Avril, who is quite accomplished in programming, solved the problems faced by winter soldiers. He handed Avril to Linda Wang, who let the little girl fix several thorny bugs. Avril not only solved these bugs with high efficiency, but also made contact with Xu wenweak without leaving a trace and passed on the information she had, which led to this dramatic situation.

"It's just some simple tricks. We contacted the shield alliance. Yes, that's what you think. Although I'm not the hero of the shield alliance, I have a close relationship with them."

"Why don't you join the shield bearer alliance? Mr. death." a reporter asked Ye Feng this question very timely.

"Good question," Ye Feng nodded. "I am free by nature and don't want to be bound. Therefore, no matter how many times captain Shengli begged me, I still didn't join the shield bearer alliance, but it doesn't hinder my deep friendship with Captain Shengli. We --"

"That's enough," Huang Liang grabbed the loudspeaker in Ye Feng's hand. "All the personnel in Linda Wang's parking garage have been replaced by the agents of the shield alliance. Even the pilot and stewardess in the plane are from the shield alliance. If death didn't have to do this, it wouldn't have such a great impact -"

"Hey! You can't say that. You have the right to know the facts. Am I right?" Ye Feng grabbed the loudspeaker again.

"That's right!!!"

The waves of approval are higher and higher. For such a scandal, or for a big figure like Linda Wang, who has attracted worldwide attention, being able to understand her true appearance satisfies everyone's desire to judge ugliness.

"I knew this bitch was not a good thing!" similar ideas were satisfied, which excited the audience on the scene and the people watching the live broadcast on the social platform. This has evolved into a big carnival with the participation of the whole people.

Ye Feng wants this result.

Dare to kidnap my Avril, I'll let you know what despair is! Ye Feng glared at Linda Wang and the winter soldier.

Take great pains to appear in this big scene and kill people. Ye Feng wants this effect.

"Then we entered the long designed parking garage." Ye Feng looked at Linda Wang. "Yes, your parking garage has been completely transformed. In fact, you don't control everything as you think. You can't even control your winter baby. Do you know he's having an affair with your maid?"

"What?!" after hearing the news, Linda Wang turned her head and looked at the winter soldier, who didn't care at this time. The Winter Soldier nodded casually and said coldly, "I like l (maid's name) young. Her skin is much tighter than yours."

"You!!!" Linda Wang shivered and couldn't speak at all.

"We took advantage of your carelessness, your conceit, your impatience and your fear of being found. You cooperated well. I praise you. Ms. Linda Wang, you are really stupid and lovely." Ye Feng smiled and watched Linda Wang and the winter soldiers arguing fiercely, "Now comes the key question. How do we make you have the illusion that the plane takes off normally?"

Ye Feng paused for a few seconds. He enjoyed the silence of the whole audience and all his attention was on himself, "It's very simple, giant fan. Thanks to the selfless help of the shield holder alliance, these big fans with strong wind, combined with the light and rain maker, everything will be completed. It's so simple. You know, making a little shaking of the aircraft fuselage can perfectly simulate the state of the aircraft during flight."

"..." Linda Wang stared at Ye Feng. The hatred in her eyes seemed to drop out of her eyes.

"But it's all based on that you caught us and didn't kill us immediately. Linda Wang, it's really because you chose not to kill us at the first time, but to cooperate with us to continue acting. That's what happened after that.

"Here I must express my gratitude to you. If you don't choose to kill me and Huang Liang in your villa, the plan behind will not be implemented. But even if you do that, believe me, you won't get what you want.

"A friend of Huang Liang and I, Huang Liang's old friend and my new friend, have been hiding in the dark. We are always ready to move behind you and hold you when the situation gets out of control. Of course, if it develops like that, it will be too non dramatic. Personally, I don't like that way of ending. It doesn't accord with your status as a talk show queen. You are the focus of attention all over the world Big man. "

Ye Feng nodded at a dark corner. Lucifer, the "red devil" hidden in this corner, also nodded. Then he took little Avril next to him and blinked away from the parking garage. He still had one last task: to send Avril safely to Adeline.

Since it happened in Los Angeles, Ye Feng has said hello to her in advance and asked her to take care of Avril first. When all the dust is settled, Ye Feng will go to find Avril and Adeline.

"In fact, in order to make the winter soldiers and Linda Wang think of a good idea to throw us out of the plane, we also used some tricks," Ye Feng turned to Linda Wang and the winter soldiers.

"If you think about it now, do all kinds of pictures and videos about skydiving always appear in front of you in recent days, or from the TV, or from the computer screen, or from the mobile phone? Hey, these are psychological hints to remind you of the idea of throwing us off the plane."


After Ye Feng's reminder, Linda Wang and the winter soldiers immediately remembered the pictures they had seen these days.

"Your so-called Eden plan can't be realized from the beginning. After all, you're a fool, Linda Wang. No offense, just stating the facts," Ye Feng said with a smile.

"All right, everyone!" Ye Feng said to the excited crowd, "I'm death. This is the show I've prepared for you! Thank you!"

Without warning, a burst of fireworks suddenly detonated in Ye Feng's parking garage. Ye Feng took the opportunity and Huangliang quickly ran to a hidden door on the side of the apron and hurried to leave.

"These two goods will be handed over to you. Please say hello to captain Shengli for me." when passing the agents of the shield bearer alliance, Ye Feng told them.

"Don't worry, Mr. death." the beautiful stewardess on the plane had changed into a heroic dark blue tight combat suit.

"Well, I'll go first with the executioner. Well, can you put the phone -"

"It's working time, Mr. death," said the beauty coldly. Then she secretly stuffed a note into Ye Feng's hand. "This is my private phone."

"I'll call you."

Huangliang dragged Ye Feng's collar, which dragged Ye Feng out of the parking garage

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