"It's very creative. After you were expelled from the razor tribe, you set up your own house. Do you use the magic stick? You play very skillfully." Ye Feng said to soltai.

"That's all learned from big dick."


"Yes, I set up my church, molen church, according to the style of big dick." Solty told the truth.

"..." Maple Leaf's egg was so painful that he couldn't say anything.

"This bandage man found you and wanted to work with you against the razor tribe?" Ye Feng asked soltai indifferently.

"Yes, the bandage man found me and wanted to join hands with me against the razor tribe," soltai replied.

"It's a typical lie to repeat something like this. I can kill you directly, and then go to the corpse you absolutely can't lie and ask the truth. The reason why I didn't do this is that it's too boring, you know? You're just a recreational clown for us. Let's enjoy the pleasure of revenge. You're not important at all 。”

Ye Feng is not really alarmist. In fact, he planned it from the beginning. It's very convenient to have Dick.

"So the information that Auerbach was killed immediately after he was found is true..."

Soltai suddenly remembered that he had inserted it into Jigu of the razor tribe and gave him and the information it brought back: Auerbach was directly killed by naibald after he was found at the scene of the explosion! Logically, it has no chance to divulge information!

"Where did you get the information?" Ye Feng pretended to be unfathomable.

"Kigoo, it's the information brought back by the kigoos I inserted into the razor tribe..." soltai replied somewhat dejected. Since the other party can kill himself and then extract information, its struggle is really meaningless and only adds insult

"That's what you learned from the razor tribe, right? Use KIGU?"

When Ye Feng joined up, Lu Sen a pair of his own screening, and generally understood the development of the matter. No wonder that under such a strict defense mechanism of the whole razor tribe, two terrorists such as Auerbach can sneak into the tribe to carry out explosive attacks. Among them, the humble kigoos should have made a lot of efforts

"Yes, I learned to use KIGU from the razor tribe. All the orcs I put into the razor tribe were found, either expelled or killed directly. Later, I tried to send KIGU sect to the razor tribe, and the effect was very good. You almost didn't check KIGU."

Soltai can think of using KIGU to carry out terrorist attacks, which is also the inspiration of seeing the KIGU death squads established by Dick. If the little green people don't have the difference in dress, even if they know each other, it's difficult to distinguish the difference between them. They all have a big one eye on their brain bag, which is almost no obvious difference.

"Well... Apart from stealing intelligence, these Jigu can't get the deployment map of the razor tribe at all. Moreover, the secret sentry in the daily deployment arrangement changes its position randomly. How did the two priests under your hand get in? Jigu can get in, but it's impossible for the orcs to get in after the explosion attack."

Ye Feng always had a question. How did Auerbach and Victor enter the territory of the razor tribe?

"Dig a tunnel..."

"What?" Ye Feng expressed surprise for the first time. "Digging a tunnel? It's impossible. If you want to dig into the snowman territory from outside the territory, it's impossible not to be discovered!"

"It started digging a long time ago, before there was an explosion plan. It was originally to enter the tunnel used by the razor tribe to steal weapons. At that time, the deployment was not as strict as this time, and..." soltai looked at naibald and didn't go on.

"You say, and what?" Ye Feng noticed soltai's body language.

"And I told my men to dig tunnels when chief naibald led troops out to sweep the small tribe. At that time, there were generally no Orc soldiers of your razor tribe to patrol." soltai didn't look at naibald at all. He stared at his fierce eyes. He looked straight at Ye Feng.

"It's your problem again, milk bald classmate." Ye Feng turned his head with a smile and looked at the milk bald beside him. The latter's cold sweat flowed down his neck.

"Everyone is busy first. I'll pull a thin -"

"Sit down! I'll talk to you alone later." Ye Feng pulled the milk bald who was trying to run and pressed the latter on the chair.

"Milk bald, who else can make you eat flat? I don't know, ha ha ~" salty grinned. At this time, soltai also knew that resistance was meaningless. Instead, he looked at it.

"OK, that is to say, you sent orcs and explosives into the razor tribe through the previously dug tunnel? Why did you attack bars and massage parlors at the beginning? If your targets were Dick and naibald, you could come at them at the beginning?" Ye Feng asked the second question in his heart.

"Bombing bars and massage parlors is actually my idea. Originally, the bandage man planned to directly operate on them, but he always insisted on killing you both at the same time. I can understand his worry. After all, big dick is really terrible. If only one of them is killed, it will arouse the vigilance of the surviving one and want to start again The opportunity is almost impossible -- "

"If you kill Dick first, the sb of milk bald is waiting to be killed. It's so stupid." Ye Feng's words caused milk bald great dissatisfaction.

"Brother Ye Feng, you've gone too far!"

"The bandage man and I think so, but Dick's whereabouts are uncertain. It's difficult for keegu to watch his every move from a close distance. His close keegu are too alert, and he is not in the territory of the razor tribe or even on the planet for a lot of time. Therefore, it has been impossible to determine Dick's position for so long."

"He spent most of his time in the razor laboratory building?"

"The razor experimental building, let alone the bomb, can't get close to my keegu..." soltai said with some depression. I don't know what the hell exists in this experimental building. After countless attempts, KIGU just can't enter.

Ye Feng and naitou exchanged their eyes, and they thought of going together: it was because Dick was too awesome. The old guy has established a comprehensive security defense mechanism for the whole razor experimental building. As long as it is a creature that has not been put on the white list, even Altman will not enter the razor office building

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