Captain Shengli asked curiously, "how did you settle the Zula people in the base, God of death? You can contact me in the past few days."

Ye Feng smiled proudly, half joking and half seriously said, "it's actually very simple. Let all enemies fall in love with you, and everything will be solved. Of course, it's difficult to do this, unless you have my charm."

Captain Shengli shrugged and said helplessly, "are you serious?"

Ye Feng said solemnly, "not all of them. In fact, not all of Zula's little sisters fell in love with me. Just, Captain, you should know that as long as there are differences in the team, the team will not be far from extinction. Believe me, this is the lesson I learned from the people of the guardian alliance."

"Have you ever been in contact with the guards?" Captain victory asked in surprise.

Ye Feng seriously suggested, "of course, but it's not a happy memory. Captain, if you like the guardian alliance, I must advise you to change an idol group."

"Well, maybe you're right. Well, death, you're in trouble."

Captain victory on the screen suddenly made a sound to remind Ye Feng. Ye Feng saw Alba behind him, the strongest Zula soldier of the first generation of super genetic transformation, along the direction of Captain victory's finger.

"... you are, er chuanzi. What's the matter, fat friend? You look like, uh, like a purple potato. I should have told you that before." Ye Feng's mouth gun will never stop.

"I knew you were a disaster. I knew it from the first time I saw you." Alba stared at Ye Feng coldly.

"Harm Zula people? Of course. Betray the earth? Atlanta? Never. I've never been a counselor." Ye Feng practiced this passage for two afternoons in order to say it at the right time.

"Unless it's a last resort."

Ye Feng, who was still handsome one second ago, turned around and ran away the next second. Facing Alba with two arms of ice and fire, Ye Feng chose to "go first"!

Watching Ye Feng run away from the door, Captain Shengli leisurely took a sip of juice and enjoyed a rare holiday. He kept all his paid holidays last year in order to relax.

Damn it, what should I do now!? Plan, plan! I have to come up with a plan! Ah ah ah!!! Can't my clever brain come up with a plan? Alba, the big purple potato, is constantly throwing ice balls and fireballs at me. I don't have time to find a way!

Regardless of personal danger of perfume, Alba didn't expect him to be killed by him. He thought that there would be a lot of other sister Tess who would be dragging himself behind him to help Alba to hold the purple potato. But unfortunately, on the way, she met with what few combat researchers were. Ye Feng didn't meet any helper who could help him.

What Ye Feng did not know is that the whole generation of the K2 people, who had been nurtured only a few days ago, had basically been rid of the control of perfume. In fact, Ye Feng should be glad that due to the tenacious resistance of K2 Zula people, only Alba came to chase him. Otherwise, a large group of angry alien girls will chase after Ye Feng

Ye Feng was severely hit on his back by the fireball thrown by alba. The whole person was directly connected and flew out by the huge impact, smashing the pipe on the wall.

Damn it, where is this? Why are they all electrical conduits?

Ye Feng looked around the environment and found that he might have been chased to the edge of the base. His narrow passage was full of various lines and pipes.

Have you run so far? This ice fire big purple potato is really patient with me.

"Don't run, you devil!"

Alba came here after Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's brain is running fast and looking at the surrounding environment. Ye Feng came up with an idea. He can use the environment here to kill the Zula big purple potato. If he blindly runs away, it will only make his situation more dangerous!

First introduce him into the pipe well, where the space is narrow, and then I'll do this -- then this -- and finally this -- OK, let's do it!

Ye Feng decided to immediately implement the plan he came up with in a short time. Without saying a word, he ran directly to the depth of the pipeline well. Of course, Alba followed behind Ye Feng and kept talking useless nonsense: "you can run, but you can never escape Alba's anger!"

"Big purple potato, whether you shout or not, I won't stop."

Ye Feng can't understand why the pursuers always say useless nonsense. Isn't it a better choice to concentrate on driving people out?

When Ye Feng led Alba to run wildly in the pipeline well, at the other end of the base, zagna took people to the room where K1 Zula and K2 Zula fought. Due to the loss of monitoring pictures and the lack of feedback from the scene, zagna had to take her hand down to investigate the situation.

As for intelligence transmission, zagna doesn't need to be distracted. The progress bar is finished. All the intelligence information collected is sent to the Zula mothership. Zagna thinks it's time to find Ye Feng and calculate the general ledger!

Even before opening the door of the room, zagna had some psychological expectations, but when she saw the bodies of K1 Zula soldiers everywhere in the room, she screamed out: "these first generation reformed soldiers are dead!?"


Several K2 Zula soldiers greeted the stunned zagna. In addition to their iconic bald heads, these K2 Zula soldiers also showed that they were actually Zula people. They were almost the female version of Ye Feng, the same crazy, the same neurotic and the same chatter.

"Now we're going to kill you."

"No... Wait!" looking at another K2 Zula soldier who looked at her, zagna quickly said, "you can't do this. I created you! I'm your supreme officer. The meaning of your existence is to obey my orders."

"She's right.", "yes, this man is in charge here.", "really?", "yes, I'm reasonable. We should listen to her.", "well, you're right."

After hearing zagna's words, the K2 Zula soldiers in the room began to talk to each other.


Looking at the dozens of K2 Zula soldiers who were still alive and glancing at themselves from time to time in the conversation, zagna was speechless and almost collapsed. It was this group of psychopaths who didn't have a good brain to kill all K1 Zula soldiers in the base!? The glory of Zula

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