"My side is busy with rescue work. You should remit this situation to chief naibald -"

"Chief will, there's an accident over chief naibald, don't you know? There's also an explosion in his house, just now." the orc patrol soldiers who came to report carefully told will the bad news.

"What are you talking about?! the explosion in the direction of the razor in the old city just now happened in the home of milk bald?" one after another of bad news came. At this time, will was on the verge of collapse

"What happened?" Kobi, who fell from the sky, landed next to will. When the fairy beauty heard the explosion, she immediately flew over in her "hellbat" armor. Looking at the No. 1 dormitory building burned by the fire, Kobi had a bad idea in her heart: isn't that apprentice inside

"Big sister, big brother Ye Feng, he..." will, who was in a trance, was bitter and wanted to stop talking to Kobi.

"What's the matter with Ye Feng? Doesn't he all live in the office?" Kobi tried to control the fluctuation of her mood, but her clenched lips and slightly trembling voice still showed her worry in her heart.

"According to eyewitness reports, brother Ye Feng was in the building when the explosion occurred... He mentioned before and wanted to sleep in Big Dick's room."

"... no, Ye Feng is so cheap that he won't die easily..." Kobi heard will's words, but the whole person calmed down, or Kobi's appearance calmed down.

Driving the "hellbat" armor, Kubi rushed directly into the sea of fire and began to search for the smelly rogue who ran the train in the ruins of the No. 1 dormitory building wantonly by the fire dragon. Ye Feng, you can't die! At least until I die, I won't allow you to die!

Let's move the time forward. When Ye Feng is walking leisurely in the kindergarten of a razor, he is walking in the snow. Di Kezheng is full of blood and goes back to his laboratory from a space time door. Automatic speaking to the old man, he mumbled:

"Why did her husband come back? You said that you had nothing to do. What a surprise? Ah? The surprise turned into surprise. It's time! The surprise of the full bed is not unexpected, and the stabbing is not exciting? Alas, the killing and dismembering of corpses has not been done for a long time. Although he is a small dwarf, this bastard's big belly like middle-aged crisis has doubled his workload. What a pity It's annoying. Alas... This dwarf young woman can't touch in the future. She has to look for the next young woman. Is it a Zula young woman or a Ruta young woman? It's a serious problem... "

"Hmm? Ye Feng is an asshole who is not in his office. It's rare. Let me see where the goods are..."

Dick took off his white coat splashed with blood and threw it on the ground. Looking at the monitoring picture of the leader's office on the terminal screen, he said unexpectedly.

"Here, isn't this bastard afraid of freezing to death? Young people have great firepower when they stay outside in this weather." Dick found Ye Feng's position by secretly touching the embedded chip in Ye Feng's body. Looking at the red dots moving on the device screen on his wrist, Dick knew that Ye Feng was probably going to have a rest in the bedroom he lent Ye Feng.

"OK, since I have occupied my room, I'll spend the night in the laboratory. I'll have a rest and go to bed. M, I should exercise more at ordinary times. I can't bear the workload just now. How can this meet the needs of the majority of beauties in the universe? Sin, sin."

Tune out the monitoring picture of bedroom 1. Dick looked at Ye Feng, who was about to open the door and enter his bedroom, and yawned.

Huh? What is this? Dick suddenly noticed a red figure on the left-hand screen, just below the bed in the bedroom, about one meter deep. This screen is the presentation of the real-time infrared monitoring security system of the bedroom.

damn! How can there be a shadow!? Ye Feng!!!

Faced with the sudden situation, Dick subconsciously pressed the button of the emergency handling plan specially designed for Ye Feng. It turned out that Dick's press saved Ye Feng's life.

Ye Feng's body was transformed many times by Dick without his knowledge. Well, in short, many strange things were put into Ye Feng's body by Dick, and Dick's chip to determine Ye Feng's position was also secretly embedded.

On the one hand, this chip is used by Dick to determine the position of Ye Feng. On the other hand, Dick can control the set of Frost Giant modified armor in the bedroom through remote control of the chip. This is one of the reasons why Dick has always advised Ye Feng to go to the bedroom for ye Feng's safety.

Yes, it was this armor that saved Ye Feng's life.

Under the destructive power of the high explosives exploded in Ye Feng's bedroom, Ye Feng was originally faced with a situation of death. This equivalent explosion, even if it is a powerful self-healing gene, can not guarantee that Ye Feng can be recombined into a human form from an atomic level material. There are too many variables. It is very important that even if it can be recovered, no one can say what changes will happen to Ye Feng's body. It is the best result to be blown up to cross the fox planet like last time, but lose the ability of self-healing.

But Dick pressed the emergency button on the console in time. The preset scheme starts in an instant. The ice giant modified armor hidden on the ceiling in the room receives the signal and decomposes into hundreds of parts in 1 quark second. All parts instantly accelerate and rush to Ye Feng's body. It is hard to imagine that all armor parts are sleeved on Ye Feng before Ye Feng's body is torn apart by the explosion.

With the helmet tightly closed a microsecond before the explosion shock wave hit Ye Feng. Ye Feng's whole body was eroded by the blast wave and flame of the explosion. He was severely hit and flew out of dozens of meters and landed in the southeast corner of the residential area.

Although he was protected by the armor in time, because the armor did not activate all systems, Ye Feng made a hard landing when he was landing. Ye Feng was stunned by the huge collision and lost consciousness in the armor.

"Shit... Is it me?"

Dick stood in front of the screen and looked at a series of real-time data reflecting Ye Feng's vital signs. He said with fear.

Dick and Ye Feng, as well as other Orc leaders in the razor tribe, have always focused on the commercial street in the old city of razor to prevent the reoccurrence of serial bombings. After all, the first two bombings occurred in the star shops in the razor commercial street, which buried a preconceived impression in the subconscious of Ye Feng and others: people who planned evil, It is aimed at the important industry of the razor tribe.

But judging from the current situation, they are wrong

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