"Dick! You're waiting for me!" Ye Feng, who ran over on two legs, came late.

Ah! Ye Feng!

Looking at Ye Feng, who was panting and wheezing, Dick suddenly came up with an idea. He didn't have time to take care of the animals. Ye Feng can!

"Hey, this is very important for the stable development of the tribe, but since I'm going to do more important things soon, I entrust my friend," Dick pulled Ye Feng to his side and introduced to the beasts around him: "Ye Feng from the earth will be the sole agent of everything of the razor tribe. In short, your big brother is it!"

"Ah?" not only all the orcs present, but also Ye Feng's own.

Dick simply grabbed the delivery gun in Ye Feng's hand. The old guy opened a time and space door and ran away directly. He left the inexplicable Ye Feng and confronted a group of inexplicable orcs with big eyes and small eyes. The scene was once very embarrassing.

The first response was the tall and thin Orc named will. He bowed to Ye Feng and said respectfully, "brother Ye Feng, Hello, this is will."

Milk bald said the voice of most orcs present: "how can big dick do this? Let a thin foreigner be the big brother!"

Will growled in a low voice, "milk bald! Shut up."

"But -" naibald wanted to say something, but when he saw will's fierce stare, the latter immediately didn't continue his theory.

This is the agreement between will and naibald. When there is a contradiction between the two people that needs to be solved, if it is in public, naibald must first focus on will, put the contradiction aside, and wait for the two people to talk privately. After all, will is the nominal leader of the razor tribe chosen by Dick.

As for how milk bald and Ye Feng fight each other in private, it's a problem between the two orcs. After all, their friendship is slowly accumulated in the process of fighting each other

"In other words, I'm your big brother now?" Ye Feng's brain finally turned the corner. Ye Feng felt absurd about Dick leaving himself here as the big brother of the orcs, but he could only accept it. He simply quickly integrated into the role of big brother.

"Brother Ye Feng, I found a living witness."

When Ye Feng and Nai bald understood the specific situation, will was not idle. He knew that the key now was to find an eyewitness who knew the situation.

Will himself went to the busy crowd blocked in the periphery and listened to the comments of these orcs and KIGU. Before listening to a few words, will found his goal. The reason is very simple. A group of orcs are asking what to do around a flustered orc, just in a corner of the crowd.

"What are you doing?" will pushed to the orcs and patted one on the shoulder.

"Take care of you with your hands? Who are you - Sir Wei and will! Salute!"

The ORC with his back to will had a dirty mouth at first. When he turned around and saw that will was standing behind him, his attitude changed 180 degrees, stood up straight and saluted. The rest of the orcs looked at will and immediately saluted him.

"Come on, don't get rid of these things. What are you doing around the orc?... ah, you seem to be the bartender of the" black shop "

When the orcs let out the orc surrounded in the middle, will found that the orc looked familiar. After all, will is also a regular guest of the "black shop". He is one of more than a dozen eight star and eight diamond members of the "black shop" bar in the razor tribe

"Sir, you really have good eyesight. Look --," that's, that's, brother will Yefeng's eyes are as clear as the flowing river --, "" yes, yes -- "

The orcs began to flatter will shamelessly and talked endlessly.

"Is everything all right? Can I arrange some training for you?" will asked the orcs who were committed to wearing high hats.

"Well, no, no, I have to bother you. Forget it --," no, no, no, no. "," very busy, very busy - "

"Then get out!"

With will's scolding, the eight orcs ran away.

There are still so many wonderful flowers. We have to think of another way to let these animals do something. It's best to get tired and lie down on them... Will thought silently in his heart.

"You're the bartender I said? OK, did you go to work today?" will turned his head to the trembling ORC.

"Yes, yes, sir." the orc bartender's face was unusually pale.

"Are you a witness?" will asked.

"Yes, yes. Sir, I, I just ran away after the guards came. I, I don't know much."

"Any information is valuable and useful. Come with me. I believe the new brother Ye Feng has something to ask you." will led the orc bartender to turn and walk to the location of Ye Feng and naibald.

"Sir, I didn't do it. I'm just a worker. I --" the orc behind will was a little too frightened. It trembled and explained to will.

"Who said you did it? Just ask you for some information. Don't worry." will comforted the orc bartender. It may be the key to solve the explosion. Will didn't want to scare the orc bartender to death before asking about it. Now it obviously has the trend of heart attack

"Is this?" Ye Feng asked will who brought it, pointing to the seemingly confused Orc bartender.

"Big brother, this is a witness, although this witness is part of it, according to its testimony," will said to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng calmly asked the orc bartender, "are you a witness? Now you can sort out the whole incident. Don't be afraid. What's your name?". If the participants of a matter can provide some clues, there is something to start with.

In fact, Ye Feng is a little happy to realize his detective dream and big brother dream. In addition to the poor eyes of the orcs around him, Ye Feng has something on his back. Everything is good.

"Shit is too deaf, big brother."

Following will's call, the orc bartender replied respectfully. Although the orc bartender's mental state is still very bad, after the initial tremor, he is much better now.

In fact, the most terrible thing in the world is fear. If the shit was too deaf and killed by itself, it would have no chance to be afraid... Of course, most people don't have too much fear when they shoulder with danger, because many times, when things happen, you don't think too much without psychological preparation.

After a while, when you ponder this matter carefully, fear will arise uncontrollably from your heart: what if I didn't escape at that time? What happens if you really don't run away? People like shit too deaf will scare themselves to death.

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