The sudden end in the carnival is the punishment.

In the minds of Kate and others, this sentence is like a lingering curse, which is disintegrating their reason and patience.

What exactly does this sentence mean?

What meaning does the executioner leave in it?

End suddenly in the carnival? Is it that the victim yuan Jun is favored by the beautiful boss? Are you talking about it?

But why did a couple of urban men and women enjoy each other, but finally usher in the death punishment of the executioner?

Is love also a sin?

damn! What is he trying to say?

These problems haunt Kate and others, but it is an extremely dangerous act to speculate on the thought of a madman.

According to Haley's analysis, the extreme personality of the executioner must have his own way of thinking and ideas, and every move he makes must have a clear purpose. Behind this seemingly random killing, there must be the source power that the executioner can understand.

Unfortunately, Kate and others can't figure out what the short sentence left by the executioner at the end of the video points to.

This is also the source of the fear of the citizens of the new metropolis. The man who claims to be the executioner has begun to kill indiscriminately!?

Even Ye Feng can't understand the indiscriminate killing of innocent people. Although he claims to be the God of death, and death is a necessary process for everyone in his eyes, Ye Feng can't understand and doesn't want to understand depriving innocent people of their lives at will.

The executioner who left the puzzle did not confuse Ye Feng and others for too long.

The perpetrator reappeared faster than everyone expected.

Four days after the subway murder, the death of another person and another short video uploaded to the Internet once again detonated the public opinion that has not been completely subsided.

Shi Ming, the boss of Yuan Jun's company and one of Qu Weiwei's suitors, was found dead at home.

Because Shi Ming didn't come to work for no reason, Shi Ming's colleagues called Shi Ming first, but no one answered. Because of the vicious case of Yuan Jun, Shi Ming's colleagues were very alert at this time. They decided to leave the company and drive together to the high-end community where Shi Ming lived. After knocking on the door without success, while calling the police, Shi Ming's colleagues tried to find someone to open the door of Shi Ming's house through communication with the community property.

When the crowd entered Shi Ming's home, they were greeted by Shi Ming's body lying on the sofa. He lay in a pool of blood and stared at his colleagues ferociously. With the screams of panic, another murder smashed the still calm lake in the new city.


"Kate, Ye Feng, after checking the body, there was only one knife wound." forensic Wang Qiusheng, without any courtesy, said directly to Kate and Ye Feng who had just arrived at the scene of the crime. "It was a fatal wound. It was inserted under the ribs. The murder weapon went through the ribs and directly into the heart. It was killed with a knife."

"It was the executioner who did it." Ye Feng glanced at the edge of the knife and said firmly to Kate.

"The deceased died within about one minute. I infer that coronary artery bleeding led to cardiac compression and pericardial tamponade, which eventually led to the victim's death in a short time," Wang Qiusheng said.

"How long has the victim been dead?" Kate's face was expressionless.

"According to the degree of rigidity after death, it has spread all over the body, and the body spots are no longer displaced, and the cornea is not clear. He may have died for 16 to 24 hours. The specific time of death still needs to be inferred from the anatomical results." Wang Qiusheng pushed the eyes on the tip of his nose. With such a neat killing technique, he met very few times in his career,

"The personnel of the identification department should have nothing to gain?" even if they knew that the executioner killed the man, Ye Feng still asked.

"No. boss, this is the latest video uploaded by the executioner. Take a look." officer Nick shook his head and handed Kate the tablet.

Kate looked at the latest video uploaded by the executioner on the screen without saying a word. Ye Feng stood behind Kate and watched it with her.

Strictly speaking, this is not a video, but a letter. The whole video is a dark background, and the blood red text appears in the slightly trembling Kate and in the eyes of Ye Feng who grabs Kate's shoulder and tries to comfort her.

[I've given you a chance. The sudden end in the carnival is the punishment. I don't want to punish the young man who takes the subway. My goal is Shi Ming, the scum who seduces women. When Yuan Jun dies, it's Shi Ming, a decent beast who falls into the carnival. There is no gap between him and his lifelong love, but gives way to madness Don't you think it's very interesting that Shi Ming's life suddenly ended in joy? [ha ha...]

In a burst of harsh laughter, the video stopped suddenly.


Ye Feng and Kate were speechless. They didn't think of the meaning behind the damn words.

"Let the technology department track down the upload IP of this video. I'll call Gemma later and ask her to help." Kate told Nick, who immediately conveyed the order.

"Kate..." Ye Feng looked at Kate painfully.

"I'm all right, Ye Feng, I'm all right." Chong Ye Feng waved her hand, Kate lowered her head and cleaned her throat, then raised her head and said to the staff around her: "colleagues of the identification department, we must collect any potentially valuable traces in this room. Everyone has worked harder recently, and we must bring the criminals to justice."

"Of course, boss.", "director, don't worry.", "leave the scene to us."

"Thank you." Kate bowed affectionately. Then she looked at Wang Qiusheng who was looking at the body. "Lao Wang, I'm waiting for your autopsy report."

"No problem, Kate, you should also pay attention to your body," Wang Qiusheng said anxiously.

"Well, I'll pay attention. Leave it to them here, Ye Feng. Let's go back to NYPD first." Kate turned and walked out.

"Why don't you go home directly? You're the director and don't need to do everything yourself." Ye Feng said painfully.

"I know, but I want to go back to the office and feel more at ease," Kate waved.

"Well, I'll drive when I go back." Ye Feng put his hand in front of Kate, who reluctantly handed over the Porsche key. Kate also knew that she was not suitable for driving now.

"You drive, but you must put my favorite music in the car."

"You little cunning, OK, I'll buy some pancakes and fruits by the way."

Looking at the back of Ye Feng turning away, Kate smiled helplessly.

"Pancake fruit again..."

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