"Uh... Yeah."

Ye Feng's mind appeared the picture of Audrey, Jane and Chu Qian standing together. Indeed, this combination is too powerful

Gemma said easily: "I really can't get in touch with them, but you know, among the three of them, sister Audrey is the weakest. Jane and Chu Qian are definitely stronger than captain victory you just mentioned. Together, they can't do anything to them except destroy the enemies at the planet level. I've investigated. It's just a group of pirates. I think sister Audrey The three of them just took this opportunity to travel abroad and just took the opportunity to fight crime. "

"Well... It seems that you have nothing to worry about." Ye Feng shrugged. At the thought of Jane's strength and Chu Qian's strange power to break through the steel plate, Ye Feng suddenly felt that his worry was superfluous. He should worry about the little minions facing Audrey and wish their boss had put them on a personal and emotional risk

"Audrey, they must have no problem. It's us. It's dark ahead," Haley said jokingly.

"You? What's matter with the you?" asked Jemma curiously.

"Haili and I are working on Kate to solve a case. We have basically mastered the suspect, motive, criminal techniques, etc., but now we have nothing to do with the most critical alibi and decisive direct evidence." Ye Feng answered truthfully.

"No, there are still unsolvable cases in this three-step one camera society?" jenma asked incredulously.

"No way, the dead old man is a traditional man. He should not only build the villa in the woods far away from the crowd, but also do not buy any modern equipment at home, not to mention computers and WiFi. Even the telephone is an old-fashioned turntable dial landline." Ye Feng explained helplessly.

"Is there really such a person?" jenma asked in shock.

"Isn't it? The old man is a millionaire. His maverick lifestyle gives his nephew, the object of our suspicion, a perfect crime environment." Ye Feng said helplessly.

"How did the dead die?" asked Gemma.

"On the surface, the charger of the smart phone exploded, and the frightened old man accidentally knocked on the hard corner of the table and died. Because there was only the dead person living in the whole villa, or the day after his death, the hourly workers who came to clean up found the body of the victim. It's been a lot of rumors these days. Gemma, you didn't read the news Ye Feng tells Gemma everything.

"No, I've been chasing the play these days, and finally I've finished chasing the play for the whole eleven seasons." jenma said confidently.

"... how about going to college if I don't pay?" Ye Feng suggested seriously.

"No, Miss Ben can at least be a professor in the computer school of a famous university. Are you kidding?" jenma glanced at Ye Feng, then picked up a small cage bag and stuffed it into her mouth, "ouyixi ~"

"... Professor, can I ask you something?" Ye Feng looked at jenma seriously.

"Hmm? OK, what's the matter?" noticed Ye Feng's serious state at this time. Gemma swallowed the food in her mouth in two and three, wiped the oil in her mouth with a paper towel, and sat on the sofa.

"Before his death, the deceased was given a smartphone by his nephew as a birthday gift. Yes, it's strange, so I want to ask you something. Gemma, if the phone is suddenly turned off due to external force, will there be relevant information records in the phone?" Ye Feng asked him.

"Of course, the running log will record every time node," jenma replied positively.

"Even if the mobile phone is damaged, it can't be turned on?" Ye Feng then asked.

"Well... It's hard to say. If the memory is completely damaged, there's no way. However, if the damage to the memory is not very large, some data should be recovered. Of course, it depends on luck. What's the matter, Ye Feng, do you want to search for clues from the deceased's smartphone?" Gemma asked.

"Well, I do have this idea. If I can confirm my guess through the information in the smartphone, the case can be solved." Ye Feng nodded and said firmly.

"Oh, hello ~ I can't see. I haven't seen you for months. Brother Feng, you've taken on a new look. Have you completely said goodbye to the old man who opened his mouth and shut his mouth?" Jemma joked.

"He wants to make fun of Kate, so he's so positive," Haley said suddenly.

"What!? Ye Feng! You're shameless! No, I have to tell sister Audrey about it. I must do it right away! But I can't reach her now!" Gemma jumped up from the sofa and ran out of her bedroom.

"I said, little ancestor, what demon are you going to be?" Ye Feng held his forehead with a headache.

"I have to find a notebook to write down your evil deeds! Let sister Audrey know what you did behind their backs!" jenma's voice came from the bedroom.

"What did I do behind their backs?! Haley, you can't slander a frank gentleman." Ye Feng looked at Haley bitterly, who was giggling.

"Hum, Ye Feng, am I wrong? You don't want to soak Kate?" Haley asked Ye Feng with a smile.

"No, no!" said Ye Feng, gritting his teeth.

"Why?" Haley quietly pressed the recording button.

"Er... Kate is a career maniac. Although she is beautiful and has a good figure, she has a bad temper. I mean it. If she had a half as good temper as you, Haley, I would chase her. I'm not kidding. Kate is the only woman left in the world. In order to ensure the reproduction of human beings, I will be reluctant to be with her. Don't laugh, I recognize her Really. "Ye Feng didn't notice Haley's little action at all, and talked nonsense.

"OK, done." Haley pressed the send button. She sent Ye Feng's impassioned words to Kate through social software.

"Done? Done what?" Ye Feng asked puzzled.

"Fix you, Ye Feng, you're dead. Sister Kate is on her way here. She's moving at a speed of 85 kilometers per hour. She's definitely speeding. Well, Ye Feng, you're dead, and sister Kate will tear your mouth." Jemma gloated and walked out of the room. On the computer screen she held in her hand, there was a dot representing Kate's position, Moving quickly on the map of the city.

"Ah? How did you determine Kate's position? Locator..."

"Ye Feng, use your head. It doesn't need to be so complicated. Just locate Kate's mobile phone. In fact, today's smart phone apps have their own positioning function. You can see at a glance where people are and master them easily." jenma replied casually.

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