"Of course it's a reporter. His home address and his personal information have been sent to you. The goods have been hidden because of a series of life-threatening strange things. But don't worry, he will hold his personal photography exhibition in a cafe in Neil this Saturday, and he will certainly show up. If you leave overnight tonight, I think you can catch up one day in advance "Go," suggested Xu wenweak.

"Thank you. I'll start now, man. Keep in touch." Ye Feng picked up his coat, took his suitcase already prepared and left the "base" under the dilapidated factory building.

"Pay attention to safety," Xu wenweak told.

"I will."


Neil city is located in the northeast of the new metropolis. It's five hours' drive.

Compared with the new metropolis, it is a cold world of ice and snow.

In a sunny, fresh air breakfast, the thick snow is still on the shop floor all day, shining in the winter sun. The coming and going vehicles rolled the snow covered with eldest sister into a long crisp gray belt, but the sidewalks on both sides of the street were still covered with flawless white snow.

"Man, haven't you found it yet? I need a cup of coffee!" Ye Feng, sitting in the co driver's seat, complained to Huang Liang, who was driving around looking for a restaurant.

When Ye Feng found Huangliang, the latter directly took up his huge backpack and left Cao Yan's ward with Ye Feng. The two men rushed to Neil city hundreds of kilometers away overnight.

Due to the heavy snow, the highway was blocked, and Ye Feng and Huang Liang were delayed on the road for a full day. Fortunately, because ye Feng pulled up the sorghum and set out in advance, otherwise, the individual exhibition held by the reporter would certainly miss it.

"Shut up!" the unbearable Huang Liang roared at Ye Feng, who then closed his chattering mouth.

"Aunt Anne's breakfast shop?" Ye Feng pointed to an old decorated small shop not far from the Huangliang parking lot and complained discontentedly, "are you going to eat this?"

"Do you like it or not?" Huang Liang pushed open the glass door of the breakfast shop.


"Aunt Anne, give me three more beef pies. It tastes great. It makes me forget the temptation of pancake fruit!" Ye Feng licked the residue and grease on his fingers, completely forgetting his contempt for the breakfast shop five minutes ago.

"I have to introduce this place to Jane. She will love a pie here. Oh, thank you, aunt Anne. Your black coffee is great!"

"Young man, don't worry, there are still a lot of pies." the fat and plump aunt Anne patted Ye Feng on the shoulder, showing a satisfied smile about Ye Feng's voracious eating.

"Reeves, your friend is very cute. Aunt Anne is really happy about your friends." aunt Anne said to Huang Liang, who was silent. The latter smiled awkwardly, although it looked worse than crying.

However, aunt Anne seemed to know Huangliang very well. She smiled at him and then went to entertain the guests who had just entered the door.

"Reeves?" Ye Feng smiled at Huang Liang. "Don't tell me this is an alias you used in the past."

"I stayed in Neil for a few years. When things were done, I left here," Huang Liang said lightly.

"You've solved all the bad people here when things are done?" Ye Feng asked curiously.

"Bad guys are like weeds in spring. They always come out one after another." Huang Liang said faintly.

"Incisive." Ye Feng quickly solved the corn cake filled with beef filling one by one.

"What are you going to do later?" Huang Liang asked Ye Feng.

"Simple, try to communicate first," Ye Feng drank a mouthful of black coffee. "If the ditch is impassable, take people away directly. Anyway, you and I have hundreds of ways to let an ordinary person speak."

"Yes." Huang Liang refused to comment.

"Maybe we're actually wasting time. The reporter who hid may have been found by Linda Wang's men. His body is rotting in a smelly ditch in the city. Who knows, the goddess of luck's attitude towards me has always been uncertain." Ye Feng mocked himself pessimistically.

"Xu wenweak didn't send you any other news, which shows that the reporter is probably still alive." Huang Liang said faintly.

"Expect," Ye Feng drank up his coffee. "I feel very bad. You know, I've always been a pessimist."

"An outgoing lonely patient," Huang Liang said faintly.

"This is a lyric, you know?" Ye Feng said to Ye Feng. Then he put a 100 dollar bill on the table and said to Aunt Anne, "aunt Anne, this is the meal money, and the rest is the pie money I have here."

"Honey, it won't take so much. I'll just --"

"No, your pie makes me happy. I'll come often." Ye Feng stretched out his hand to stop aunt Anne's change, smiled and said, "I'm glad to taste such delicious food."

"Good luck, young man, you too, Reeves," said Aunt Anne with a smile.

"Well, aunt Anne, you too. Have a good day." after Ye Feng said goodbye, he followed Huang Liang out of the breakfast shop.

"I like this lady very much," said Ye Feng to Huang Liang as he walked towards the black Chevrolet Camaro.

"Me too."

"How did you know her?"

"She saved my life." Huang Liang said faintly.

"Oh, with delicious pie?"

"Delicious pie."


At noon, the sun covered the high-rise buildings under the sky, surrounded by all kinds of buildings of different sizes. This is an artificial city with dreams and hopes. Although in Ye Feng's view, this busy flow of people is just a desperate person who lives, tired and struggling in this steel jungle.

"I haven't been to a personal photography exhibition. I don't fit in with art. Although I enjoy the beauty of women, I can't compare with anyone in the world." Ye Feng looked at a cafe across the street and said with some embarrassment.

"Don't talk about playing hooligans so tall." Huang Liang, wearing sunglasses, said faintly.

"How long haven't you had intimate contact with a woman? Five or ten years?" Ye Feng tried to analyze when Huangliang's abstinence character began to form.

"It's none of your business." even though Huang Liang's eyes were blocked by sunglasses, Ye Feng still felt the real cold light.

"Well, I just care about you. You know, holding it for too long is not good for physiology and psychology. People need to vent. You -"

"Shut up. Is that the man?" Huang Liang asked, pointing to a man who came out of the cafe.

"Yes, that's him." Ye Feng stared at the man standing at the gate of the cafe, "Chris lenbrown."

"Communicate first?"

"Well, wait until Plan B, and you'll be on the stage." Ye Feng pushed open the co pilot's door and walked towards Chris lenbrown.

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