With Audrey's return, the days suddenly became lively and calm. In the following week, Ye Feng spent every day running back and forth. In the morning, he had to find food for Kate and Gemma. Then he began to work as an external case consultant for NYPD all morning. Of course, Ye Feng had nothing to do.

At noon, Ye Feng usually goes to the pain counseling room with packaged food. At this time, Audrey, Chu Qian and Jane will chat with Haley who has just been awakened and wait for Ye Feng to deliver lunch.

Since Audrey resigned from her previous job, she has more free time than before except for her usual fight against crime, so she will form a team with Chu Qian or Jane to receive entrustment from time to time according to her interest.

For example, the three of them were entrusted to rescue the hostages. Since it is entrustment, of course there will be remuneration. In fact, Audrey's current work is essentially the same as that of Ye Feng, but Audrey has much more principles in selecting entrustment than Ye Feng.

Chu Qian still doesn't mean to return to the hunting Corps. After all, it's not the place she sees as home, and her current life is closer to her dream. With like-minded friends and him, Chu Qian is very happy every day, which makes Ye Feng very happy. That cold-blooded and ruthless female god of war on the battlefield can show a bright smile of her age every day, which is enough.

Jane is still the same, not close or far away, neither cold nor hot. Ye Feng can't tell whether the relationship between him and Jane is close or not. Jane still pursues the delicious food in the corners of the new city every day. Eating this thing is not a simple instinct to fill her stomach, but a life philosophy for Jane, Eat well and taste more.

In fact, among these beautiful women, compared with Gemma, who is in the restless period of youth, the young girls who are in love are more worried about life than Jane. When can you be as free and easy as Jane? Ye Feng sometimes has a little envy.

Haley and Gemma are actually helping Kate. The former has been using her professional knowledge to make a psychological portrait of the executioner. Although the psychological image of this antisocial personality is gradually plump, it can only provide limited auxiliary effect and has no actual clue value.

Gemma has been trying to find clues about the executioner on the Internet. In fact, she did find many similar cases, but with the deepening of the investigation, the information collected by Gemma only shows that the person claiming to be the executioner is likely to use different names and commit the same criminal crimes in different cities, And did not leave any clues, has escaped the sanctions.

What scares Kate most is that in similar cases in the past, those lynchings who claimed to destroy their sins often hurt innocent people in the process of ending the guilty people, which makes Kate exhausted. In just a few weeks, she has lost a lot of weight and distressed Ye Feng and others.

Nearly half a month before the body dumping case in Central Park, when Ye Feng and others had begun to think that the executioner would stop, another case attracted their attention. At the beginning, this case was just an ordinary homicide.

But it's just the beginning


Working overtime until 12:00 p.m. is a common thing for yuan Jun. even he is a little lucky. Today, he was able to get out of the door of the company before 3:00 a.m. and catch the last subway home.

As a fresh graduate of a famous university, Yuan Jun has just graduated and entered a large company. As a newcomer in the Department, it is natural to work overtime. In particular, Yuan Jun wants to do more for her and wants to grow up quickly from the bottom of his heart.

She is the Minister of Yuan Jun's Department, Qu Weiwei, a mature woman in her early thirties.

The word beauty is used to describe Qu Weiwei. She is a little pale. Yuan Jun still clearly remembers the scene when he first met Qu Weiwei. At that time, he was in an interview. When HR invited Qu Weiwei into the reception room, Yuan Jun suddenly felt that the world was colorful and fresh. He knew that it was the woman who fell in love with him at first sight and made the calm world he was in become extremely vitality.

The passing of the interview was yuan Jun's first surprise, but not the biggest. Qu Weiwei, Yuan Jun's immediate superior, was also impressed by the new boy.

Through yuan Jun's unremitting efforts in work and life, Qu Weiwei, who has been immersed in her career, has felt the magic of love for the first time, and it is from a hairy boy who has just left the campus, which makes people sigh:

Son of a bitch, look at mung beans. It's right!

However, just as in every third rate love film, there will always be a annoying male sophomore. Qu Weiwei has never been short of suitors, and this suitor - Shi Ming, the chief operator of the company, is the male sophomore between Qu Weiwei and Yuan Jun.

At the thought of Shi Ming, Yuan Jun, sitting in the empty subway car, felt a headache. He simply raised his head and looked around his car.

Sure enough, at this time, those who work overtime are still working overtime, and those who get off work are already off work.

In addition to a female student napping on the seat, a man in an all black Pullover was reading a magazine in his hand.

Yuan Jun took back his eyes and looked at himself reflected on the opposite window: slightly tired, but his eyes were very bright. This is the power of love, so that all efforts have sustenance. Yuan Jun doesn't know whether he would make such efforts without Qu Weiwei, but it doesn't matter, because he clearly knows that when the sun rises tomorrow and he gets out of the crowded subway car, he will see her and the light that belongs to him in the office.


Yuan Jun noticed that in the reflection of the opposite window, the tall man in black and covered tightly was coming to his position.

Is he getting off?

Yuan Jun looked at the sound indicating that he was about to arrive at the station. Subconsciously, he thought that the man in strange clothes was ready to get off at the next station and walk to the subway door diagonally in front of Yuan Jun in advance.

Yuan Jun was wrong.

The man in black went straight to Yuan Jun. in the puzzled gaze of Yuan Jun in the seat, the man in black popped a sharp sleeve sword from his right wrist, and his arm skilfully crossed yuan Jun's body. At this time, the subway just came to the station to open the door. When Yuan Jun covered his bleeding throat cut by a sharp blade and made the last sound of surprise mixed with the fear of "cough", The man in black turned and got off the subway car.

Yuan Jun desperately covered his severed throat and stretched his other hand rigidly in the air. He seemed to want to catch the black man who killed him. He might want to catch the fast passing life, or he might want to catch Qu Weiwei.

Finally, the hopeful young man died alone in the subway car with only him and the female student still dozing.

turn in one's grave.

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