"Are you leaving?"

The fairy beauty Kou Bi appears at the door of Ye Feng's office. Hearing her voice, Ye Feng, who is packing, looks up at her.

"Ah? Ah, well, I'm leaving. That bastard Dick finally promised to let me go back. I'm going to your trip later, cobby. Come to earth with me."

Just now, when a man was in the office, Ye Feng stuffed the parting gifts given to him by naibald and will into his backpack. These aliens were very sincere. They gave all kinds of gifts, including guns, food, rare high alcohol, and even a large bag of teeth of various creatures used as money circulation. All of them are giant animals' teeth. After all, these teeth, The small one is as big as Ye Feng's thumb, and the large one can reach the level of a fist

"Earth?" Kobi lowered her head slightly and fell into a struggle.

Ye Feng didn't try his best to persuade him. He just quietly stared at the fairy lady in front of him. In the past two months, the only thing that can make Ye Feng forget the earth for a short time is the time with Kou Bi. Ye Feng can clearly feel Kou Bi's increasingly deep feelings for him, but they are all adults. They have passed the age of making promises to be together all the time. Ye Feng is not a person who makes promises easily, and Kou Bi is not.

"I'm... Not ready yet..." Kobi raised her head and said sadly.

"It doesn't matter," Ye Feng went to Kobi and hugged the sad fairy beauty. "It's not life and death. I'll come to see you from time to time until you decide to put down the past and enter my world."

"Sweet words." as soon as she changed her usual, Kou Bi skillfully let Ye Feng hold her.

"If only you could take off the hell bat and let me feel your warmth," Ye Feng said regretfully to Kubi in his arms.

"That's nice," said Kou Bi, who punched Ye Feng, then turned around and walked out firmly, "I won't send you. Remember what you said and come to see me often."

"Old Dick is hard to talk. If he doesn't open the portal for me, I can't get through." Ye Feng got up from the floor and shouted at Kobi's back.

"I'll take care of him." cobby waved her arm without looking back.

"Silly girl, pretend to be strong."

Ye Feng finally took a look at Kou Bi, who was walking firmly and his shoulders twitched slightly. He knew that the fairy beauty didn't want him to see her crying. Why isn't Ye Feng? He lay on his back on the floor, preventing the wet eyes from flowing out of his eyes


"All cleaned up?"

Dick was concentrating on a bottle of light pink glass reagent and asked Ye Feng who had just entered the laboratory.

"Well, milk bald, they forced me a lot of gifts. I can't see that these big fools cry so sad one by one."

Ye Feng recalled that when he said goodbye to Nai bald, will and Nai bald, as well as more than a dozen little green pichigu who often accompany Ye Feng, cried one by one, especially Nai bald cried the most fiercely, which surprised Ye Feng. He always thought that Nai bald didn't like him. It doesn't seem so.

"Orcs and kigoos, although their brains are always flawed, they are very comfortable to get along with and don't have so many bad things." Dick carefully looked at the pink reagent in his hand and chatted with Ye Feng.

"I've always had a question. Why do you value these orcs so much? Just let me watch the show for you for more than two months?" Ye Feng asked curiously.

"First of all, my cheap half elf son just ascended the throne some time ago and made many enemies. In the first period of time, he needed me to help from time to time and kill several ministers who were in the way. There are many such bad things in history, and it's not difficult to understand with your IQ?" Dick rarely answered Ye Feng's doubts in a happy mood.

"Half elf son? Ascend the throne? Minister Tuogu? Your world is really colorful..." Ye Feng sincerely sighed.

"It's all over. It's no fun. Killing a few disobedient old die hards is just a routine for me," Dick said casually.

"... I believe it." this is the truth of Ye Feng.

"As for why orcs are so important to me, well, the reason is very simple. I mentioned dick in the parallel universe to you before?" Dick put the pink reagent on the experimental platform in front of him.

"Well, I mentioned it several times. You said it was a very dangerous thing to be discovered by Dick in other parallel universes," Ye Feng recalled.

"Yes, genius doesn't allow creatures with the same height as him. The brain waves emitted by these orcs are very strange. In short, the strange brain waves emitted by these orcs can cover up my unique and unparalleled intelligent strongest brain waves, so as to avoid me being discovered by Dick in other parallel universes. That's why I live on this planet from time to time Some time ago, it was a blind spot for dick in other parallel universes. "Dick tried to answer Ye Feng's questions in simple words, but everything in his mouth still made Ye Feng a little dizzy.

"In other words, these orcs are your firewall?" Ye Feng thought for a long time and squeezed out such a sentence.

"It's not very accurate, but it's quite vivid." Dick frowned and nodded.

Ye Feng is very familiar with Dick's expression. Usually, Dick frowns when he thinks the person he is communicating with is an idiot.

"What's this bottle of pink potion for?" Ye Feng always wondered about the specific purpose of the bottle of pink potion Dick had been playing with just now. There must be something unique that dick can see.

"You say that?" Dick pointed to the pink bottle of reagent on the table.


"This thing works well and can destroy the whole universe."

From Ye Feng's point of view, Dick's obscene smile doesn't seem to be joking.

"So powerful? What effect does it have?" Ye Feng's curiosity was completely aroused.

"It's a very simple but powerful thing. It's a bottle of perfume. If you spray on your body, ignore gender or even ignore race, all the creatures who ask this fragrance will fall madly in love with the perfume spray. You can think about how terrible this stuff is," Dick said with a sneer.

"I go... Is this so fucking great?" Ye Feng looks at the bottle of pink perfume on the table.

"Of course, but the effect of this thing is not permanent. Although it varies from person to person, it can only last for a few days." Dick took out the transmission gun from his pocket and opened a space-time door in the laboratory. "OK, it's time to say goodbye, maple boy. You helped me this time. I Dick will let you know that you are investing."

"OK, Mr. Dick, we often contact." when Ye Feng passed the experimental platform, he secretly stuffed the pink bottle into his pocket and walked into the space-time door as if nothing had happened.

"It's time to go," Dick shrugged as he turned around and found that the pink glass bottle on the experimental platform was missing. "I'm stingy. I want to talk straight. I still have a big bucket."

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