There are a lot of disorderly high-rise apartments and several rows of low row houses. There is no way to talk about the garden. There are only bare and dead trees on both sides of the road, as well as ugly concrete buildings and rusty abandoned vehicles. The windows of many buildings are sealed with boards, and there will be spare space on the brick wall, which must be covered with graffiti.

This is a slum.

Ye Feng wrapped his coat tightly. It was not only psychological effect, but also the temperature really decreased. As soon as he entered this dilapidated urban area, Ye Feng felt the wind blowing on him, which seemed to be colder.

He came for two women.

The woman in the picture who killed him and instructed Rihanna to do it. Ye Feng came for them.

In a short conversation with Rihanna and the woman yesterday, Ye Feng had foresight and put a micro tracker on Rihanna's clothes when he came forward and hugged Rihanna's shoulder. Because he saw the unexpected Rihanna, and Rihanna was standing close to his task goal, Ye Feng subconsciously made this move.

Thanks to him.

Although Ye Feng did not expect that after he put the tracker on Rihanna's clothes, he was shot and killed by Rihanna only a few minutes later, but thanks to Ye Feng's superfluous move, he could lock the position of Rihanna and the woman again without effort.

Different from before, Ye Feng doesn't just want to see the woman (for the entrustment, Ye Feng was forgotten by him at the moment he saw the photo). He wants to find out what the woman did to his Rihanna and how to do it. He has too many questions to be answered by this snake hearted woman. Of course, Ye Feng also admits that he really wants to get close to her.

A fair lady, a gentleman.

I am not a gentleman, simply, she is not a lady. Ye Feng stood in front of a dark corridor, thinking wildly.

After raising money for a few seconds, Ye Feng stepped into the six story building. This dilapidated six storey building is an old residential building that can be seen everywhere in the last century. Now all communities have been covered by high-rise buildings. Such an old building may only be seen in the most dilapidated slum in lansdanton.

After all, every inch of land is worth every inch of money. There are only six storey buildings, and the utilization rate of land is too low.

In the dark corridor, even the voice control light is on and off. As long as Ye Feng increases his pace and stomps his feet, the voice control light emitting warm orange light will flicker like an old man from time to time. Ye Feng was disgusted to avoid the sundries hiding in the stairs, all kinds of paper boxes, express bags, garbage and waste furniture. Ye Feng even saw the particularly old water tank and buckled it at the corner of the upstairs.

They can really hide... Ye Feng carefully avoided a dusty old bicycle and stood in front of the anti-theft door on the left hand side of the fifth floor, thinking about how to open the anti-theft door in front of him.

"Hello, I need to report --" Ye Feng cleared his throat and blocked the cat's eye on the anti-theft door with his fingers. He just said a few words, and the anti-theft door in front of him opened directly, "Er, Rihanna, hi, you are still as beautiful as ever today."

"Ye Feng, I'm sorry," Rihanna said softly, "what happened yesterday was an accident. I didn't want to do that to you, but Ann Lana mistook you for pestering me, so she was very extreme --"

"It's all right, honey," Ye Feng naturally walked into the house, held Rihanna with great apology at the door, and gently kissed the wheat colored forehead of the Latin American beauty, "I know that's not your intention. You don't have time to love me. How can you want to kill me? Well, Ann Lanna is?"

"Hello, I'm sorry for killing you yesterday," the woman in the picture, that is, an Lanna in Rihanna's mouth, came out of the living room and said to Ye Feng with a smile, "but seeing you alive and kicking, my inner sense of guilt has been reduced a lot."

"Excuse me," Ye Feng took off his leather shoes, put on a pair of slippers and walked into the house with an area of about 100 square meters. The nostalgic style in the house made Ye Feng feel very novel. He had only seen such decoration style in TV dramas, which had the texture of the 1980s and 1990s.

"Are you here to track me down?"

After Ye Feng is in place on the sofa, Ann Lana asks Rihanna to prepare coffee. She sits in front of Ye Feng and asks directly.

"It's true." Ye Feng was still surprised that Rihanna went to make coffee so meekly, and replied in a numb way.

"Is it?"

"To tell you the truth, I don't care about the millions of Asian dollars. I spent a lot of money to find you. But it doesn't matter. I just want to, um, how to say... Just want to talk to you face-to-face, like now, men and women."

Ye Feng didn't know why he confided all his real thoughts under the gaze of an Lanna. He had forgotten all the opening remarks and jokes he had thought about on the road. He just wanted to talk to the beautiful woman in front of him.

Damn it, why am I like a first brother? I don't have any city government at all? Ye Feng felt a little strange in his heart.

"Rihanna, don't be busy, sit down." seeing Rihanna carrying two cups of coffee into the living room, Ann Lana patted the vacant seat next to her, and called Rihanna, who put down the coffee to not disturb the conversation. The latter sat meekly beside Ann Lana. Two beautiful women leaned close together hand in hand, which made Ye Feng feel a little embarrassed.

"Well," Ye Feng hesitated for a moment, but still hardened his head and asked, "what's your relationship? A best friend?"

"No," Ann Lana smiled and shook her head. Under Ye Feng's shocked gaze, she kissed Rihanna's lips, "she is my lover."

"... I said, Ms. an Lanna, it's a bit outrageous for you to loosen the soil for other people's flower pots in front of me..." said Ye Fengsheng. Although this possibility has long been thought of, Ye Feng has been selectively ignoring it.

Lily is infinitely good, but it can't be born? Looking at the beautiful scenery close at hand, Ye Feng suddenly jumped out of his mind.

"I also just learned that you are Rihanna's lover." Ann Lana lifted her hair and missed a beat in Ye Feng's heart, "but it doesn't contradict Rihanna's love for me."

"Fall in love with you?" Ye Feng shook his head and recovered from dizziness. "I don't know what means you used, but I warn you that if you dare to manipulate Rihanna to fall in love with you, I promise I will make your beautiful face --"

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