According to the words displayed on the entry.

Almost all the programs hosted by Linda Wang can be ranked in the top ten ratings of all platforms. This unprecedented and probably future brilliant achievement has given Linda Wang great wealth and status.

In the 21st century, you may not know who the head of the earth federation is, you may not know the principle of Brownian motion, you may not be able to recite a complete ancient poem, but you will know Linda Wang. This is Linda Wang's influence. She is a saint known to the whole earth and the whole human race, who lives in the real world, and a symbol of light and love.

While her career is brilliant, Linda Wang is committed to charity. She often donates all the money she makes from the released singles or films to charities. The name of the record holder with the largest donation in the world is Linda Wang all the year round.

After becoming famous, Linda Wang began to put more experience into a series of world problems. She saved the endangered species of animals and plants, protected the air and protected the world's environment. She set up her own rehabilitation center to help young people addicted to the virtual world return to normal life.

Because of her extraordinary achievements, Linda Wang accepted the Holy Cross Medal given to her by the Earth Federation in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the earth and mankind.

"Linda Wang also ranked third in the top ten most influential people selected by time last year. She is located in the sexy heroine" Starscream "and the author of the novel" despair ". The focus of the world is on these three outstanding women. By the way, I am ranked 25th on the list."

Ye Feng, sitting in the co pilot's seat, said to Huang Liang, who had been silent and buried in driving.

"Impossible." Huang Liang said coldly.

"You also think Linda Wang can't be the one who kidnapped little Avril?" Ye Feng looked at Huang Liang.

"No, that's not what I said," Huang Liang frowned slightly. "I said you couldn't be on the list of time at all."

"Hey, man, I'm a little confident in me. I'm a celebrity." Ye Feng put his mobile phone back in his trouser pocket. He just sent a text message to Xu wenweak, informing him to try his best to find little Avril's news.

"Even if you are so sure, I still can't believe that a contemporary Saint like Linda Wang can do kidnapping. Shouldn't she take a cake and accompany the terminally ill children on the hospital bed every day? Cheer them up. How can she have time to kidnap a little girl?" Ye Feng asked.

"I didn't believe it at first," Huang Liang nodded, "but when I saw Cao Yan, I believe Cao Yan won't cheat me on this matter. I believe his intuition."

"Cao Yan's intuition? Have you begun to believe a fool's intuition?" Ye Feng shook his head helplessly.

"First, Cao Yan is not a fool, you are," Huang Liang glanced at Ye Feng. "Second, everything Cao Yan has experienced has pointed all the spearheads at Linda Wang."

"Are we going to see Cao Yan now?" Ye Feng asked.

"Well, he was seriously injured in the Santa Maria hospital, but fortunately he was out of danger." Huang Liang said faintly.

"Seriously injured? Don't these goods have the ability to" assimilate "? How can they be seriously injured?" Ye Feng asked puzzled.

"Before being hit by the truck, he saved another little girl who was about to be hit by the truck with assimilation."

"So when he acted bravely," assimilation "cooled down, and he could only crash in flesh? Little girl, wait! Don't you say --" Ye Feng suddenly realized something.

"Well, the little girl saved by Cao Yan is little Avril. Cao Yan said that before he was unconscious, the last scene he saw was the little girl, who was kidnapped into a black car by several men in black suits. Before that, Cao Yan saw Linda Wang pointing to several bodyguards around him. Before being pushed into the operating room, he dictated these information and existed In a nurse's cell phone, when I arrived at the hospital this morning, the nurse found me, "Huang Liang said with a solemn look.

"Damn... How do you know that the little girl in Cao Yan's mouth is Avril?" Ye Feng asked puzzled.

"Cao Yan uploaded a video of him at the game console press conference and sent it to the social platform. In the video, the little girl who was demonstrating the new host game on the stage was no one else. It was little Avril. I also saw this video and immediately called Cao Yan, but this was the second day after Cao Yan was sent to the hospital."

Huang Liang explained the cause and effect clearly in a few words.

"Is Cao Yan awake now?" Ye Feng thought for a while and then asked. At this time, Huang Liang has driven into the underground parking lot of Santa Maria hospital and is looking for miscellaneous free parking spaces in the dark parking lot.

"I don't know. His attending doctor just told me that the operation was successful and he was out of danger." Huang Liang untied his seat belt and came out of his black painted Chevrolet Camaro.

Ye Feng has never asked Huang Liang about changing the car. He is not sure whether Huang Liang bought the car. After all, it has nothing to do with him.

"If Cao Yan is still unconscious after arriving at his ward, what shall we do?" Ye Feng followed Huang Liang and walked to the elevator on the left.

"Pain makes people awake." a sharp short blade tip protruded from the cuff of Huangliang's black windbreaker. The cold light flashed and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"I just like your ruthlessness." Ye Feng nodded with satisfaction and walked into the elevator. Huang Liang pressed the button on the 12th floor.

"I will make the people who hurt little Avril pay the price. No matter who they are, even if they just tear off a hair of the little girl, I will also make them pay the price of bleeding." in the narrow elevator, Ye Feng's tyranny began to boil again.

"I know." Huang Liang opened the distance between himself and Ye Feng without a trace.

"You know my character. I'm not a person who can't extricate myself from killing, but this time, I'll let those bad guys know that some people in the world can't touch and can't be angry. I want them to feel the anger from the God of death before they die." Ye Feng's tone is not mixed with any emotion, He's just sentencing evil people.

"I know."

"If, if little Avril is hurt, I will never forgive myself. Damn it, what have I done... I should pick her up and protect her, rather than let her face the unknown danger alone. Damn it, Huangliang, I'm not a responsible guardian..." the tyrannical momentum on Ye Feng disappeared in an instant, and he covered his forehead with his hands, He bent down and began to wail in pain.

"I know."

Huang Liang patted Ye Feng on the back. He was clumsy and couldn't say words of comfort. He also knew that Ye Feng didn't need words of comfort. What he needed was the blood of the enemy.

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