"Is your anesthetic needle reliable? Why don't you wait for me and I'll go back and kill the gorilla?" Ye Feng, wearing a bright silver knight armor, took off the obviously larger metal helmet and asked the "looting" beside him.

"I don't know who just stopped me and said," don't kill small animals ". I injected the animal with an anesthetic needle to ensure that the elephant can't wake up for at least three days. You'd better save your energy." "looting" glanced at Ye Feng and said without salt.

"Well, I just, you know," Ye Feng pointed to the ill fitting knight armor on him, and didn't jingle when walking. "When you take other people's things, you're always a little confused."

"So you want to kill the gorilla you took off your clothes and live in the future?" asked plunder.

"It should be peace of mind," Ye Feng corrected.

"......." looting and killing "refused to comment on Ye Feng's fallacies. He raised his finger to the end of the corridor in front," here, I hope the "guard" on this floor is at least a human. "

It's really a human. The "guard" on the T3 floor is not a strange little animal that Ye Feng and "plunder and kill" worry about all the way, but a pulmonary tuberculosis whose appearance may cough and spit out his lungs at any time.

"This must also be the hero of your shield bearer alliance. Come out and know him. Tell me his ability. Can you report to captain Shengli again?" ye Fengsheng asked the Red Queen on the messenger.

"Hum," the Red Queen proudly snorted, "his real name is Chen Tianba."

"This little chicken that may be taken away by the disease at any time is called Chen Tianba?" Ye Feng looked at the "guard" lying on the hospital bed in front of the giant elevator. He had disheveled black hair, pale and bloodless face, prominent cheekbones tortured by illness and abnormal weight loss. His almost turbid black eyes made Ye Feng feel a kind of despair and decadence.

This is a terminally ill man. It seems that he may end his breathing at any time and be reaped by the sickle of death. This is Ye Feng's intuitive impression of Chen Tianba.

"Don't interrupt me." the Red Queen's tone was full of discontent. "Chen Tianba, code named disease, A-level hero, can let the cursed get Chen Tianba's own pain or injury through some form of contact."

"That's all? This guy is not difficult to deal with. My ex husband and I have the ability to heal ourselves. There's nothing we can do about this product." Ye Feng immediately relaxed when he heard that Chen Tianba's ability is to make others become sick like him.

When Ye Feng informed the Red Queen of his information to "looting and killing", Chen Tianba, who was lying in the hospital bed, struggled to sit up from the bed, looked at Ye Feng and "looting and killing" with his dark eyes, and licked his dry and cracked lips from time to time.

"Dude, if you get sick, don't go out to learn how to make medicine. If your lips are really uncomfortable, you can apply some lipstick and smear some sesame oil." you can't always lick your lips. Do you want to be a male horror movie? "Yip said sarcastically.

"I know you," Chen Tianba whispered in a hoarse voice, like a whisper from the abyss of hell.

"Everyone on earth knows me, man, it's no big deal," said Ye Feng, with his chin up high and facing the ceiling.

"I don't know who you are," Chen Tianba specially explained to Ye Feng. He turned his eyes to "looting and killing", "I know who you are. You are a famous" looting and killing ". I didn't expect I would meet you."

"...." Ye Feng's face was broken by the enemy, but the person Chen Tianba wanted to talk to was "looting and killing", and Ye Feng was not easy to attack, but his face turned red with anger.

"Do you want to kill me?" "plunder" stared at Chen Tianba coldly.

"Well," Chen Tianba licked his cracked lips, "I'd like to try whether your self-healing ability is strong or my curse is better."

"Hey! Sick boy, have you said enough nonsense? Open your dog's eyes and have a look. I'm a famous God of death! In terms of self-healing ability, I'm better than the handsome middle-aged uncle beside me. You'd better respect me!"

Ye Feng yells at Chen Tianba, the sick young man, who doesn't take him seriously!

"Are you two in a team?" asked Chen Tianba curiously. It's not difficult to infer his inner thoughts from his confused face: "looting and killing". How can you cooperate with such people?

"No.", "yes!"

"Ah? Brother ex husband, you didn't take me as your closest partner?" Ye Feng looked at "looting and killing" wrongly with a pair of glittering, watery eyes.

"Go away, don't disgust me." "looting and killing" directly pushed Ye Feng's head away, started the chameleon armor on his body, and his body shape disappeared into the air.

"Do you want to fight? OK, I'll accompany you." Chen Tianba whispered. Then, under the shocked gaze of Ye Feng, Chen Tianba's seemingly ordinary movable hospital bed drove up at high speed and rushed straight to the position where Ye Feng stood!

What makes Ye Feng collapse most is that under the hospital bed is a high-speed roller, and the direction change is extremely flexible. Even if ye Feng keeps flashing and moving, the bed of the hospital bed still locks Ye Feng's position. Seeing that Chen Tianba's hospital bed was about to hit him, Ye Feng had no choice but to jump up high in situ and cross the high-speed hospital bed with a difficult action of holding his knees in the air.

It's not over yet. Ye Feng's body hasn't stood up yet. He suddenly noticed that there was a friction sound cutting the air behind him. He didn't have time to think about it. He directly stood on one leg, and the other leg suddenly remembered to extract it. He drove the whole body with great inertia and made a back somersault in situ, although he didn't do it unharmed, But still the limit to avoid a huge part of the bullet.

After shaking the blood from the gunshot wound on his arm, Ye Feng casually wiped the blood on the concrete floor.

Ye Feng, who was kneeling on one knee, was not careless. While running to the side, he looked back at the "sick" Chen Tianba and the hospital bed under him. Two Black Muzzles stood on both sides of the bedside of the hospital bed, one left and one right. Chen Tianba, the "sick" was looking back at Ye Feng. He showed an encouraging smile that was worse than crying, Silently cheering for Ye Feng's series of wonderful actions.

"M's, I was fooled as a monkey..." Ye Feng was extremely angry. What's the matter these days? Even his meow bed can kill people?.

"Are you called death?" "disease" Chen Tianba looked at Ye Feng who was waiting for him with great interest.

"It's my uncle." Ye Feng didn't dare to be careless. While talking, he opened the distance between himself and Chen Tianba.

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