"No, don't worry. As long as you help us save Jane and I'm here, Dick, he doesn't dare to cheat."

"In case -"

"There's no chance. Although Dick has no humanity, you should take 180 heart. Dick is not an old bastard who owes others." Ye Feng said seriously.

"Tut tut Tut, when did you know me so well?" Dick cooperated with Ye Feng and disgusted everyone in the communication channel with a pinched voice.

"Young man, I believe you. That manual is a limited edition. I've been looking for it for a long time."

Dr. Blu solemnly confirmed with Ye Feng again and turned Ye Feng's eyes. Ye Feng couldn't understand that Dr. Blu is such a big scientist. How can he do it? And what kind of "teaser" does it do?

"Let's go!"

When they had the bottom of their hearts, they followed behind Dr. blue and began to move forward.

"After entering the intestine, first go left, then right, then left, and so on," Dr. Blu told the crowd.

The actions of the people along the way were fairly smooth. Although the personnel composition of the team was somewhat complex, there were all kinds of intellectual responsibility, fighting responsibility, indigenous responsibility and obscene responsibility. Along the way, they encountered several nano robot teams, which were completely updated by Ye Feng and others.

According to the message from Dick, since the nano robot began to gradually return to normal, the deterioration trend of Jane's body has stopped, and various physical indicators have begun to rise slowly. Saving Jane's life is no longer the first goal of Ye Feng and others. How to get out of Jane's body safely while completing the renewal of the nano robot, That's what Ye Feng needs to worry about now.

The solution to this problem is actually very simple. As long as Dick shrinks himself, enters Jane's body, meets Ye Feng and them, and then opens a space-time door with a transmission gun, everyone can get out safely.

However, because Dr. Blu has installed a disengagement device in Jane's body, Dick sees nothing wrong with him, and Jane's body is almost stable. The old guy directly left Jane and Ye Feng and went to the private meeting of dwarf young women! No matter how Ye Feng shouted at him on the communication channel, Dick just ignored him.

Walking along the intestinal tract is unimpeded, but soon people will face a very practical problem: the next access to the colon is water, or fecal yellow intestinal liquid

The solution is very simple, milk bald change.

The Ferrari that naibald transformed into has a water navigation mode. Although naibald tried to deny this, the haunted Dick directly dismantled naibald's platform.

From Dick's breathless tone, Ye Feng vaguely guessed what the old bastard was doing, er, what he was doing, er, anyway, Dick was busy doing a very expensive thing, and he must not be alone.

"Damn rascal."

In the puzzled gaze of a bunch of people, Ye Feng originally wanted to spit a mouthful of phlegm on the ground, but when he thought that it was in Jane's body now, Ye Feng swallowed it back

No way, in front of the cruel reality, milk bald can only turn into a car to deal with the immediate trouble. In Napo, after the white prince, Ye Feng and Dr. Blu all got into the car body, the milk bald Ferrari slid slowly in the muddy intestinal fluid. Cobby drives the hell bat over Ferrari.

There was nothing to say along the way. Soon, the people were not far from their destination - colon.

"It's almost here..."

At this time, milk bald can imagine that in the next period of time, other people hate their expressions. Milk bald really wants to die

"It's coming to the large intestine soon!"

I don't know what Dr. Blu is happy about. Is it really worth putting everything into it? Ye Feng can't understand

"Shh, don't make a noise..." Ye Feng rolled down the window. He just heard some faint sounds.

As soon as Ye Feng's voice fell, he was less than ten meters away from the front of the Ferrari turned into milk bald. From the fecal yellow intestinal fluid, a giant broke out of the water! The excrement yellow giant mouth monster opened its two thick and long tentacles with barbs and stared ferociously at the Ferrari running boat turned by Ye Feng with two rows of six small eyes on the giant mouth of the abyss.

"Don't move! I've come across many of these things. As long as we don't move, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli can't see us -"

Perhaps it was to confirm that Dr. Blu's words were farting, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. The giant beast pulled a large section upward from the fecal yellow intestinal fluid. Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli stood up and rushed to Ye Feng. This time, it became a dance of six tentacles.

"- Oh, no, it should be a frog!"

As a hungry tiger pounced on the Ferrari, its huge size stirred the intestinal fluid. The rolled up waves pushed the whole car several meters away. Therefore, the enteropathogenic Escherichia coli did not pounce on the Ferrari.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Dick, who had a little conscience, directly lifted the transformation of milk bald. Everyone fell into the muddy and yellow intestinal fluid and swam with full strength. Kubi, who has been in the air, has not been affected. She shoots at enteropathogenic Escherichia coli from a commanding position, striving for valuable escape time for Ye Feng and others in intestinal fluid.

"We are living targets now!"

Thanks to Kubi's efforts to attract the attention of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli, everyone could swim to the shore without danger. As soon as he got ashore, Dr. blue, with his white beard up, screamed in surprise.

"Dr. Blu, how can I ask if there is a strange smell around here? Is this normal in the large intestine?" milk bald lay on the ground, breathing in the atmosphere, but inhaling the strange smell in his nose made the orc man cough.

Looking at Kou Bi entangled with enteropathogenic Escherichia coli in intestinal fluid, Ye Feng was burning with anxiety. Suddenly, after listening to naibald's complaint, an idea appeared in Ye Feng's brain, gas! The gas in the large intestine is fart! This thing is flammable and explosive!

"Yes, what's the matter?" answered Dr. blu.

"Honey! Cobby! Fly to us! Use fire! Fire!"

Ye Feng shouted to Kou Bi loudly. After hearing the speech, the latter immediately understood Ye Feng's intention.

Kobi drove the hell bat armor and turned an accelerated corner to get rid of the entanglement of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli. In the process of flying to Ye Feng and others, she sent a flame jet at the enteropathogenic Escherichia coli chasing after her.

"Are you crazy?" Dr. Blu said to Ye Feng in horror.

"All hide and find cover!!!" Ye Feng took them and ran farther away.

"Hey, enteropathogenic E. coli, taste the explosion!" Kobi gave the death advice of enteropathogenic E. coli.

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