"No impression... Did it not have this head shape before?" will frowned and recalled carefully.

"Yes, it used to be a middle score -"

"No wonder."

"Where did I say? Yes, he used to be my adjutant, but then I drove him out of the tribe." naibald scratched his hair and said to Ye Feng and others.

"For what?" Damien asked.

"Corruption, this boy is fishing for black money behind my back. Once I accidentally found that there were fewer and fewer teeth (currency circulating among ORCs) on the book, so will checked it and caught soltai." naibald said with some embarrassment.

Milk bald felt ashamed of his confidant who had been promoted and carried his back to get money. It was really a shame. Due to corruption, the current orcs were arrested, and the whole razor tribe was only the adjutant of naibald.

It's just making money. It's not enough for naibald to kill soltai, but he's his confidant after all. In order not to let the orcs in the tribe talk about it and avoid suspicion, naibald drove soltai out of the tribe.

Milk bald didn't mention it to anyone. It felt shameful! However, naitou is actually a cautious person. After a period of time, when naitou took his troops to routinely clean up the small tribes around the razor tribe, he accidentally found a small tribe composed of Gorgon orcs convened by soltai. Naitou can find playthings

"So you bully this one for three or two days -" Ye Feng asked naibald from his chair.

"Soltai," milk bald reminded.

"I need you to tell me!" Ye Feng is really going to kneel down for Nai bald. Just because Nai bald has no hair on his head and can't handle affairs firmly, he pulled out a series of things behind him. He was blown up!

"Nai bald, you --" Ye Feng is going to reason with Nai bald today.

"You what you! Calculate, calculate, you call enough today." the milk bald who wanted to stare at originally saw Ye Feng's eyes and settled down at once.

"Milk bald, do you know what you did wrong? Why am I so angry?"

"I don't know."

"What I'm angry about is not that you took the troops out to make trouble. What I'm angry about is that you know that your subordinates are outstanding talents. Even if you're not going to give them another chance to commit crimes and meritorious deeds, you'll kill them all! You big bald lad, remember! I didn't say you, Kerry, I said milk bald, sit down, sit down. Milk bald, remember, later When you encounter the same thing again, when you face an orc or KIGU with a little IQ, you must be clean and crisp, and you must not stay alive! Remember what I said: you'd rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go! "

"Maple boy, I'm not talking about you. You're usually said by villains in movies and TV dramas." Dick said with a laugh.

"Yes, I think so -"

"You feel a fart!" Ye Feng stubbornly rejected Nai bald's excuse.

"All right, it's all open. Bald, go and get someone to get that salty back. You should be familiar with this?" Dick said aloud to milk bald.

"Well, that's no problem. I can find it." naibald quickly patted his chest and promised.

"Then you go now, fat boy and bald head. Don't you catch people with baldness?" Dick asked Kerry and Damien.

"Go! Why don't you go? Kerry will stay, I --" go away, I'll follow. "

"Then you can go together. I'm a little tired, so I won't get involved. Call me when the prisoner comes back, and I'll make up for it first." Ye Feng said sleepily.

After nearly a day and a night of tossing, his muscles didn't relax properly. Ye Feng received Dick's communication and rushed to Dick's laboratory. Then he explored his memory and scolded naibald excitedly. After this toss, Ye Feng felt that his body was a little overwhelmed. His Tired Tiredness filled all the joints of Ye Feng's whole body. He had to have a rest.

"Yes, then you'll wait for our good news." when naibald led Kerry and Damien out of the laboratory, the short fat Damien turned back and said to Ye Feng.

"What's the good news... I'll go back to the office to sleep, Dick will. It's up to you. You can do it." Ye Feng said, and walked downstairs slowly and went back to his office to make up for his sleep

I don't know how long the time passed. The sleepy leaf maple was awakened by someone in his deep sleep. It's will. He's standing in front of Ye Feng's desk. He's carefully stabbing Ye Feng's arm on the table with his hand.

"What's the matter?" Ye Feng raised his head from his desk and sorted out his messy hair by hand. Ye Feng asked in a tired voice.

"Milk bald has caught the man back. I'll tell you to go to the interrogation room now." will explained his intention clearly.

"OK, I see. Let's go now." after hearing this, will picked up the coat thrown by Ye Feng on the ground, patted the ash on the top, and covered the standing Ye Feng with it.

"I'll walk with you." will nodded to Ye Feng.

The whole process of milk bald catching people can be described in one sentence: clean and crisp. The goods were scolded by Ye Feng and rushed out with a belly of fire to catch the ORC. Like a runaway wild dog, it is as powerful as the wind and the residual clouds. Milk bald not only captured the target at one stroke, but also shamelessly vented the evil fire in his heart to all the unlucky orcs of other tribes.

In the orc's world view, you can kill me, but you can't insult me. For a big ORC with lofty ideals, the meaning of life lies in the battlefield. There is no difference between being killed or killing. Being defeated is the weakness of one's own strength and will not have resentment against the enemy who will defeat him.

But if you beat an orc, you pat your ass and go! Come back in a few days and run after playing!? Sorry, it's a deadly hatred!

Naibald has been sowing such hatred, but because the razor tribe is too strong, no tribe dares to go to war, and naibald is a master who is uncomfortable without war. He keeps the enemy in captivity. That's what naibald does

Let's put our perspective back on maple leaf. It's only ten minutes from Ye Feng's office to the interrogation room. Out of the razor office building, Ye Feng didn't let will go to the interrogation room with him. Will needs it to deal with the affairs of the tribe. Ye Feng alone led several Jigu, the elite of the Jigu death squads who were personally responsible for his security work, to the interrogation room.

"Senyi, your name is senyi." Ye Feng suddenly found that one of the Jigu of the Jigu death squads on duty today looked familiar.

"It's me, brother Ye Feng." Sen returned.

Senyi, this is a cruel character. When Dick didn't liberate KIGU, he was the fierce KIGU who dared to sneak into his master.

"Well, it's really you. How's the situation of KIGU in the tribe recently?" Ye Feng talked to Sen Yi one by one.

"Recently? There seems to be something wrong with KIGU in the tribe," Mori said.

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