It was a sunny and fresh morning in September. The rain marks made by the strong wind on the first day were moistening the road and glittering in the sunshine. Incoming and outgoing vehicles roared past, but no one paid attention to this dark alley.

Ye Feng in a milk white casual suit, holding several bright roses in his hand, leisurely entered the alley, took off his sunglasses, sorted out the folds on his clothes, knocked on the door of the small shop in front of him, "pain psychological counseling room", and Ye Feng returned here again.

"Who is it? Is it an express?" a beautiful voice like spring breeze came from behind the door. The owner of the voice didn't seem to wake up, and there was a faint laziness in his tone.

"It's me, Ye Feng, the man you shouldn't miss." Ye Feng cleared his throat and replied gently.

"Ye Feng!? you're back!? I haven't seen you for months. I thought you were in trouble." the closed door was pushed open. Haili, a psychologist in a white gauze skirt, was surprised to see Ye Feng suddenly appear at her door. She didn't notice how foul she was wearing at this time. It was too cool

"Thank you, Haley, so that I can see heaven in the morning." Ye Feng, with nosebleed, gave Haley a bunch of roses, and thanked Haley very sincerely.

"Look at you, come in quickly." when Haili received Ye Feng's words, Haili was happy. At the same time, she looked at Ye Feng with all kinds of feelings. Then she naturally took Ye Feng's arm and let Ye Feng enter the house of "pain psychological counseling room".

"Where have you been for so long? Ye Feng."

She gave Ye Feng a glass of juice. Haley sat opposite Ye Feng, holding her knees and staring at Ye Feng, a busy man she hadn't seen for months.

"Well, I've had a full time in recent months. I went to explore the ancient lost civilization relics with my former friends. Haili, you won't believe it if you didn't see it with your own eyes. I even met the living dead and two different monsters in succession." when Ye Feng recalled the wandering in the past four months, he couldn't help lamenting the colorful life.

"I believe it's normal for you to have any incredible existence in your adventure. Your friends must include your former friends, huh, Ye Feng?" Haili teased Ye Feng.

Although Ye Feng's understatement skips who he has explored with, Haley is a psychologist, and Ye Feng is a person who can't hide things, at least when he faces his friends.

"Hahaha, I can't hide anything from you, Haley. Don't tell Audrey and Chu Qian about their temper. You know, I'm afraid." Ye Feng begged.

"OK, they are not in Xindu now. Even if you know, you won't be beaten. Don't worry, Ye Feng." Haley said casually after taking a sip of the coffee in front of her.

"Hmm? They're not in Xindu? So is Chu Qian?" asked Ye Feng.

"Well, Chu Qian and Jane have always lived with Audrey, and their close relationship is really the envy of my best friend. Audrey, Chu Qian and Jane have gone abroad in teams. It seems that they are rescuing a group of women and children kidnapped by pirates. In short, they are very busy. They are things I can't help. Sometimes I want to do it I'm an omnipotent superhero, but I know my personality. I'm not as strong as Audrey and them, "Haley said with emotion.

"Haley, you are the most beautiful and brave psychologist I have ever seen. Your existence cannot be replaced. Be happy. Are you unhappy to see me?" Ye Feng tried to comfort Haley.

"I'm a psychologist, Ye Feng. Don't say that. You've been busy playing with the living dead for so long?" Haley quickly adjusted her mood and continued to look at Ye Feng with interest.

"Well, later I became the big brother of the orc tribe for a while."


"Yes, an alien creature, without gender, is a strong man more than two meters tall. The only purpose of living is to be killed or kill others. In a word, it is an extremely arrogant alien race. I'm really glad I finally returned to the earth..." Ye Feng shook his head and tried to forget the painful experience of those months.

"No sex? How can they reproduce?" Haley asked curiously.

"Dick told me that orcs are essentially a kind of psychic plants. They reproduce by regularly producing spores. When these spores fall into the soil, they will grow colorful big mushrooms. When these big mushrooms mature, strong orcs will drill out of the mushrooms. Haley, believe me, this scene is very shocking."

Ye Feng was lucky to see orcs grow out of mushrooms several times. Watching the big rough man with brown and yellow skin all over his body emerge from the big mushrooms, this scene is extremely absurd and joyful. It is difficult for Ye Feng to describe his feeling behind the scenes.

"Well, that sounds interesting. Is that all?" Haley said.

"Later, I returned to earth. First, I lived in Los Angeles for a week."

"You've gone to see Adeline, huh?" Haley's eyes twinkled with wisdom.

"Er... To be exact, I stayed at Edlin's house for a week. Sure enough, I can't hide anything from you, Haley. It should be kept secret. Speaking of which, by the way, after living for a week, I received a call from captain Shengli, who entrusted me with a task."

"Captain victory!? a big man like him should call you?" Haley cried out in surprise. It was the leader of the superheroes known all over the world, the famous captain victory!

"It's a small matter. He repeatedly asked me to join the shield bearer alliance to help him on the phone. I refused one by one. I'm a person who pursues freedom. Being unrestricted is Ye Feng." Ye Feng farted.

"Eh, eh, eh, what's captain Shengli looking for you?" Haley snickered a few times and didn't reveal Ye Feng's cowhide.

"It's no big deal. It's just to destroy a Zula base. You know them, these alien female hooligans only thought about human men at the beginning. It's only a few years later, and they even want to invade the earth? Personally, I seriously doubt that they have a brain problem. Haley, I'm not discriminating against aliens. I've been with them for a few days. Although it may not be objective, I really recognize them There is a reason why their home star was destroyed and reduced to wandering in the universe. "Ye Feng gushed his own opinions

"Maybe, Ye Feng, I've only seen them in news reports. It's hard to comment. By the way, how did you beat those Zula people?" Haley asked.

"It's very simple. Let them all fall in love with me with personality charm."

"Just blow." of course Haley won't believe Ye Feng's words.

"With a bottle of magic perfume, you can easily do this. Of course, perfume is not very reliable, just like the person who invented it."

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