"Resistance is meaningless! Surrender is a rational choice!"

Listening to the warning issued by the Zula spacecraft, whether the band members who were nearly hit by stones or the music fans in the audience, their faces are more helpless. How did they come again

"Surrender can be spared! Come and embrace the light of Zula!"

In fact, the bald beauties among the Zula people, although their bodies are extremely hot, their looks are not very in line with human aesthetics. Of course, it does not rule out that a few people with unique tastes will like their rough style. However, in today's situation, these aliens seem to pay no attention to the embarrassing expressions on the faces of those civilians in the gymnasium.

"This planet is ours now! We want to grow the Zula!"


In the silent silence, the whole "San Diego Stadium" was filled with an embarrassing atmosphere.

Of course, it is the humans present who are suffering from embarrassment. The women of the Zula people in the spacecraft are immersed in their own victory and do not realize that: in fact, the vast majority of the tens of thousands of humans present, except a few children, do not feel very panic, or even if there is, the sense of fear is not very strong

"Human beings really love to get together. Tens of thousands of people revel together in such crowded venues. How many high-quality genetic resources are there!" zagna, the commander of the spacecraft bridge, is putting her hands together and evaluating the human beings in her eyes.

"Sir zagna! Something's going on!" the staff on the bridge saw the reminder on the screen and reported to zagna loudly.


"A" non-human "existence is scanned on the monitor!" non-human is the general name of Zula people for human beings with super powers. Among these alien female hooligans, it represents a mutant human that is more rare than ordinary human beings.

"Non human? Superpower?" zagna asked with a headache.

In zagna's eyes, the scientific and technological level on this blue planet is not high, but it is precisely because of the existence of "non-human" with superior ability that previous Zula invasions ended in failure. Damn it, there is an "inhuman" existence in this stadium!? What a coincidence

"Yes, commander. The DNA sequence of this object does seem to belong to human beings, but his DNA is incredibly distorted... Ms. zagna, I can only tell you that this living body is not any currently defined existence. I'm still searching our database. Give me some time, and maybe we can know his true face right away It's too late. "

"HMM... interesting." zagna looked at the real-time image on the screen - a naive panda doll, holding a pair of scissors in front of the camera. "Deploy an investigation team to catch him. Remember, if you want to live, I want to observe this thing closely."

"Commander? The scan shows that the target is fully armed, you see..."

"Fully armed?" zagna asked.

"Yes, he may pose a threat to our compatriots, Ms. zagna. Do you need to ensure that the target must survive when capturing the target?"

"Zula people's life is more important than everything," zagna said casually.

"Yes." the staff pressed the firing button of the shipborne aircraft turret.

Dada dada dada dada

Before the investigation team sent by zagna jumped off the ship, the fat giant panda doll had been shot to the ground by the dense bullet rain from the shipborne fort.

"Direct hit, commander, the target has fallen!"

Just before the investigation team members investigated the target, the man was lying on the floor in the giant panda doll's interior. He was browsing the sports news with APP in his mobile phone. There was no sense of crisis in the encirclement of the encirclement.

"In fact, I am a peace loving person," the man in the giant panda doll whispered to the person communicating with him. The slight noise made several Zula people around him jump. These big sisters with yellow skin were stunned in situ, and then continued to work.

"You see, I'm being investigated and flipped by a group of aliens at will. I don't have the impulse to kill them all. Captain, relax. I don't need you to contact the peace prize awarding Committee for me."

"What is this lump?" a Zula man pointed to the plush "target" in front of him and asked his teammates next to him.

"I don't know. I'm sending the scan results back to the laboratory," the latter said after raising the scanning device in his hand.

"Well, let's talk about this later. I'll be embarrassed if they ignore my existence like this. It's time for a hero."

At this time, the members of the investigation team are carefully listening to the scanning results fed back by the laboratory. They have not noticed the giant panda doll and have begun to tear off their panda head

"....... this is some kind of extremely strong synthetic fiber, er... This is not an ordinary suit, but a suit with strong sealing resistance." the scientific researchers in the laboratory, through the communicator, are telling several Zula people of the investigation team about the scanning results.

"Hey, bad sisters."

The voice suddenly came from behind, which made these Zula subconsciously look back. What came into sight was that the "target" who had been knocked down by the shipborne fort was standing behind them with double guns. In the cavity where the doll's head was torn off, there was a head wearing a yellow and black mask, With a bad smile on his face, he aimed the muzzle of the gun at the back of several Zula people.

"It's death!", "is it really him? My God, I saw death!", "Hey, honey, I said we'd be fine. Look, death is coming.", "Wow, he's more charming than watching on TV ~"

The appearance of the God of death ignited the enthusiasm and screams of tens of thousands of besieged spectators in the stadium. Suddenly, all kinds of cheers, worship and praise filled the air of the "Santiago Stadium", deafening.

"You see, this is popularity. People know everywhere and BEI'ER has face." Ye Feng enjoys the cheers from all directions.

Captain Shengli, who was communicating with Ye Feng, shouted, "can you stop BB? There are five people opposite. They all have alien weapons in their hands. Solve them first!"

"Man, I like to be the focus of attention, and you know, I am -"

"- immortal, really, I regret entrusting the task to you now..."

Even though he has only been connected with Ye Feng for more than an hour, Captain Shengli has the illusion that a century has passed. Ye Feng's mouth is talking almost every second. He has successfully stun captain Shengli

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