Ye Feng, who closed his eyes, became extremely sensitive to his other hearing and smell after losing his visual senses. He suddenly noticed a figure. At this time, he was standing behind the door. He didn't run away!

Before Ye Feng could be pleasantly surprised, he heard the crisp "click" of the violent collision between his teeth. The sound close at hand was also mixed with a slightly low "creak", which seemed to be the sound of something being bitten off. Ye Feng had no time to think about what had happened, because there was a sharp pain in his arms. Ye Feng knew that the stomach acid spewed out from the leaf, Corroding his arms.


Ye Feng's body slammed into the body between the leaves, and the two bodies forced each other to slide for more than ten meters before they stopped. At this time, Ye Feng, who was lying on the body between the leaves, couldn't get up from the body between the leaves by his own strength because the muscles of his arms had been corroded by gastric acid. He still "plundered" came over, lifted Ye Feng and threw him aside.

"Slaughtered" inspected the breathing between the doors, and confirmed that he was dead. After that, he took out a silver spray from his waist and walked to the side of Ye Feng. He used his sprays in the hands of Ye Feng's corrupted arms.

"What can I buy?" "after the spray of the spray of medicine mist covered with serious arms, Ye Feng surprised that the pain quickly reduced, the wound came to a cool comfort, half a minute later, Ye Feng was originally suffering and distorted face, it returned to normal.

"500000 Asian dollars a box, 12 bottles a box." "looting and killing" said blandly.

He simply dealt with the injury on Ye Feng, and at the sight of Ye Feng's desire, he took this bottle of miraculous first-aid spray back into his small backpack. As for "looting and killing" himself, he was hardly hurt. Unlike Ye Feng, who was full of big holes, "looting and killing" had little dust on his tactical clothes.

"Forget it, I can't afford..." Ye Feng's eyes were full of regret.

"Biting shark? Fortunately, you can remember this." plunder said coldly.

"In a hurry, the image of a shark biting his hand jumped out of his mind, which is a very common game in KTV -" Ye Feng explained.

"I know what it is. Trick the toy. Press the toy shark's teeth to see if it will shut up and bite you. It's a little similar to the knife barrel of the pirate captain." "looting and killing" helped Ye Feng up from the ground and walked towards the giant elevator.

"Take a break and I'll crack the elevator." "looting" asked Ye Feng to sit down against the wall. He began to crack the huge elevator in front of him with the terminal on his arm

"Hurry up, those Drones will arrive here at any time." Ye Feng asked casually.

"It's all right. I've prepared gifts for the drones. I'm afraid they won't come." "looting" replied without raising his head.

"Well, I don't worry about your work." Ye Feng looked at the corpse between the gates more than ten meters away. Although it seemed that there was no fatal injury between the gates, when Ye Feng found what he was looking for, he knew that "looting and killing" understood his intention. A section of meat colored pipe of about ten centimeters lay alone on the concrete ground, It is more than ten meters away from the body between the gates.

Much like biting sharks, "looting and killing" must be that when the meat tube between the leaves came out of the mouth, the "looting and killing" who had been hidden beside the leaves suddenly closed the open mouth between the leaves. Without knowing it, the leaves bit off the meat tube in their mouth. The high-strength gastric acid tilts out of the strong acid resistant meat tube and pours back into the body between the leaves, which will corrode the internal organs between the leaves in an instant.

Is this self blame? Ye Feng thought in his mind.

Dada dada dada!!!

A series of bullets hit Ye Feng against the wall and interrupted Ye Feng in his meditation.

"I'll go!"

Ye Feng hurriedly pressed the button on a device similar to a Bluetooth headset hanging on his left ear. A layer of invisible energy sent waves covered Ye Feng's whole body. This is an energy shield newly developed by the shield holder alliance. It has strong defense power, but the defense time is extreme. After all, it is still in the test stage.

There is no doubt that Ye Feng is regarded as a mouse to test the latest equipment.

"It's not bad - shit! It's over!?"

Ye Feng watched with satisfaction that all the bullets that hit the energy rain shield were reflected back. When he lamented that this thing was more reliable than the energy shield he had used in the past, the energy shield covering his whole body disappeared.

"Bulong shield" is still in the development and testing stage. Although it is automatically charged, its defense energy is limited when used. "The voice of the Red Queen sounded in Ye Feng's ear.

"... your sister!!!"

The situation that Ye Feng was worried about was torn by the bullet rain did not appear. The small gift prepared for the drone armor just mentioned by "looting and killing" became powerful.

"Looting and killing" properly detonated the five magnetic storm bombs he put down at the entrance of the hall, and the eight drones who came to destroy Ye Feng and "looting and killing" went down in an instant. They fell out of the air and piled up disorderly, becoming a veritable pile of scrap iron.

"I, I'll check to see if it's all burping." Ye Feng endured his physical injury and limped to the flying iron pile at the entrance of the hall.

"..." "looting and killing" glanced at Ye Feng, didn't speak, and continued to be busy cracking the giant elevator. He knew what Ye Feng wanted to do, but "looting and killing" knew that Ye Feng was just trying in vain.

"Damn... Why not? You don't bring guys when you go out to fight? This one doesn't, damn, really!?" Ye Feng buried himself in the search and wasted a lot of energy. He just couldn't find the x-21 metal dagger he wanted to find.

"Hey, let's go." the door of the giant elevator behind "looting and killing" has been opened. He holds his arms and looks at Ye Feng, who is lying on the scrap heap and refuses to give up.

"Give up. After knowing that we are not easy to deal with, Dr. Stella should no longer distribute the precious x-21 metal to the weak UAV armor." looting and killing "said calmly.

"I, I just look at the internal structure of the robot. I, I don't want to find any small dagger..." Ye Feng explained pale. Then he came to the giant elevator in low spirits.

"Come on, stop talking nonsense." "looting" turned and walked into the giant elevator.

"By the way, didn't we see anyone all the way, except the door?" after entering the elevator, in the process of falling, Ye Feng suddenly realized this slightly strange thing.

"In this base, it can be said that Dr. Stella himself is the only one except a few" gatekeepers "to some extent," looting "said.

"Oh, really? Dr. Stella really can. This is such a huge underwater base." Ye Feng sighed fiercely

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