In fact, Ye Feng really has to thank "looting and killing".

Chen Tianba's ability is to absorb the blood of the cursed person and form a community with the cursed person to some extent through some evil ceremony. The cursed person will fully accept the pain and injury Chen Tianba feels. Although there are no actual scars on the body of the cursed person and he will not suffer physical damage, if Chen Tianba suddenly dies when he is connected with the cursed person, the brain nerve of the cursed person will also signal that the body has died. Even if the body is still intact, mentally, the cursed person has died. In other words, The cursed person will die with Chen Tianba.

In fact, the means of brain death is an effective means to deal with those who have the ability of self-healing.

Of course, the self-healing gene can restore Ye Feng's physical injury, but it can't do anything about the spiritual destruction. Otherwise, Ye Feng won't be keen to die

In the T2 floor, Ye Feng and "looting and killing" are no longer boring to advance in the deserted ruins. In the underwater base on this floor, there are some clones of Dr. Stella who are still busy in the rooms on both sides of the corridor. This is the first time Ye Feng has faced Dr. Stella himself, which is completely consistent with the appearance of Dr. Stella in the previous photo, In addition to these cloned clones, most of them can't speak, and the rest are deaf. Obviously, these replicates are artificially deprived of their senses. The meaning of their existence is to provide mental or physical labor for their predecessors who are completely consistent with them. They are exploited slaves.

These disabled Dr. Stella's replicators are extremely numb and indifferent to the emergence of Ye Feng and "looting and killing". They don't care about Ye Feng and "looting and killing", two outsiders who suddenly broke into their work. They are just mechanically busy with their work, neither screaming in panic nor holding up weapons to resist Ye Feng and "looting and killing".

In the face of this situation, Ye Feng asked for the opinion of "looting and killing". He was not interested in such unnecessary killing. On this point, "looting and killing" is consistent with Ye Feng's view: since these clones have no intention to attack, there is no need to kill them all.

When Ye Feng and "plunder" captured the replicators of Dr. Stella who were indifferent to them, they also ignored them. With the harsh alarm sounded in the T2 floor, when Ye Feng and "plunder" stood back-to-back in the corridor that suddenly began to flash the red warning light symbolizing danger, Those dull disabled clones who had not paid attention to them suddenly began to tear their hair with both hands and scream in their mouth!

The skin of these replicators festered and decayed at a visible speed. Almost a few seconds later, the corridor where Ye Feng and "looting and killing" were located was surrounded by a large group of Dr. Stella's Replicator zombies, and a grand zombie Carnival began.

"Brother ex husband, keep calm. I've seen living dead people who are more disgusting than these goods, and I've had a fight with ghost people." Ye Feng kept using the bullet in his hand to blow the head of a zombie that rushed at him. His brain and blood splashed Ye Feng and "looting" all over. The latter threw a tongue stuck to his chest on the ground in disgust.

"You're very experienced?" "looting" asked coldly.

"Of course, I'm very experienced." Ye Feng nodded confidently.

"What shall we do now?" "looting and killing" kept the firepower of the guns in his hand almost uninterrupted by changing the magazine with one hand, but because there were too many zombies around, he and Ye Feng were gradually surrounded by a large group of zombies around the corner of the corridor.

"After shooting all the bullets, it will become a lunch, dinner or breakfast for the zombie. To be honest, I have no concept of time now." Ye Feng said naturally.

"It's 8:38 a.m." the Red Queen, who hasn't spoken for a long time, told Ye Feng the exact time.

"Brother ex husband, we can be sure that we will become the breakfast for the zombies." Ye Feng said excitedly to "loot and kill".

"..." and "looting and killing" sighed gently. Although he had only been in contact with Ye Feng for less than a day, he had long been used to the unreliable characteristics of Ye Feng.

After "looting and killing" secretly scolded himself for "superfluous", he took out two shock bombs from the ammunition bag hanging around his waist and said "shock bombs" to Ye Feng. After "looting and killing" directly threw the two shock bombs in the direction where the number of zombies was the rarest. While the shock bombs detonated, his body rushed forward.

"Looting kill" also pulled Ye Feng's arm when he rushed out. Although the latter was a little confused, he still followed behind "looting kill" and rushed to the direction where the shock bomb detonated.

Let's talk about Ye Feng's tactical suit developed by the shield bearer alliance. Although this tactical suit looks ordinary, it is a kind of close-up dark combat suit, but this tactical suit integrates the highest scientific and technological level of the shield bearer alliance. It can not only automatically repair the broken clothes, but also has super resistance to water, fire and electricity, There are also some good defensive performances for flash and poison fog.

It can be said that in addition to the chameleon armor robbed by "looting and killing", this low-key, luxurious and connotative tactical clothing is the most satisfactory equipment of Ye Feng, which is much more reliable than the Red Queen and any heavenly eye.

Following behind the "looting and killing" and bumping away the zombies in the way, Ye Feng suddenly ran to the end of the corridor where there were few zombies while the zombies in front of him were affected by the explosive bombs. Since almost all the zombies in layer T2 gather in the place where Ye Feng and "looting" were besieged before, the escape path of Ye Feng and "looting" seems to be extremely smooth. In order to avoid the zombies who madly pursued them at the speed of 100 meters, they were surrounded again. The "looting and killing" directly triggered a raging fire behind them, and separated the pursuing zombies with a hot fire wall.

"Brother ex husband, do you think there is no bottom line for the ugliness of human nature?"

Turning around and witnessing a copy of human zombies who lost their dignity as human beings, Ye Feng's heart felt a little uncomfortable trying to cross the flame, nibble at Ye Feng and "kill".

It is reasonable to say that he should not be so sentimental in the face of the enemy's death, but Ye Feng can't agree that those enslaved, transformed and abandoned by people who are the same as himself are doomed to be evil and tragic replicators from the beginning of their existence. They are his enemies and victims. The culprit is the real ruler of this underwater base, Dr. Stella, who controls everything!

"It seems to be the 13th?"

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