"Well, today's young people can't listen to advice. Burst, burst. Young comrades, let's go together."

Under the glare of the small flat head body, shihaiyan peacefully closed his eyes. At the last moment when his body was shattered by the explosion, shihaiyan made his last wish: it would be perfect if he could be an orc in his next life, but it doesn't matter if he could return to the razor tribe and be a Jigu, ha ha

"Set up a monument to this Jigu named shihaiyan and engrave its heroic deeds on it."

Ye Feng ordered the orc soldiers under his opponent in the temporary on-site headquarters. Ye Feng can hear the voice of shihaiyan scene at that time through the warning system device assembled by shihaiyan. The brave and responsible attitude of this Jigu in the face of crisis makes Ye Feng very moved. It saved 100 lives with its wit and courage. It is a common Jigu, but its courage erupted at the last moment of his life, Than any brave Orc!

"Shit! Shit! Shit! TM can't go back to earth again!"

Ye Feng strode into his office, scolded angrily and unbuttoned his coat.

Irving, the leader of naitu · and Jigu death squads, two aliens, one big and one small, just silently followed Ye Feng into the house. They were just stunned and had no vision of will. The nominal leader of the razor tribe quickly took Ye Feng's coat and patted the dust on it, Hanging on the clothes hanger with light hands and feet.

"Brother Ye Feng, you can't be angry."

You asked naibald to study and improve a gun. This strong Orc is a good hand. You let him use his broken mouth to persuade people to calm down, or forget it

In terms of mouth, Owen is more finished than baldness, so Ji Gu, who knows himself, wisely didn't make a sound, but stood honestly in the office, looking at his nose and heart.

"Fart! What else can I do now besides being angry!? ah? TM's razor tribe has been done twice! TM uses the same method! They have suffered losses twice, and TM hasn't figured out how the other party did it! It's a long way to go back to earth! Can I TM not be angry?"

Ye Feng is already in a state of hysteria. At this time, Ye Feng really can't calm down. When organizing emergency work outside, Ye Feng had to suppress his inner tyrannical anger. After finally determining the specific implementation direction of post disaster reconstruction, it was late at night. Ye Feng returned to his office and finally broke out uncontrollably.

Facing the second explosion terrorist attack in half a month and such a bad influence and situation, Ye Feng has an extreme weakness that he can't play with all his strength.

In particular, Ye Feng personally heard the voice data left by the masseur Jigu named shihaiyan. A deep sense of powerlessness disappointed Ye Feng. He was disappointed with himself and his failure to live up to his razor members. This strong negative energy gathered in Ye Feng's heart and had nowhere to vent. He could only shout and scold and be angry like crazy, Hate

"Dick! Tell me, did you find out this time? What is the composition of explosives? Why are all the instruments you made for me TM like scrap iron? Ah? Don't pretend to be dead, I don't believe you didn't monitor my office! Talk! I want to go back to earth!"

In the gap between the two explosions, the detection instrument made by Dick was the main reason why Ye Feng could remain optimistic. Dick launched the warning and evacuation system for the sake of insurance, but Ye Feng didn't expect that the system would be triggered, and the first time was the arrival of the explosion, and there was no chance of false alarm. This made Ye Feng feel extremely ashamed and angry about his blind optimism a few days ago. In his anger, Ye Feng began to get angry with Dick.

"Don't TM, TM talk to me, tell you, I'm also a brain lawsuit now. I left you to solve the problem. Before that, you died and went back to the earth! You TM are angry, you think I'm in a good mood? Gtmd!!!"

Ye Feng was in anger. Dick was also upset that he was slapped in the face. He was full of confidence in his improved testing instrument. Although Dick didn't put much thought into making this thing, this was his consistent style.

He didn't care about anything, but he never went wrong. This is Dick's true color, but who knows that this time he overturned the boat in the gutter. He handed Ye Feng's machine to put the bomber in the past. This kind of mistake is completely unacceptable to perfectionist Dick. The old guy has lost his share this time

"Shit, shit, shit! MD!"

Although he couldn't understand the specific meaning of "shit" and "MD" that Ye Feng and Big Dick had been saying, will could still recognize that it was not a good word in combination with the context.

In order not to make the smell of gunpowder between the two gentlemen stronger, will gave a good voice and advised: "big dick, brother Ye Feng is also angry. Don't take it to heart. You always know that the explosion has exhausted brother Ye Feng's mind. I'll accompany you for him. You have a lot of energy. Calm down, calm down."

"I don't have time to talk to you. Don't bother me if you have nothing these days!"

Dick didn't scold Ye Feng any more and didn't make a sound any more. He directly turned the surveillance of Ye Feng's office into a forbidden word. He leaned weakly on the sofa, stared straight and thought about things. He was still in the eternal elf kingdom, Think about the specific plan to win the throne for his cheap son

Dick's situation aside for the time being, Ye Feng in the office still can't calm down. Ye Feng is in this state. He is bald. Owen and will only dare to stand aside silently and give Ye Feng a chance to lose his temper.

Ye Feng, who was so angry that he couldn't find an outlet, had to start venting on the seat furnishings in the office and smashing things.

"Big brother! Big brother Ye Feng! This is absinthe, which has been stored for 15 years, dedicated by" Ibis "to big brother Ye Feng! You can't smash it!", "pa", in will and naibald's sad expression, this bottle of green nectar spilled directly on the floor of the office. "Brother Ye Feng! Brother Ye Feng! This is the tickle made of precious materials brought to you by the" evil moon "ORC. You can't --," bangji ", the tickle is broken to the ground.

"What's the matter? Such a big noise?" Kobi walked in leisurely.

Seeing the appearance of cobby, will almost couldn't help jumping up and crying with the thigh of the fairy beauty. Your Savior is looking forward to you! However, reason defeated excitement. Will has seen the strength of this elf woman. It's not an ordinary black hand

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