Facts have proved that madness is a carnival that consumes a lot of physical strength and energy, at least for Ye Feng.

After being pulled by dikra and continuously venting for a quarter of an hour, Ye Feng collapsed like a kidney deficiency. Although he looked very decadent, he was neither handsome nor natural and unrestrained. It was a real performance of exhaustion.

"Crazy enough?" asked Dick, who was busy welding the ship's engine.

"Where am I? What have I just done?" Ye Feng stared blankly at the busy Dick, as if he had just regained his sense of autonomy. "Why do I feel as if my body has been hollowed out?"

"It was crazy just now," Dick joked without looking back. "Maple boy, if I hadn't stopped you, you would have sent all the Japanese rabbits around here to see their rabbit God."

"Rabbit God? This name is too solemn..." Ye Feng's confused eyes are full of fatigue. He just fell asleep in the back seat of the car. He doesn't know where his body is going. This feeling makes Ye Feng both familiar and strange. He should have had a similar experience before.

"Am I a fragment?" Ye Feng whispered to himself.

"Almost," Dick's armored arm kept changing into different repair tools, "But the performance is very frightening. Some people will sleep after being broken, some become good at singing and dancing, and some express their desire. I've seen you for the first time. I'm crazy about bloodthirsty. You'd better go back and see a psychologist. I know a guy who plays hypnosis very smoothly, but he is committed to the research of husband and wife relations."

"Psychotherapy is useless," Ye Feng shrugged and stood up slowly. "Don't say this. How's the ship repaired? Can it still take us home?"

"Of course!" Dick's voice rose sharply. "This is Dick's ship. Under Dick's repair, it took Dick and Dick's little attendant back to Dick's planet. It's a piece of cake."

"You don't have to emphasize Dick so much..." Ye Feng rolled his eyes. "Can you hurry up? I feel very bad now. I want to go home."

"Man, going home to nurse doesn't help your mental state," Dick said seriously. "Do you want me to delete this memory from your mind?"

"What? Delete memory?" Ye Feng looked at Dick's back in shock. "Why? Are you crazy? You want to delete my memory?"

"I'm just, uh, used to, you know, maple boy -"

"Habit?!" Ye Feng keenly noticed the word, "habit? What are you used to? Delete my memory? Damn, I knew I often had headaches and I couldn't get rid of you!"

"Hey, hey!" Dick put down his things and turned to look at Ye Feng. "First of all, I have nothing to do with your headache. Don't rely on me for everything. You're not very important to me."


"Secondly, you have been begging me to delete your memory before. I didn't force you."

"I beg you to delete my memory? Are you crazy or am I crazy?" Ye Feng's tone was full of questions about what Dick said.

"I knew there would be this day," Dick said in an expressionless voice. Ye Feng immediately recognized that it was his own voice.

Dick, please, please grant my request. These damn memories keep me awake all night. You know, as a handsome hero, how much pressure I face. Really, please, let me forget the loss of flying chess to Cao Yan and Huang Liang. Please, Dick, Dick, don't go! Please!}

"Flying chess?!" Ye Feng's whole body was shaking. "Just for this? You deleted my memory?!"

"I think you got the point wrong," dikeqiang resisted the impulse to send a missile to Ye Feng and turned to continue repairing the damaged spacecraft engine. "It's your own request. In order to win or lose a flight chess game, please delete your memory."

"I lost to Cao Yan! How could I allow myself to lose to an idiot like Cao Yan! Damn it, I really did such a thing?" roaring Ye Feng suddenly calmed down. He suddenly realized that with his character, he would really make such a brain cripple move.

"That's right," Dick nodded. "So when faced with this situation, I ask your opinion on whether to delete the memory again."

"I asked you many times?" Ye Feng tried to ask.

"More than you can imagine." Dick told Ye Feng the cold facts. After all, he had repeated this scene more than ten times, and he was numb

"Damn..." Ye Feng sat down on the ground again.


"Damn it! Enemy attack!"

Dick, who was repairing the engine, was startled to jump up by the explosion of a bullet hitting the ship's hull. He shouted and started Rick 54 in sleep mode.

"Do you remember me?" xiangdai's figure showed from the woods. "The alien silly girl Aru abandoned by you."

"Hey, honey," Dick said to the beautiful Japanese rabbit girl who treated him coldly, "is the tracker on me or maple boy?"

"..." xiangdai pointed to maple leaf.

"I knew it was Maple boy," Dick hammered his palm. "This boy has always been very vigilant to the opposite sex."

"Hi, hello." Ye Feng waved to Chong xiangdai listlessly.

"What's the matter with him, ALU?" xiangdai pointed to Ye Feng and asked Dick curiously.

"It's all right," said Dick lightly. "I just played crazy and accepted a little cruel fact."

"Oh." Shandy turned to Dick. "Give me Aru what I deserve."

"Girl, I really don't have anything to give you." Dick spread out his hands. "Otherwise, when I fix the spaceship, you follow me to my territory? What do you want to take by yourself."

"Forget it," xiangdai shook her head. "I'm not used to going away. And you can give me what I need now, ARU."

"Oh? What do you want?"

"Your armor, ARU." Shandy pointed to Dick's Rick 54

"Don't talk." Dick refused. "Do you know the value of this armor? You'd better kill me."

"If I kill you, I can't drive your armor." xiangdai regretted that Dick was very dissatisfied. "I just borrow it. You can set my driving time limit, ARU."

"This is negotiable..." Dick thought for a moment. "Can you tell me what you want to do with the rick54?"

"Revenge," the flame burning in the depths of xiangdai's eyes, "revenge on those cruel red eyed people."

"Well... It's a little tacky," Dick commented. "Is it another third rate revenge story?"

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