When Ye Feng was full of excitement and was ready to subdue the unlucky man whose footsteps gradually approached him, Ye Feng finally saw the face of the comer. For a moment, Ye Feng was stunned. He kept lying on the wall and tilted his head to look at the front of the corridor, and his brain was in a state of downtime.

The visitor was completely beyond Ye Feng's expectation. Ye Feng even prepared to think that it was a viscous fluid creature full of tentacles. After all, the owner of the base was a crazy scientist. But Ye Feng never thought that the person appearing in the corridor would be him!? How is that possible?

Ye Feng was so shocked by the visitor. Ye Feng had dealt with this person before, although they were very unhappy at that time, even to the point of using a knife and a gun. This man is one of the few people who will make Ye Feng feel guilty. There is no other reason. This man's ex-wife is now one of Ye Feng's lovers.

Yes, this man was no one else, it was Adeline's ex husband, "looting", Joseph Wilson.

Joseph's pace was a little hasty. He seemed to be getting rid of the pursuers behind him, and judging from his gradually slowing pace, he should have succeeded.

Watching "looting and killing" getting closer and closer to his position, Ye Feng held his breath, but his tension became weaker and weaker. With his chameleon armor, Ye Feng had a lot of confidence in his heart.

Although it is not clear why he met the heavily armed "looting and killing" in the underwater base, it is likely that this is just a joke played by fate and Ye Feng, which makes two men who are constantly cutting and disorderly meet in this situation. In a word, Ye Feng has no impulse to say hello to "loot and kill". He just wants to wait for "loot and kill" to pass by him. Everyone goes their own way and doesn't communicate with each other in old age!

After close observation of "looting and killing", maple leaf first came up with an animal in his mind: a snake.

Ye Feng's first impression of "looting and killing" was that he was a poisonous snake. The snake is an animal that represents lurking and hiding. And there was no sound when the snake lurked.

"Looting and killing" can be silent when walking after slowing down. If he didn't see the figure of "looting and killing" with his eyes, Ye Feng couldn't capture the position of "looting and killing" with other senses. Ye Feng can't think of the cold temperament of "looting and killing", which is more like a poisonous snake, a cobra? Viper? Silver Snake? No matter what kind of snake it is, it is undoubtedly a highly poisonous snake.

Come on, let's go, let's go

When "looting and killing" finally wanted to pass Ye Feng, Ye Feng couldn't help talking in his heart and expected time to go faster. The posture he kept lying on the wall was too awkward, but Ye Feng didn't dare to move, even though his muscles were strongly protesting.

Just as "looting and killing" passed Ye Feng's body, when Ye Feng thought he had succeeded and was not found, Ye Feng was frightened to find that on the cement ground, the shadow of "looting and killing" that had already gone suddenly changed its shape and came back!

Ye Feng's whole body was covered with cold sweat in an instant. The "looting and killing" seemed to notice something. He didn't go far, but began to wander around Ye Feng.

Damn it, you're going... Ye Feng looked at the motionless shadow of "looting and killing" pasted on the concrete floor. He secretly complained in his heart. This "looting and killing" was indeed a cruel role. It must be his intuition that reminded him that there were strange places nearby, so he refused to leave.

The distance between Ye Feng and "loot kill" can be described as close at hand. Ye Feng seems to feel the gas generated by "loot kill" breathing and gently skim the back of his neck.

Ye Feng can't help but thank the chameleon armor he is wearing. Without this set of equipment, he will definitely be "looted and killed". What will be waiting for him at that time, Ye Feng can't imagine

"Hum, it's too sensitive."

"Looting and killing" whispered a few words of self mockery, and then his shadow began to move. Even if he couldn't see the figure of "looting and killing" leaving, Ye Feng was secretly relieved. It seems that the plague God of "looting and killing" has finally left, and he can relax his stiff muscles a little——


Ye Feng, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, was unaware that his head was fiercely butted against the hard wall by a big hand. The violent collision made Ye Feng lose consciousness in a short time.

Shit! This bastard... The last thought in Ye Feng's consciousness is that he knows he has been fooled by "looting and killing"

After Ye Feng woke up, he subconsciously began to fight because he was in extreme shock, but before he reacted, Ye Feng's hands had been firmly clamped and could not move. Ye Feng's legs were kicked open from behind and a big split came. The pain from the crotch made Ye Feng cry out involuntarily. Due to the violent twisting of his body, the chameleon armor could not remain completely invisible. Ye Feng's body pasted on the wall began to appear faintly.

"Sure enough, there's something, little guy, go to hell." "looting and killing" grabbed Ye Feng's wrist and began to make a sudden force. Ye Feng felt a chilling "bang" sound coming from his neck.

"Wait! It's me," looting and killing ", it's me, the God of death, I, I'm your ex-wife's current boyfriend, I, we've met!"

As a last resort, Ye Feng can only make every effort to make a sound. He knows that all the words in his mouth will only provoke "looting and killing" and make him angry, but Ye Feng must do something before being forcibly cut off his neck. Ye Feng couldn't accept being killed so inexplicably.

"Oh? It's you?" the strength in the hands of "looting and killing" was a little smaller, but it still stuck Ye Feng's neck.

From the tone of "looting and killing", can Ye Feng hear shock and surprise, and even a trace of pleasure?

Ye Feng can fully understand the reason for the pleasure of "looting and killing" and personally caught NTR's own bastard. If it were Ye Feng, he would also feel happy and be able to hand and blade the enemies of heaven. It's so gratifying

"Ex husband brother," Ye Feng tried his best to make a voice, "acquaintance is fate. We can all meet in such a broken place. Do you want to loosen me first and let's have a good talk?"

"I have nothing to talk about with you." "looting and killing" pressed Ye Feng's head on the wall. In the cold tone, the impulse to try made Ye Feng sweat.

"We have a lot in common to talk about," Ye Feng said shakily. "We are both mercenaries and the best. We all deeply love a good woman, Adeline. Although she doesn't love you now, as a mature man, maybe you should look for problems from yourself."

"Oh, really?"

"Looting and killing" was very calm in the face of Ye Feng's words. He was just understating and dislocated Ye Feng's left arm.

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