Dick has been a little annoyed lately.

The child he accidentally gave birth to when he fooled around with a prince's wife in the eternal elf Kingdom has now become the 12th heir to the throne in the eternal elf kingdom. And this cheap son, who hasn't contacted once in a few years, is asking him for help.

The reason is simple: the old king is dead and he wants to succeed.

In fact, this matter is not the real reason for Dick's headache. Because the "shield" ship was blown up by Dick detonating the "laleier gem", a few microseconds before the ship was completely destroyed, the specific location of Dick's planet was transmitted to the eternal elf kingdom by the gravitational wave communication system carried on the ship.

Dick's cheap son found it by accident and informed Dick. In order to deal with the potential crisis as well as possible, Dick had to promise his cheap son to help him compete for the throne and try to divert the attention of the eternal elf kingdom from the two "star fighters" who died in the rescue operation.

As Dick's safe house, the planet is likely to be blacklisted by the eternal elf kingdom for combating destruction, which makes dick have to pay attention to his cheap son.

After all, Dick is still very emotional in the house where he has lived for ten years. And Dick didn't have much time to find a group of creatures like orcs with such strange brain waves. Because it really needed these orcs who knew to fight all day, Dick had to solve the crisis perfectly.

If this planet is hated by the eternal elf Kingdom, Dick doesn't have enough elves to incubate another miniature universe and destroy it wantonly

In short, in order to avoid this series of avalanche troubles, Dick decided to protect the planet.

"I said, brother, this shit is not a problem for you at all. Don't you just take out a few gadgets from your pocket?" Ye Feng said disapprovingly after listening to Dick's nagging.

With Gong Jian stunned, Ye Feng contacted Dick, who happily opened a space-time door and let Ye Feng come to his experimental building.

Ye Feng must clear all his memories in Gongjian's mind, not only for his own safety, but also for Gongjian's sake.

Dick seriously asked Ye Feng, "you know a fart. Forget it. I don't understand it with you. Are you sure you don't kill this Gong?"

"To tell you the truth, I can't do it, and I don't want him to die. Just delete all the fragments about me in his memory, Dick. I owe you a favor."

"Pay back the money well, but pay back the favor badly. OK, I'll help you this time. Anyway, it's not a big deal, but it's quite simple." Dick took the unconscious Gong jianrang and went straight into a room. Less than five minutes later, Dick walked out of the room with Gong jianrang.

"OK, you can take him away." Dick put Gong Jian on the ground and opened a portal.

But before Ye Feng passed through the time gate, an accident happened. An explosion occurred in the orc tribe under Dick's control, which surprised everyone.

The explosion changed all the plans of Ye Feng and Dick.

Bar, man charging gas station. As one of the few leisure ways that orcs in the razor tribe can enjoy, it is the choice of all razor orcs to take time to relax in the bar.

Because a very few orcs are not so interested in fighting, but are more interested in making wine and opening pubs, Dick will give them a piece of land and leave the rest to him.

Since there are not many such orcs, and three of the few winemakers were killed when other orc clans engaged in night assassination last time, there are only two less skilled orcs left in the razor tribe who are engaged in opening pubs: hapi and Yanjing. They rebuilt a much smaller small bar on the abandoned area of the original razor bar: "chop hop" - a black shop.

The brewing technology of hapi and Yanjing needs to be improved. Well, to be honest, the things they make are difficult to drink, so that the high-level beasts of the razor tribe drink wine at a high price from other famous small tribes.

Although the wine in the "black shop" is not good, it does not reduce the enthusiasm of razor beasts for visiting the bar. Whether it is the trainees still trained in the razor Kindergarten (the combat training base run by Dick), the regular soldiers in the razor standing group, or the retired second-line veterans who lack arms and legs, the bar is their main leisure place in the day, If you are exclusive of fighting alone and fighting in groups.

The reason why bars are so popular among razor tribes is actually very simple: in bars, you can fight freely without using weapons and knives.

Originally, Dick was prepared to completely prohibit razor orcs from conflict in the tribal field. Dick considered that if these careless orcs were not restrained, the casualties and building damage caused by their fighting would not be a small matter.

But Dick thought about it. He divided the orcs on the planet into different tribes and ruled the planet from the perspective of a bystander. This is the correct policy. We must give these energetic orcs a place to vent. Some things can't be pressed and can only be dredged.

For these orcs who will riot if they don't fight, it is extremely wrong to only know that blocking their fighting desire is extremely wrong. They need a window to vent their violent desire, so give them a reasonable space to vent.

At least in the razor tribe under Dick's personal jurisdiction, Dick prohibited razor orcs from fighting privately, except in bars. This makes the "black shop" bar become the most popular place for the razor tribe. After all, there is no fully armed "KEGU" fighting here with a gun at you

(the daily security task of the razor tribe is jointly undertaken by the razor standing group and the kigoo death squads directly led by Dick. Because these are called "kigoo" Green skinned, big eyed sprouts are more calm in the face of chaos than orcs, so in many cases, Jigu focuses on maintaining public security in the territory, while the razor standing group is responsible for patrolling the periphery of the territory. The little alien interviewed Ye Feng and Jane was a "Jigu" under Dick.)

The official business of the bar usually starts at 4:00 or 5:00 p.m. and the razor beasts who finish their day's work one after another begin to come to the Holy Land in their hearts and relax all night.

Today, some members of the razor standing group may go to pick up waste outside the tribe. There are a few orcs in the bar. It may also be related to the fact that it is less than 6 p.m. the razor students usually have the last training of the day from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. and there will be a "Dick speech" explained by Dick himself every Friday.

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