"Shut up, this is where the previous SUV parked."

Kate pointed to the open small square in front of them, a place surrounded by green trees and lawns.

"This place will certainly become a place for competition among square dancing aunts..." Ye Feng said with heartfelt emotion.

"Well, this square gathers all kinds of people all year round, mainly middle-aged and old people. However, usually the noise only lasts until about 10 p.m. after this time, there are almost no pedestrians here," Kate said.

"Well, it's normal. After jumping for a few hours, the aunts also need to go home to rest and fight again tomorrow. This place is not suitable for little men and women to do something shameful. As soon as the aunts leave, it's normal for no one to come." Ye Feng looked around the environment and found that this is really a good place to throw the body. At least for a murderer who wants to attract attention, it's perfect.

"That's it." Kate led Ye Feng over the isolation belt and pointed to an area divided by white lines. "The SUV was parked here before."

"When did the car get here?" Ye Feng squatted down and looked carefully at the traces on the ground.

"According to the prosecution, it should be 2:23 a.m. to enter the Central Park," Kate replied.

"It's strange. Isn't this park closed?" Ye Feng asked with a frown.

"No, it's an open park with no restrictions on access," Kate said.

"It's really unsafe to do so." Ye Feng stood up, patted the soil on his hands, and said helplessly, "nothing. There are shoe prints around here. From these lines, they are anti-skid old people's shoes."

"This second site has been completely destroyed," Kate said.

"It doesn't matter whether it's the second scene or the third scene. Now we only have the car and the body. Kate, the man who did this is a cruel character. I believe he won't stop here," said Ye Feng.

"You don't think it's revenge?" Kate nodded.

"Of course, if this is a vendetta on the road, we can rule out that it was an accident. After all, the deceased was a professional killer, and it is difficult for ordinary people to get close to him. The man who claims to be the executioner is probably a more extreme Huang Liang. Please allow me to describe our common friend like this.

"According to the current situation, we can boldly speculate and think in transposition. This person is obviously more ferocious and crazy than Huang Liang. He wants to let the world know what he has done, he needs attention, he needs the audience. Kate, once the curtain of the performance is opened, he will stop only when he is satisfied, but unfortunately, according to I have years of experience dealing with psychopaths. These people are hard to meet... "

Ye Feng carefully analyzed.

"Ye Feng, as you said," Kate said in a low voice, even if there were only her and Ye Feng nearby, "the executioner is a radical person like Huang Liang. On the note he left, he expressed that he meant to punish the sinner. Will his anger spread to the innocent people?"

"Kate, your thinking is very dangerous." Ye Feng leaned down, grabbed Kate's shoulders and said gently, "and, Kate, are there really innocent people?"

"... you're right. I shouldn't hold this hope, especially as director of NYPD. According to the law, I should send you and Huang Liang to prison, and maybe Audrey." Kate said with a bitter smile.

"I, Huang Liang, and Audrey, we all have a bottom line that we can never touch. Kate, this is the shackle we set for ourselves. But this man who claims to be the executioner, a madman who takes the initiative to challenge judicial justice, I have a hunch that he is different from us." Ye Feng looked at Kate seriously.

"Well, we must pull him out of the dark corner." Kate nodded firmly.

"Of course, the efficiency of matching men and women is doubled. Let's go, get back to the car, and let's go while there's still a little time - ah!"

"No shape." looking at Ye Feng covering her nose and jumping in place, Kate shook off her nose blood, snorted and walked directly to the parking lot.


"Boss!", "director!", "good morning, director."

"What's up, Lao Wang, has the autopsy report come out?" and Ye Feng walked into the forensic room. Kate exchanged greetings with her colleagues, and then asked the forensic directly.

"The specific report may not come out until the day after tomorrow. Boss, we carefully examined the body. There was no trauma or poisoning. From the extremely distorted facial expression of the dead, it is speculated that he was probably scared to death." the name of the medical examiner was Wang Qiusheng, and people familiar with him called him Lao Wang.

Lao Wang and Wang Qiusheng are medium-sized, fat and amiable. They seem very friendly. Although they behave neatly, they are slightly hunchbacked and have gray messy hair. In short, from the appearance, Wang Qiusheng is a kind old man in the community.

"Scared to death? Are you sure you can rule out poisoning or other ways of death?" Kate asked with a frown. Scared to death? What can make a killer scary?

"I'll go..." Ye Feng leaned over to the body, looked at the terrible face twisted so that he couldn't recognize the face, and said with lingering fear, "what did you see? It can scare the man to death."

"The specific practice report will have to wait two days, but my experience is more. This man was really scared to death. Boss, this case is very strange. There are almost no clues from the body," Wang Qiusheng said.

"I see. Keep busy. Let me know immediately if you find anything." Kate led Ye Feng out of the forensic room.

On the way back to the office, Kate remained silent. She was immersed in such a strange and bizarre case. Now not only the scene is traceless, but even the most important body can not provide any valuable clues. The investigation of the whole case has reached an impasse, which is exactly what the murderer who left a provocative note expected.

"Damn it!" Kate stopped and knocked hard on the corridor wall.

"Hey, calm down, we haven't lost yet." Ye Feng knows his comfort is pale, but he must do something. The executioner left no trace to Ye Feng and Kate, but the duel has just begun. He and Kate can't mess around.

"Yes, we haven't lost yet. Ye Feng, although I don't have any hope for that car, this is the only card in our hand." Kate looked up and said to Ye Feng.

"Well, go and see that SUV."

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