"Nothing, nothing. Then? The bad people were subdued?" Ye Feng quickly changed the topic.

"Then Chu Qian and I had a disagreement with Jane over whether to throw these pirates directly into the sea to feed sharks or leave them on an uninhabited island to live and die. Finally, because the minority obeyed the majority, Chu Qian and I persuaded Jane. If those were still alive, well, at this time, they should be on an uninhabited island and holding each other Let's get warm and sleep together, "Audrey said thoughtfully, glancing at the time.

"... can't you send them to prison?" the corner of Ye Feng's mouth twitched slightly.

"There is no prison in that poor place. Either let the tiger go back to the mountain or never suffer from it." Jane glanced at Ye Feng. She was fighting with the delicate and juicy steak and had been eating it.

"Er, well, I think it's simple." Ye Feng shrugged.

"Then, where did you go?" jenma asked.

"Then there are some trivial things. I've been busy for a long time. In fact, the preparation and implementation of the whole rescue operation don't take long, but the finishing work after that, alas, it's hard to say. We can't turn around and leave directly after subduing the pirates!" Chu Qiansheng said lovelessly.

"Well, Chu Qian was right. We were exhausted after placing all the hostages. It was not easy for them to land, and the three of us quickly flew back." Audrey added tired.

"That's right... I thought you just came on stage, knocked down all the enemies with understatement, and then left smartly in the eyes of people's admiration. Alas, it seems that I think too much." jenma was a little lost, but when the reality shone into the fantasy, the little girl's dream of being hero slowly began to fade.

"Do you think it's so easy to do good? We fight crime not to enjoy the process of defeating bad people, but to bear the responsibilities that others can't bear. Little girl, you still have to learn." Ye Feng reached out and patted afraid zhenma's head.

"Among these people here, you should be the least qualified to say this?" Kate glanced at Ye Feng and said funny.

"Kate, I've been helping you solve the case for free recently!" Ye Feng replied.

"Oh? Free? You're even going to reimburse me for the taxi money." Kate reluctantly opened her hand.

"The transportation expenses can be reimbursed indeed. I read your NYPD rules and regulations! It says that all transportation expenses can be reimbursed during work." Ye Fengli said boldly.

"You may have selectively ignored the preconditions. The transportation expenses during this period from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. can be reimbursed in full," Kate retorted.

"Maybe you're right, but Kate, you can't deny that I've made a contribution to your NYPD. Even now, I'm still working hard on how to catch the pervert who claims to be the executioner!" Ye Fengyi said in a straight line. He didn't remember that he ate, slept, woke up and played almost every day in the past week, Hungry through the cycle of eating

"Executioner? Is the new metropolis not peaceful again?" Audrey frowned slightly.

"Well, a murderer who claimed to be the executioner appeared more than a week ago. He drove an SUV with a body into Central Park and left a meaningful note with the executioner's signature. Do you know the dead, Audrey, and remember the inch head killer under old Wayne who ran away from us? The dead is him." Kate gave a brief introduction.

"Oh, it's him who died, at least it's not a bad thing." Audrey nodded. The inch man was extremely cruel. It's really not a bad thing for the citizens of the new city to end his evil life in such a way.

"What Ye Feng and I are worried about is that the man who claims to be the executioner will cause worse consequences in his anger venting and concern winning killing behavior. Haili and I talked about the psychological profile of the executioner over the phone several times. After listening to my description, Haili and her views coincide with what ye Feng said." Kate frowned.

"Haili also thinks the executioner is a perverted murderer?" Ye Feng asked.

"Almost. Leaving a signed note beside the body and writing inexplicable words, this behavior itself reflects the person's extreme conceit, contempt for the whole judicial system and the whole society. Described by Haley's work, this is a typical manifestation of antisocial personality.

"This kind of person is immersed in his own world and thinks he is different. Compared with ordinary people, he is God. He can judge the sinners he thinks are evil. Whether it will hurt other innocent people in this process is not his consideration.

"It's like everyone in the world except him is an ant. Will he feel sad because he killed an ant by mistake? He won't, he won't even have any emotional fluctuations. All these analyzed by Haley make me feel on pins and needles."

Kate said physically and mentally tired. From the body movements of her hands supporting her forehead, it is not difficult to find that she is afraid. She is afraid of a Murderer with high anti reconnaissance ability, waiting for an opportunity in the dark, but she can't do anything.

"Well, well, sister Kate, don't hold on alone. Even if ye Feng is unreliable, now that sister Audrey and they are back, we can catch the executioner!" jenma ran behind Kate, hugged Kate from behind and said softly in Kate's ear.

"I see. Don't rub my hair. It's itchy, Gemma. It's itchy." Kate's expression eased a lot.

"Didn't the executioner leave any clues?" Chu Qian asked incredulously. What did the executioner do to push Kate to this point?

"No, although I don't want to admit it, he did commit a perfect crime," Kate said.

"OK, OK, change the topic. Don't talk about work during dinner." noting that Kate's face began to change again, Ye Feng quickly forked the topic.

"By the way, what have you been doing these months?" Chu Qian pointed the fire at Ye Feng. Audrey and Jane also turned their eyes to Ye Feng. Of course, Jane's mouth has never been idle

"Me? I've talked about the experience of the past few months several times. Well, I'll say it again briefly. Kate and Gemma, you should review my glorious history again." Ye Feng said fartily.

"Glorious history? Make complaints about death." Kate Tucao.

"On the top floor!" jenma nodded.

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