Ye Feng and Rihanna carefully examined the black-and-white photos. Gong Jian asked the old man to point to one of the characters in several rows. Although the black-and-white photos have been blurred due to their age, Ye Feng and Rihanna can easily identify the small son in the photos, which is the same as the ghost man's body in front of them and the black mole in the left corner of their mouth, It's the same person!

"Uncle Gong, this means -"

"This means that the ghost soldiers guarding the borussa empire are still being expanded by the bodies of latecomers. Those who want to explore the borussa holy stone will become such monsters as long as they die here." Gong jianrang said, "I can finally understand why my great grandfather kept this experience secret. He must have seen his peers turn into such a ghost in the process of escaping. Damn it, we must stop Derek from taking the holy stone out of here."

"We actually have no other choice, uncle Gong. In fact, we only have a chance to catch up with Derek. We'd better go quickly while Derek and his gang are still covering for us. Otherwise, it's better to rely on the three of us to escape from this broken place full of ghosts and monsters."

In fact, Ye Feng is not interested in what Gong jianrang said. He only knows one thing: there are still an unknown number of ghost people hidden in the jungle. As for the holy stone or not, Ye Feng is not interested. Knowing that it may be related to these lively ghost people, Ye Feng is even less interested. Now he just wants to take a comfortable bath and have some hot ones Pancake fruit, it's better to lie on the water bed with leiha and talk about life. This is the paradise that Ye Feng yearns for most now.

"It's almost the destination. You see, there should be the brahsha temple." Rihanna pointed to a tall building built on the hillside in the distance and said to Ye Feng and Gong jianjean.

"Yes, that's the temple of borosha. Ye Feng, girl, let's go quickly." in the sight of Gongjian, on the long ladder leading to the temple, a series of green dots are walking towards the brilliant temple, which is led by general Derek.

However, when Ye Feng and his three people arrived at the ancient ladder leading to the brahsha temple, even though there was still a long distance between them, the brahsha temple, which was located on the head of the people, sat solemnly on the high mountain, so that Ye Feng and his three people were shocked and raised their awe of the lost brahsha civilization. The brilliant temple built thousands of years ago still stands in this neglected area In the jungle, it can be called the ninth miracle.

In the process of climbing up, Ye Feng's vision of the temple of borosha was filled with the panorama of the temple. He felt that the ladder he walked through was a way of time leading to the years of overwork. Every time he raised his legs and stepped on a step, he was closer to the ancient past. In front of Ye Feng, the temple of borosha was slowly clear.

The brahsha temple is a brilliant building with a unique architectural style. The most prominent feature is that the spires directly into the sky seem to be closer to the gods served by the brahsha civilization when praying.

In front of the main gate of the brahsha temple, there is a small square full of stone sculptures, connecting the upward stone ladder, and the main body of the temple is a rectangular stone building with a huge floor area, giving people a sense of massiness and solemnity.

At the top of a thick stone pillar, the highest part of the brahsha temple is decorated with a dark blue gem. According to the shape, it is obviously an enlarged version of the brahsha holy stone. At an altitude of more than 50 meters close to the base, it reflects the gaze of the God of the sun and shows a beautiful and dazzling brilliance.

There are three entrances to the brahsha temple, a huge main door closed all year round for gods to walk, and a side door on the left and right for mortals to walk.

On the walls of the brahsha temple are carved various patterns that symbolize the characteristics of the brahsha civilization, showing that the ancient brahsha civilization is highly developed in the fields of architectural art. These huge carving patterns with strange styles but great expressiveness can still feel the uniqueness of the brahsha empire in color application from their residual colors in the erosion of wind and moon for thousands of years These ancient totem murals, now unknown, are silently telling a lost history.

Beautiful stone carvings are distributed on the outer wall of the whole borosha temple at fixed intervals. The carvings on the three lintels are also different. On the huge front is a gem, and the side doors on the left and right sides are a roaring ghost shape and an unknown plant symbolizing life and reproduction.

In the exclamation of the temple building, Ye Feng and others were about to finish walking up the ancient steps. At the same time, the bodies of ghost people and mercenaries began to appear. In the borosha temple not far away, angry curses and tragic wails could be heard in the fierce exchange of fire.

"Uncle Gong, it seems that we have to kill these guys guarding at the gate of the temple," Ye Feng pointed to several mercenaries on guard in front of the main gate of the temple and said to Gong jianjean, "of course, if you are going to negotiate with him and strive for a peaceful solution with your own personality charm, I won't stop you."

"What's the trouble! Those who work under general Derek are all wanted criminals who do all kinds of evil. These bastards may not understand people's words and directly fuck him!"

Gong Jian let the old man take his responsibility. He directly put the rifle on his back in his hand, bowed his body, and took advantage of the sight of several mercenaries guarding the main gate of the temple. The old man ran out of his hiding position with vigorous hands, rolled into the square in front of the temple, hid in a stone carving, and moved like a cloud and water.

"Old man, you're really young," said Ye fengchong Gongjian quietly in the communication channel. "Uncle Gong, work hard. You can solve these rotten sweet potatoes and rotten bird eggs alone. Rihanna and I wait for the good news of your victory."

"What do you mean, smelly boy? Watching my old bones fight with a group of mercenaries?" Gong Jian made the old man choked with Ye Feng's anger, especially when he looked back and saw what Ye Feng was saying in Rihanna's ear, which made the latter colorful.

"You have seed, Ye Feng, try this." Gong Jian asked the old man to directly turn the muzzle of the gun, raise his gun and shoot at the trunk where Ye Feng was hiding, which not only startled Ye Feng, but also successfully attracted the attention of the mercenaries in front of the temple.

"Uncle Gong, you're TM senile dementia!" looking at the cheap look on Gong Jian's face, Ye Feng was forced to shoot at the mercenaries while spitting dirty words angrily.

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