"Kate," Haley whispered in Kate's ear, "This man has a problem. The expression on his face is very artificial. Usually, the real expression exists for a very short time and is fleeting. Almost all the expressions made by this man have a particularly obvious freeze frame. Although it is not clear whether he killed the man, he is undoubtedly lying. The relationship between him and the dead should not be as he said."

"Hum, I knew it." Kate looked coldly at little MacPherson confronting Ye Feng. Then she went up to little MacPherson and said to him, "Mr. MacPherson, if my colleague offended you, please forgive me. We also want to find out the truth of the incident. In yesterday's record, you said you had a clear alibi, didn't you?"

"Of course, after dinner yesterday, I went to the Internet cafe downstairs at 10:05." little Maxon said coldly.

"You remember clearly, man," said Ye Feng with a slight sarcasm.

"There is a huge clock on the wall of the Internet cafe. I happened to look at it when I entered the door. What? Do you want to accuse me because I have a good memory?" in the face of Ye Feng's aggressiveness, little Maxon showed a slandered anger, although it seemed a little too much and a little affectation.

"Calm down, man." Ye Feng shrugged indifferently.

"Do you think your uncle has enemies?" Kate continued.

"No, my uncle is a very decent and traditional man. His tradition is terrible. He rejects all new technologies and, according to his own words," I want to live a clean life. " , after he retired, he almost never interacted with people, except for the hourly work once every two days, that is, I will visit him from time to time. As far as I know, my uncle can't be hurt by anyone. He is a respected gentleman, "replied little Maxon.

"Well... Thank you for your cooperation. My colleagues and I still need to go to the scene for investigation. You can go today. Recently, you'd better wait for the police at any time." Kate said this to little Maxon and led Ye Feng and Haley directly to the villa.

"Director Kate, I'm on call." directed at Kate's back, little Maxon smiled and waved, then turned to his SUV parked on the side of the road and drove away slowly.

"I have a bad impression of this man, which may be due to preconceived reasons. Personally, I think the murderer of old Maxon is this big nephew." Ye Feng followed Kate and followed the stairs to the study door on the second floor of the villa.

"Put on gloves and foot covers, Ye Feng. Don't destroy the scene. Haley, don't walk around at will and follow me." Kate said to Ye Feng and Haley. After the three were ready, they entered the study.

Except for the location of the deceased marked with white lines on the marble floor, everything in the study was in good order. There was a small dark explosion trace on the solid wood desk at the scene. Obviously, this is the location of the exploded mobile phone charger. From the current investigation results, the most obvious reason for the incident was the explosion of the mobile phone charger Led to tragedy.

After carefully observing the furnishings in the study, Ye Feng didn't see any strange places. There were neither signs of struggle nor signs of burglary. According to Kate's instructions, the wound on the victim's brain was indeed caused by hitting the corner of the solid wood table. The case was clear and clear, and there was no suspicious doubt at all.

During this period, Kate also asked the police to take the physical evidence at the scene, and the three people carefully checked it. Except for a smart phone that can't be turned on and some fragments of mobile phone charger, there are almost no important physical evidence.

But Ye Feng always feels a little different. Since entering this study, Ye Feng has always felt that something is missing. Is it a telephone? Yes, it's a landline. It's on the desk. What is it

"This kind of European style study is really rare. Kate, entering this study seems to go back to the 19th century." Haley looked at her study with interest.

"Haley, be serious. We're not visiting," Kate said reluctantly.

"The 19th century? Yes! Kate, there is no modern equipment in this old macson's study. In recent years, I have rarely seen this old-fashioned wired telephone."

After Haley's inadvertent reminder, Ye Feng finally wanted to understand the difference he felt in the study: it was the tradition of the owner of the study, and his lifestyle was extremely traditional, almost 20 years ago!

"What's strange about this? It's common for elderly people to choose to be alone because they can't accept the changing world," said Kate, who didn't feel much about it.

"Yes, it's normal. But, Kate, do you know that an old man who would rather fan his own fan than install air conditioner in hot weather will follow the fashion and use the latest smart phone?" Ye Feng pointed to the smart phone in Kate's hand and put it in the physical evidence bag.

"Well... You seem to have a point, Nick!" Kate thought for a moment, turned and shouted outside the study.

"Boss, what's the matter?" the policeman named Nick ran over quickly.

"The hourly worker the victim has been hiring, her contact information told me," Kate told Nick.

"Yes, boss, I have it in my cell phone," Nick dialed. When the communication was connected, he handed it to Kate.

"Hello, this is NYPD. Yes, that's right. Excuse me. I need to ask you about the situation. Is it convenient for you now? Well, well, that's right. Old Mr. Maxon, has he been using smart phones? Well? It's just started recently. That's right... Well, well, I understand. Thank you for your cooperation. Well, bye."

Kate simply asked about the situation and handed Nick her cell phone.

"You go and get busy," sent Nick away, and Kate looked at Ye Feng and Haley. "Because he is free at home and doesn't communicate with people, according to the description of hourly workers, old Maxon has always written letters or made phone calls on his landline. The smart phone has only begun to contact in the last week. It is a birthday gift from the little Maxon to his uncle."

"Sure enough, it's little Maxon... Smart phone, exploding charger... This seemingly unexpected tragedy is likely to be a death trap carefully planned by someone in order to get that huge legacy. At least according to the point of" getting the most profit ", little Maxon is suspicious, and this time is too coincidental, just when the deceased is preparing to modify his will." Ye Feng carefully analyzed.

"If the facts are really as Ye Feng said, this little Maxon must be very difficult to deal with. For money, he can talk and laugh after killing his own uncle. This is not an ordinary psychological quality..." Haley murmured.

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