will really be caught up."

"Don't do anything strange." Rihanna took out a bra from her underwear bag and threw it to Ye Feng.

"OK, you take uncle Gong and run on. I'll meet this big ghost man and see if he looks so fierce."

"Ye Feng!? you want to die!"

As a result, Ye Feng lowered the speed of the bra thrown by Rihanna within a few steps. After standing still, Ye Feng turned directly and ran straight in the direction of the ghost. When passing by the stunned gongjianrang old man, Ye Feng also conveniently threw the AK on his back to gongjianrang.

"Don't stop, old man. Keep running. Just wait for the good news of my victory!"

"It's all right. I'm not in a hurry now. The last person in the team is not me, but you. Ye Feng, your boy is interesting at the critical moment." he hardly slowed down. Gong Jian asked the old man to take Ye Feng's gun and ran away without looking back, without a trace of nostalgia and stumbling.

"Shit, you can't pretend..." watching Gong Jian let the old man jump and walk through the jungle as flexibly as a rabbit, Ye Feng spit on Gong Jian's distant back. Then he turned around and faced the ghost man who was close at hand.

The ghost man was also watching Ye Feng who suddenly stopped. It also stopped slowly and stood five or six meters away from Ye Feng. Its two collapsed nostrils are emitting heat visible to the naked eye rhythmically. The ghost man seems to be watching the enemy carefully like Ye Feng.

Suffocating dignified, desperate battle is imminent!

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