"I used to owe her so much that she withered alone in the most beautiful years -"

"I said to my ex husband, I can't see that you are still a sultry literary uncle, ah! My eyes!" Ye Feng covered his right eye poked by "looting and killing", howling sadly and angrily.

"-- if I can, I want to give her a happy second half of her life. Even if the man who is with her is not me, a touch of sadness appears on the face of" looting and killing ". This is the first time Ye Feng has seen the expression of" looting and killing "change.

He loves Adeline very much. Ye Feng couldn't help thinking.

"Have you changed your mind?" Ye Feng asked carefully.

"I'm not going to kill you." "looting" returned to the cold poker face.

"Shit!" Ye Feng scolded angrily, "you just scared me!?"

"In fact, I had a good time," he said, pointing to Ye Feng, whose limbs were mutilated by him. "I didn't intend to kill you, but I didn't say I wouldn't have fun with you."

Under the gaze of Ye Feng wukenike, "looting and killing" starts the chameleon armor. Before two mark 35 modified UAVs rush into the corridor where he and Ye Feng are located, they integrate into the surrounding environment, like a chameleon, invisible and invisible.


"Suspicious life found ahead, warning, suspicious life found ahead."

After receiving the warning reports of two mark 35 modified UAVs in the UAV control room, Dr. Tesla 96, who was dozing in front of the terminal screen, was immediately awakened. He hurriedly called out the images recorded by the mark 35 modified UAV.

"Identify as an intruder and carry out a destructive strike." Dr. Stella 96 carefully observed the man in a dark tactical suit in the field of vision of the drone armor. He leaned his head against the wall of the corridor, as if he was in some unconscious state.

Recently, several uninvited guests who are not afraid of death will emerge from the underwater base in three or two days. Dr. Tesla has been familiar with it for a long time on the 96th, and there is no tension at all. After all, there are hundreds of fully armed drones patrolling the underwater base, and there are several ferocious gods guarding it. There's nothing to be nervous about.

After receiving the command of devastation, one of the two mark 35 modified UAVs glided directly in front of the mysterious man sitting on the concrete floor.

When it raised its arms, the barrel of two machine guns stretched out, and the raindrops of bullets were about to tilt out, the mysterious man sitting on the ground suddenly raised his head. A very strange ghost face covered the whole screen picture in front of Dr. Stella 96. The latter was startled by the sudden ghost face, and the whole man hit the ground from the swivel chair.

"What the hell?"

Dr. Stella had not figured out what had happened. The real-time picture transmitted from the drone in front of him was suddenly interrupted. He quickly called up the picture of another drone on the scene. Before he could see what was happening on the scene, the picture of the drone rotated for a while, and then the signal was interrupted again.

"Damn it! What the hell happened?"

Dr. Stella was horrified to find that the monitoring probes in the incident area had been completely destroyed. It was impossible to know what had happened through the monitoring screen. He pressed the button of intermediate yellow warning. In the face of this strange situation, he dared not neglect it. It's time for those energetic ferocious gods to exercise.


"I'll tell you, where did Dr. Stella get so much x-21 metal? The small dagger he assembled for these drones is the biggest he can do."

Ye Feng, who was picked up by the "looting and killing" with one hand, looked at the two silvery daggers made of x-21 metal in the "looting and killing" hands. He couldn't help admiring them. He also wanted to make some fun of them.

"If these two little things are sold to those who need them, they can at least get a seaside villa and a global limited Lamborghini." "looting" in front of Ye Feng, ignoring Ye Feng's hot eyes, directly inserted two valuable daggers into the weapon belt tied to his thigh.

"I can't see. You'll enjoy it." Ye Feng's hamstrings are recovering. Before he's fully grown, he can only be carried like a vegetable basket.

"The life of a professional killer is usually short. Maybe I will die in a certain task, so I don't pay much attention to the money I earn." "looting and killing" felt.

"When you're a professional killer, when you're a mercenary, it's not for money at all. You just can't bear the stimulation of walking on the line of life and death. Brother ex husband, don't worry about me. You're really not suitable for marriage."

Ye Feng finished Tucao, only to find himself saying something that he shouldn't say. Fortunately, "killing and killing" was not so glass. He just gave a blow to his face and did not make complaints about it.

"I got fat without eating..." Ye Feng's right cheek was swollen like a boiled egg in his cheek. There was a hint of playfulness in the redness and swelling. "What shall we do next?"

"What to do?"

"How do you go next? You don't want to get virus 115?" asked Ye Feng.

"It's simple. Go down."

"Go down?"

"You dare to break in alone without knowing anything? There are five floors in Dr. Stella's underwater base. We are at the top. In each of the remaining floors, there is a powerful" guard ". As long as you go down to the bottom, Dr. Stella and virus 115 are there." looting and killing "looked at Maple Leaf for several times and finally determined that maple leaf really didn't know anything

"Red Queen, why didn't you tell me that the underwater base still has five floors?" Ye Feng shouted discontentedly.

"You didn't ask me again," replied the Red Queen.

"Then why is there only one floor of the map sent back by Tianyan?" at this time, if ye Feng can rush into the main engine room with the Red Queen body, he must set all the equipment on fire with a torch!

"The heavenly eye is only enough to cover one layer," said the Red Queen disapprovingly.

"What's the use of this fart?" Ye Feng realized again how careless captain Shengli was to him.

"It's useless. At this stage, it's just a prototype in the experimental stage, which just allows you to test the performance in the actual battle." the Red Queen broke Ye Feng's little remaining young man's heart again.


"I'll say those fools of the shield bearer alliance, even if they are blind again, they won't like you." looking at Ye Feng's constipation expression like eating shit, "looting and killing" scoffed at Ye Feng.

"... wait and see! I'll let captain Shengli know how powerful I am!" Ye Feng roared.

"I will pass this sentence to captain Shengli intact." the voice of the Red Queen sounded in Ye Feng's ear.


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