Ye Feng is sitting in the cockpit of a broken aircraft. He has just opened his eyes and regained consciousness. Ye Feng feels that his brain is a pot of paste. He rubbed his temples in a daze. When he noticed Dick coming, he quickly made a voice and asked the old man, "I feel very bad. What happened?"

"Don't worry, Ye Feng. Listen, if you want to take a shot, you'll take action immediately. This is your last chance." Dick looked at Ye Feng who was talking to himself with an obscene look on his face.

The old guy's voice reminded Ye Feng in his ear. The latter immediately shook his dizzy head, his eyes began to shine, and became energetic in an instant. It takes only one word to be drowsy and energetic, which is related to the power of male hormones. Ye Feng is a man called hormone and sexmachine by Dick. He is hard and wants to

"Hey, hey, xiangdai, maybe I --" Ye Feng walked up to xiangdai happily before Ye Feng finished the wording that had been brewing for a long time. A basin of cold water, well, to be exact, should be ice water, poured on his head full of pictures that are not suitable for children.

"I have a boyfriend, ALU." seems to know Ye Feng's careful thinking, xiangdai simply pointed it out with Ye Feng. As a beautiful girl from Xiaomei to Da, xiangdai knows that the reason why Ye Feng saved herself is just that she wants to soak her or shoot her

Ye Feng looked at herself. Xiangdai had seen it countless times in the process of growing up. She could easily analyze what Ye Feng was talking to her for

"OK." Ye Feng was very embarrassed at this time. He was embarrassed to grandma's house

"I don't want to offend you, I just don't want you to misunderstand ALU." xiangdai put her hands on her chest and made a very lovely smile at Ye Feng. In front of the sweet actions of lovely girls, Ye Feng's sexmachine has no resistance, let alone angry.

"I know." Ye Feng said in a low mood.

Such a beautiful person has no chance to be included in the harem. Now the atmosphere is not suitable to ask xiangdai if he can make an appointment, and Ye Feng doesn't know whether he will come to this planet again. So, it seems that it can only be like this. The wild flowers on the roadside can't be picked.

"I'm very grateful to you and your friends for their help, but I already have a boyfriend. He just -"

No matter whether xiangdai's boyfriend exists or not, when a girl directly throws out words like "I have a boyfriend" in your face, even if ye Feng is thick skinned, he knows that he is completely dead in the girl's eyes. He doesn't even want to be a spare tire

"Well, you don't have to go on. I understood it the first time you said it. You don't have to go on." every comfort of xiangdai is a pain of thousands of arrows through the heart here

"I'm sorry, ARU." xiangdai is really sorry. She's really not interested in green skin color

"It's all right." Ye Feng pretended to be natural and unrestrained. In fact, his heart was dripping blood

"You're nice, I just... You know, I can't..."

"You're still talking." Ye Feng rolled his eyes. After all, a girl sent several good people cards in a few minutes. If it's you, you'll be unhappy


"It's not easy to restore a peaceful life from the ruins."

While Dick was checking his broken aircraft, several Japanese rabbit people nearby were discussing how to rebuild their homes.

Dick carefully checked the aircraft up and down. He found that the vehicle was basically in good condition, so he was in a good mood. Then he said a few words: "simple and effective principle: get what you want. It's very simple, isn't it?"

Ye Feng, who was given a lot of good cards, came back dejected. Without saying a word, he opened the door of the broken aircraft and drilled into the co pilot's position.

At this time, Ye Feng just wants to go back to the earth and have a good rest. Somehow, Ye Feng wanted to see Kou Bi, Audrey, Jane, Chu Qian, Adeline, Rihanna, Haley, Kate and so on, and wanted to say to them: sorry, I will be good in the future

"Goodbye, Dick, and you, Ye Feng, goodbye, ARU." xiangdai went to the broken aircraft and said goodbye to Ye Feng and dick in the cockpit.

"What are you going to do in the future?" Dick rolled down the window and asked Shandy.

"I haven't thought about it yet. I should go to other areas ruled by the red eyed Japanese rabbit with the people of the resistance organization to continue fighting Aru." xiangdai said confidently.

"Your path is full of thorns. May your hair always be smooth and smooth," Dick said solemnly.

"Dick, may your arms always be strong. In fact, as long as you wait for decades, the red eyed Japanese rabbit people will disappear by themselves. After all, they seem to have no reproductive ability, and they are all male Aru." xiangdai said easily.

"... your Japanese rabbit's error correction mechanism is really special. Goodbye, xiangdai." Dick and xiangdai said goodbye and flew directly into space in a broken aircraft.

"Goodbye, ARU."

Watching the spaceship gradually become a small black spot in the sky until it disappeared, xiangdai lowered her head and walked forward in any direction. Her adventure has just begun


"I'm ashamed that I did such a thing yesterday, Dick. You're right. My heart is too depressed and I need to deal with it well." the broken aircraft has driven into the universe. Ye Feng sat listlessly on the co pilot and said to Dick next to him.

"Don't worry, Ye Feng, do you remember the candy? It's the candy that xiangdai gave us to satisfy our hunger." Dick suddenly talked to Ye Feng about sugar. The old man took out a piece of candy of the same brand that Ye Feng had eaten in the lighthouse from the pocket of his white coat.

"What's the matter?"

"I just checked the ingredients of this alien candy. It turns out that they contain a chemical component called" Rage enzyme ", which will aggravate your tendency to violence and make the creatures who take it become bloodthirsty and violent." Dick explained expressionless.

"God, thank God, it makes me breathe a sigh of relief." Ye Feng leaned back on the back of the seat with a relaxed look. Ye Feng is really afraid that he has a tendency to violence.

"Yes, not a drop of cold sweat. You are still you, and your personality has not been damaged."

Dick threw the candy in his hand on the back seat with an expressionless face. There was a line of small words clearly printed in the lower right corner of the candy wrapping paper: now there is no rage enzyme

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